# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import yaml from murano.common.helpers import path from murano.packages import exceptions from murano.packages import package_base RESOURCES_DIR_NAME = 'Resources/' class YAQL(object): def __init__(self, expr): self.expr = expr class Dumper(yaml.SafeDumper): pass def yaql_representer(dumper, data): return dumper.represent_scalar(u'!yaql', data.expr) Dumper.add_representer(YAQL, yaql_representer) class CloudifyToscaPackage(package_base.PackageBase): def __init__(self, format_name, runtime_version, source_directory, manifest): super(CloudifyToscaPackage, self).__init__( format_name, runtime_version, source_directory, manifest) self._entry_point = manifest.get('EntryPoint', 'main.yaml') self._generated_class = None self._generated_ui = None @property def classes(self): return self.full_name, @property def requirements(self): return { 'org.getcloudify.murano': '0' } @property def ui(self): if not self._generated_ui: self._generated_ui = self._generate_ui() return self._generated_ui def get_class(self, name): if name != self.full_name: raise exceptions.PackageClassLoadError( name, 'Class not defined in this package') if not self._generated_class: self._generated_class = self._generate_class() return self._generated_class, '' def _generate_class(self): inputs, outputs = self._get_inputs_outputs() class_code = { 'Name': self.full_name, 'Extends': 'org.getcloudify.murano.CloudifyApplication', 'Properties': self._generate_properties(inputs, outputs), 'Methods': { 'describe': self._generate_describe_method(inputs), 'updateOutputs': self._generate_update_outputs_method(outputs) } } return yaml.dump(class_code, Dumper=Dumper, default_style='"') @staticmethod def _generate_properties(inputs, outputs): contracts = {} for name, value in inputs.items(): prop = { 'Contract': YAQL('$.string().notNull()'), 'Usage': 'In' } if 'default' in value: prop['Default'] = value['default'] contracts[name] = prop for name in outputs.keys(): contracts[name] = { 'Contract': YAQL('$.string()'), 'Usage': 'Out' } return contracts def _generate_describe_method(self, inputs): input_values = { name: YAQL('$.' + name) for name in inputs.keys() } return { 'Body': [{ 'Return': { 'entryPoint': self._entry_point, 'inputs': input_values } }] } @staticmethod def _generate_update_outputs_method(outputs): assignments = [ {YAQL('$.' + name): YAQL('$outputs.get({0})'.format(name))} for name in outputs.keys() ] return { 'Arguments': [{ 'outputs': { 'Contract': { YAQL('$.string().notNull()'): YAQL('$') } } }], 'Body': assignments } def _get_inputs_outputs(self): entry_point_path = path.secure_join( self.source_directory, RESOURCES_DIR_NAME, self._entry_point) with open(entry_point_path) as blueprint: data = yaml.safe_load(blueprint) return data.get('inputs') or {}, data.get('outputs') or {} def _generate_application_ui_section(self, inputs, package_name=None, package_version=None): section = { key: YAQL( '$.appConfiguration.' + key) for key in inputs.keys() } section.update({ '?': { 'type': self.full_name } }) if package_name: section['?']['package'] = package_name if package_version: section['?']['classVersion'] = package_version return section @staticmethod def _generate_form_ui_section(inputs): fields = [ { 'name': key, 'label': key.title().replace('_', ' '), 'type': 'string', 'required': True, 'description': value.get('description', key) } for key, value in inputs.items() ] return [{ 'appConfiguration': { 'fields': fields } }] def _generate_ui(self): inputs, outputs = self._get_inputs_outputs() ui = { 'Version': '2.2', 'Application': self._generate_application_ui_section( inputs, self.full_name, str(self.version)), 'Forms': self._generate_form_ui_section(inputs) } return yaml.dump(ui, Dumper=Dumper, default_style='"')