.. Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http//www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. .. _client: ============= Murano client ============= Module python-muranoclient comes with CLI *murano* utility, that interacts with Murano application catalog Installation ============ To install latest murano CLI client run the following command in your shell:: pip install python-muranoclient Alternatively you can checkout the latest version from https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/python-muranoclient Using CLI client ================ In order to use the CLI, you must provide your OpenStack username, password, tenant name or id, and auth endpoint. Use the corresponding arguments (``--os-username``, ``--os-password``, ``--os-tenant-name`` or ``--os-tenant-id``, ``--os-auth-url`` and ``--murano-url``) or set corresponding environment variables:: export OS_USERNAME=user export OS_PASSWORD=password export OS_TENANT_NAME=tenant export OS_AUTH_URL=http://auth.example.com:5000/v2.0 export MURANO_URL=http://murano.example.com:8082/ Once you've configured your authentication parameters, you can run ``murano help`` to see a complete listing of available commands and arguments and ``murano help `` to get help on specific subcommand. Bash completion =============== To get the latest bash completion script download `murano.bash_completion`_ from the source repository and add it to your completion scripts. .. _murano.bash_completion: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/python-muranoclient/plain/tools/murano.bash_completion Listing currently installed packages ==================================== To get list of currently installed packages run:: murano package-list To show details about specific package run:: murano package-show Importing packages in Murano ============================ ``package-import`` subcommand can install packages in several different ways: * from a locall file * from a http url * from murano app repository When creating a package you can specify it's categories with ``-c/--categories`` and set it's publicity with ``--public`` To import a local package run:: murano package-import /path/to/package.zip To import a package from http url run:: murano package-import http://example.com/path/to/package.zip And finally you can import a package from Murano repository. To do so you have to specify base url for the repository with ``--murano-repo-url`` or with the corresponding ``MURANO_REPO_URL`` environment variable. After doing so, running:: murano --murano-repo-url="http://example.com/" package-import io.app.foo would access specified repository and download app ``io.app.foo`` from it's app directory. This option supports an optional ``--version`` parameter, that would instruct murano client to download package of a specific version. ``package-import`` inspects package requirements specified in the package's manifest under `Require` section and attempts to import them from Murano Repository. ``package-import`` also inspects any image prerequisites, mentioned in the `images.lst` file in the package. If there are any image requirements client would inspect images already present in the image database. Unless image with the specific name and hash is present client would attempt to download it. For more info about specifying images and requirements for the package see package creation docs: :ref:`app_pkg`. If any of the packages, being installed is already registered in Murano, client would ask you what do do with it. You can specify the default action with ``--exists-action``, passing `s` for skip, `u` for update, and `a` for abort. Importing bundles of packages in Murano ======================================= ``package-import`` subcommand can install packages in several different ways: * from a locall file * from a http url * from murano app repository When creating a package you can specify it's categories with ``-c/--categories`` and set it's publicity with ``--public`` To import a local bundle run:: murano bundle-import /path/to/bundle To import a bundle from http url run:: murano bundle-import http://example.com/path/to/bundle To import a bundle from murano repository run:: murano bundle-import bundle_name Note: When importing from a local file packages would first be searched in a directory, relative to the directory containing the bundle file itself. This is done to facilitate installing bundles in an environment with no access to the repository itself. Deleting packages from murano ============================= To delete a package run:: murano package-delete Downloading package file ======================== Running:: murano package-download > file.zip would download the zip archive with specified package Creating a package ================== Murano client is able to create application packages from package source files/directories. To find out more about this command run:: murano help package-create This command is useful, when application package files are spread across several directories, and for auto-generating packages from heat templates For more info about package composition please see package creation docs: :ref:`app_pkg`. Managing Environments ===================== It is possible to create/update/delete environments with following commands:: murano environment-create murano environment-delete murano environment-list murano environment-rename murano environment-show You can get list of deployments for environment with:: murano deployment-list Managing Categories =================== It is possible to create/update/delete categories with following commands:: murano category-create murano category-delete [ ...] murano category-list murano category-show Managing environment templates ============================== It is possible to manage environment templates with following commands:: murano env-template-create murano env-template-add-app murano env-template-del-app murano env-template-delete murano env-template-list murano env-template-show murano env-template-update