
289 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import base64
import json
import uuid
import muranoclient.client as client
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
import six
from webob import exc
from murano.api.v1.cloudfoundry import auth as keystone_auth
from murano.common.i18n import _LI, _LW
from murano.common import wsgi
from murano import context
from murano.db.catalog import api as db_api
from import cf_connections as db_cf
cfapi_opts = [
cfg.StrOpt('tenant', default='admin',
help=('Tenant for service broker')),
cfg.StrOpt('bind_host', default='localhost',
help=('host for service broker')),
cfg.StrOpt('bind_port', default='8083',
help=('host for service broker')),
cfg.StrOpt('auth_url', default='localhost:5000/v2.0')]
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONF.register_opts(cfapi_opts, group='cfapi')
class Controller(object):
"""WSGI controller for application catalog resource in Murano v1 API"""
def _package_to_service(self, package):
srv = {}
srv['id'] =
srv['name'] =
srv['description'] = package.description
srv['bindable'] = True
srv['tags'] = []
for tag in package.tags:
plan = {'id': + '-1',
'name': 'default',
'description': 'Default plan for the service {name}'.format(}
srv['plans'] = [plan]
return srv
def _check_auth(self, req, tenant=None):
auth = req.headers.get('Authorization', None)
if auth is None:
raise exc.HTTPUnauthorized(explanation='Bad credentials')
auth_info = auth.split(' ')[1]
auth_decoded = base64.b64decode(auth_info)
user = auth_decoded.split(':')[0]
password = auth_decoded.split(':')[1]
if tenant:
keystone = keystone_auth.authenticate(user, password, tenant)
keystone = keystone_auth.authenticate(user, password)
return (user, password, keystone)
def _make_service(self, name, package, plan_id):
id = uuid.uuid4().hex
return {"name": name,
"?": {plan_id: {"name":},
"type": package.fully_qualified_name,
"id": id}}
def _get_service(self, env, service_id):
for service in
if service['?']['id'] == service_id:
return service
return None
def list(self, req):
user, _, keystone = self._check_auth(req)
# Once we get here we were authorized by keystone
token = keystone.auth_token
ctx = context.RequestContext(user=user, tenant='', auth_token=token)
packages = db_api.package_search({'type': 'application'}, ctx,
services = []
for package in packages:
resp = {'services': services}
return resp
def provision(self, req, body, instance_id):
"""Here is the example of request body given us from Cloud Foundry:
"service_id": "service-guid-here",
"plan_id": "plan-guid-here",
"organization_guid": "org-guid-here",
"space_guid": "space-guid-here",
"parameters": {"param1": "value1",
"param2": "value2"}
data = json.loads(req.body)
space_guid = data['space_guid']
org_guid = data['organization_guid']
plan_id = data['plan_id']
service_id = data['service_id']
parameters = data['parameters']
self.current_session = None
# Here we'll take an entry for CF org and space from db. If we
# don't have any entries we will create it from scratch.
tenant = db_cf.get_tenant_for_org(org_guid)
except AttributeError:
# FIXME(Kezar): need to find better way to get tenant
tenant = CONF.cfapi.tenant
db_cf.set_tenant_for_org(org_guid, tenant)"Cloud Foundry {org_id} mapped to tenant "
# Now as we have all parameters we can try to auth user in actual
# tenant
user, _, keystone = self._check_auth(req, tenant)
# Once we get here we were authorized by keystone
token = keystone.auth_token
m_cli = muranoclient(token)
environment_id = db_cf.get_environment_for_space(space_guid)
except AttributeError:
body = {'name': 'my_{uuid}'.format(uuid=uuid.uuid4().hex)}
env = m_cli.environments.create(body)
environment_id =
db_cf.set_environment_for_space(space_guid, environment_id)"Cloud Foundry {space_id} mapped to {environment_id}")
LOG.debug('Keystone endpoint: {0}'.format(keystone.auth_ref))
tenant_id = keystone.project_id
ctx = context.RequestContext(user=user, tenant=tenant_id)
package = db_api.package_get(service_id, ctx)
LOG.debug('Adding service {name}'.format(
service = self._make_service(space_guid, package, plan_id)
db_cf.set_instance_for_service(instance_id, service['?']['id'],
environment_id, tenant)
# NOTE(Kezar): Here we are going through JSON and add ids where
# it's necessary
params = [parameters]
while params:
a = params.pop()
for k, v in a.iteritems():
if isinstance(v, dict):
if k == '?':
v['id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex
# Now we need to obtain session to modify the env
session_id = create_session(m_cli, environment_id),
m_cli.sessions.deploy(environment_id, session_id)
self.current_session = session_id
return {}
def deprovision(self, req, instance_id):
service = db_cf.get_service_for_instance(instance_id)
if not service:
return {}
service_id = service.service_id
environment_id = service.environment_id
tenant = service.tenant
_, _, keystone = self._check_auth(req, tenant)
# Once we get here we were authorized by keystone
token = keystone.auth_token
m_cli = muranoclient(token)
session_id = create_session(m_cli, environment_id)
except exc.HTTPForbidden:
# FIXME(Kezar): this is a temporary solution, should be replaced
# with 'incomplete' response for Cloud Foudry as soon as we will
# know which is right format for it.
LOG.warning(_LW("Can't create new session. Please remove service "
"manually in environment {0}")
return {}, '/' + service_id, session_id)
m_cli.sessions.deploy(environment_id, session_id)
return {}
def bind(self, req, body, instance_id, app_id):
filtered = [u'?', u'instance']
db_service = db_cf.get_service_for_instance(instance_id)
if not db_service:
return {}
service_id = db_service.service_id
environment_id = db_service.environment_id
tenant = db_service.tenant
_, _, keystone = self._check_auth(req, tenant)
# Once we get here we were authorized by keystone
token = keystone.auth_token
m_cli = muranoclient(token)
session_id = create_session(m_cli, environment_id)
env = m_cli.environments.get(environment_id, session_id)
LOG.debug('Got environment {0}'.format(env))
service = self._get_service(env, service_id)
LOG.debug('Got service {0}'.format(service))
credentials = {}
for k, v in six.iteritems(service):
if k not in filtered:
credentials[k] = v
return {'credentials': credentials}
def unbind(self, req, instance_id, app_id):
"""Unsupported functionality
murano doesn't support this kind of functionality, so we just need
to create a stub where the call will come. We can't raise something
like NotImplementedError because we will have problems on Cloud Foundry
side. The best way now it to return empty dict which will be correct
answer for Cloud Foundry.
return {}
def get_last_operation(self):
"""Not implemented functionality
For some reason it's difficult to provide a valid JSON with the
response code which is needed for our broker to be true asynchronous.
In that case last_operation API call is not supported.
raise NotImplementedError
def muranoclient(token_id):
endpoint = "http://{murano_host}:{murano_port}".format(
murano_host=CONF.bind_host, murano_port=CONF.bind_port)
insecure = False
LOG.debug('murano client created. Murano::Client <Url: {endpoint}'.format(
return client.Client(1, endpoint=endpoint, token=token_id,
def create_session(client, environment_id):
id = client.sessions.configure(environment_id).id
return id
def create_resource():
return wsgi.Resource(Controller())