2017-09-20 02:43:05 +00:00

661 lines
16 KiB

# variables in header
description: |
A unique ID for tracking service request. The request ID associated
with the request by default appears in the service logs.
in: header
required: true
type: UUID
# variables in path
description: |
Indicates how to delete environment.
``True`` is used when just database must be cleaned.
``False`` is used if all resources used by environment must be destroyed.
in: path
required: false
default: false
type: boolean
description: |
The UUID of the action to be executed on the deployed environment.
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: |
The UUID of the category.
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: |
The UUID of the environment.
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: |
Allows to get a specific section of the model, for example
``defaultNetworks``, ``region`` or ``?`` or any of the subsections.
in: path
required: false
type: string
description: |
A name for the environment. Name must be at least
one non-white space symbol.
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: |
The UUID of the package.
in: path
required: true
type: string
The UUID of a service belonging to an environment template.
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: |
The UUID of the session.
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: |
The UUID of the task associated with an action executed on a deployed
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: |
The UUID of the environment template.
in: path
required: true
type: string
description: |
Indicates whether public environment templates are listed or not. The
following options are possible:
- ``True``. Public environments templates from all projects are listed.
- ``False``. Private environments templates from current project are
- ``empty``. All project templates plus public templates from all projects.
are listed
in: path
required: false
default: false
type: boolean
# variables in query
description: |
Indicates whether environments from all projects are listed.
``True`` environments from all projects are listed. Admin user required.
``False`` environments only from current project are listed (default like
option unspecified).
in: query
required: false
default: false
type: boolean
description: |
If ``false`` (default) - search packages, that current user can edit
(own for non-admin, all for admin). If ``true`` - search packages,
that current user can deploy (i.e. his own + public).
in: query
required: false
default: false
type: boolean
description: |
Allows to filter by categories.
in: query
required: false
type: string
description: |
Search only for packages, that use specified class.
in: query
required: false
type: string
description: |
Allows to filter by fully qualified name.
in: query
required: false
type: string
description: |
Include disabled packages in the result.
in: query
required: false
default: false
type: boolean
description: |
When present the maximum number of results returned will not exceed
the specified value. The typical pattern of limit and marker is to
make an initial limited request and then to use the ID of the last
package from the response as the marker parameter in a
subsequent limited request.
in: query
required: false
type: string
description: |
A package identifier marker may be specified. When present only
packages which occur after the identifier ID will be listed
in: query
required: false
type: string
description: |
Allows to sort packages by ``fqn``, ``name``, ``created``.
Created is default value.
in: query
required: false
type: string
description: |
Search only from packages owned by current project.
in: query
required: false
default: false
type: boolean
description: |
The filters that you want to use to search for packages in the
application catalog. If no filters query parameter is specified, the
application catalog API returns all packages allowed by the policy
settings. By using filters parameter, the API returns only the requested
set of packages that meet the filters. The list of filters includes:
* limit: the maximum number of packages to return
* type: the package type
* id: the package id
* category: the package category
* tag: the package tag
* class_name: the package class name
* fqn: the package fully qualified name
* name: the package name
in: query
required: false
type: string
description: |
Allows to filter by package id.
in: query
required: false
type: string
description: |
Allows to filter by package name.
in: query
required: false
type: string
description: |
Allows to filter package by type, e.g. ``application``, ``library``.
in: query
required: false
type: string
description: |
Gives opportunity to search specified data by all the
package parameters and order packages.
in: query
required: false
type: string
description: |
Indicates environments from specified tenant are listed. Admin user required.
in: query
required: false
type: string
# variables in body
description: |
The session that is currently `deploying` the environment. Returns the
`first` session id that is in ``DEPLOYING`` state for the environment.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
All categories available in the application catalog.
in: body
required: true
type: array
description: |
The author of the package.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
The UUID of the category.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
The name of the category.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
The list of packages associated with a package. Each package returned
includes its ``id``, ``fully_qualified_name``, and ``name``.
in: body
required: true
type: array
description: |
The class_definitions of the package.
in: body
required: true
type: array
description: |
The date and time when the resource was created. The date and time stamp
format is `ISO 8601 <>`_:
For example, ``2015-08-27T09:49:58-05:00``.
The ``±hh:mm`` value, if included, is the time zone as an offset
from UTC.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
The list of deployments for either the current environment or all
environments for the current tenant (project).
The following APIs control whether deployments by environment or by
project are returned:
* ``/deployments``: Returns all deployments for a project.
* ``/environments/{env_id}/deployments``: Returns all deployments for an
environment in a project.
in: body
required: true
type: array
description: |
The description of the package.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
Whether the package is browsed in the Application Catalog.
in: body
required: true
type: boolean
description: |
The default networking information of the environment. The information
includes the ``name`` of the network, along with the ``type`` and ``id``
of the network, contained in the ``?`` property.
An example ``defaultNetworks`` object looks like::
"defaultNetworks": {
"environment": {
"internalNetworkName": "net_two",
"?": {
"type": "io.murano.resources.ExistingNeutronNetwork",
"id": "594e94fcfe4c48ef8f9b55edb3b9f177"
"flat": null
in: body
required: true
type: object
description: |
The description of the environment.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
The UUID of the environment.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
Shows the most recent status of the environment for each service in the
environment. The response object includes detailed information
by ``service_id``.
in: body
required: true
type: object
description: |
The ``?`` section of the environment, containing information about the
environment model, including its ``type``, ``id`` and associated
in: body
required: true
type: object
description: |
A name for the environment. Name must be at least one non-white space
symbol and less than 256 characters long.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
A name for the environment. Name must be at least
one non-white space symbol.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
Current region of the environment.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
Current status of the environment. The available statuses are:
* **Ready to configure**. When the environment is new and contains no
* **Ready to deploy**. When the environment contains a component or multiple
components and is ready for deployment.
* **Ready**. When the environment has been successfully deployed.
* **Deploying**. When the deploying is in progress.
* **Deploy FAILURE**. When the deployment finished with errors.
* **Deleting**. When deleting of an environment is in progress.
* **Delete FAILURE**. You can abandon the environment in this case.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
Current version.
in: body
required: true
type: int
description: |
A list of ``environment`` object.
in: body
required: true
type: array
description: |
The fqn of the package.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
Whether the package is shared for other projects.
in: body
required: true
type: boolean
description: |
Current network of the environment.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
The owner id of the package.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
The categories associated with the package.
in: body
required: true
type: array
description: |
The number of packages associated with the category.
in: body
required: true
type: integer
description: |
A list of ``package`` object.
in: body
required: true
type: array
description: |
The upload package file.
in: body
required: true
type: object
description: |
The UUID of the package.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
The name of the package.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
The supplier info of the package.
in: body
required: true
type: object
description: |
The type of the package.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
Detailed region information for the cloud environment.
in: body
required: true
type: object
description: |
A list of ``service`` objects.
in: body
required: true
type: array
description: |
The UUID of the session.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
The current state of the environment. When a session is first
opened for the environment the state is ``opened``.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
The UUID of the session owner.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
The version of the session. It is tied to the version of the environment,
so that only sessions whose version matches that of the environment can
be deployed.
in: body
required: true
type: integer
description: |
The tags of the package.
in: body
required: true
type: array
description: |
The UUID of the task associated with an action executed on a deployed
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
The environment template description.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
The UUID of the environment template.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
Indicates whether an environment template is public or not.
- ``True``. The environment template is public. Can be cloned.
- ``False``. The environment template is private.
in: body
required: true
type: boolean
description: |
The name of the environment template. Only alphanumeric characters are
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
Detailed information about the ``service`` to be added to the environment
template. The ``service`` includes virtual resources and application
information. The virtual resources information is specified inside the
``instance`` object property. Application information is specified
inside the body of the ``service`` object.
The ``instance`` object properties include:
- ``assignFloatingIp``. Whether to assign a floating IP to the VM.
- ``keyname``. The key name of a key pair for the VM.
- ``image``. The image to be used to provision the VM.
- ``flavor``. The flavor to be used to provision the VM.
- ``?``. An object which includes the ``type`` of the server.
An example ``instance`` looks like::
"assignFloatingIp": "true",
"keyname": "mykeyname",
"image": "cloud-fedora-v3",
"flavor": "m1.medium",
"?": {
"type": "io.murano.resources.LinuxMuranoInstance",
"id": "ef984a74-29a4-45c0-b1dc-2ab9f075732e"
In addition, the ``service`` should also include the following:
- ``name``. The ``name`` of the application.
- ``?``. An object that includes the ``type`` and ``id`` of the
application. An example ``type`` is:
- ``port``: The port to be used by the application. The value must be
greater than 0 and less than 65536 (although formatted as a string).
The entire ``service`` looks like::
"instance": {
"assignFloatingIp": "true",
"keyname": "mykeyname",
"image": "cloud-fedora-v3",
"flavor": "m1.medium",
"?": {
"type": "io.murano.resources.LinuxMuranoInstance",
"id": "ef984a74-29a4-45c0-b1dc-2ab9f075732e"
"name": "orion",
"?": {
"type": "io.murano.apps.apache.Tomcat",
"id": "54cea43d-5970-4c73-b9ac-fea656f3c722"
"port": "8080"
in: body
required: true
type: object
description: |
The list of environment template ``service`` objects.
in: body
required: true
type: array
description: |
The current version of the environment template.
in: body
required: true
type: integer
description: |
The list of templates.
in: body
required: true
type: array
description: |
The UUID of the tenant. A tenant is also known as a project.
in: body
required: true
type: string
description: |
The date and time when the object was updated. The date and time stamp
format is `ISO 8601 <>`_:
For example, ``2015-08-27T09:49:58-05:00``.
The ``±hh:mm`` value, if included, is the time zone as an offset from UTC.
in: body
required: true
type: string