function is_protocol_enabled { local enabled=1 local protocol=$1 for temp in $DR_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS ;do if [ $protocol == $temp ] ; then enabled=0 fi done return $enabled } ############################## # BGP Section # ############################## function configure_dr_agent_bgp_config { cp $NEUTRON_DYNAMIC_ROUTING_DIR/etc/bgp_dragent.ini.sample $DR_AGENT_BGP_CONF_FILE iniset $DR_AGENT_BGP_CONF_FILE DEFAULT verbose True iniset $DR_AGENT_BGP_CONF_FILE DEFAULT debug $ENABLE_DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL iniset $DR_AGENT_BGP_CONF_FILE BGP bgp_router_id $BGP_ROUTER_ID } function configure_dr_agent_bgp_driver { if [ -z "$BGP_SPEAKER_DRIVER" ] ; then BGP_SPEAKER_DRIVER=$RYU_BGP_SPEAKER_DRIVER fi iniset $DR_AGENT_BGP_CONF_FILE BGP bgp_speaker_driver $BGP_SPEAKER_DRIVER } ############################# # Stack Install Section # ############################# #This API will be called for phase "install" function dr_install { setup_develop $NEUTRON_DYNAMIC_ROUTING_DIR if is_service_enabled q-dr && is_service_enabled q-svc; then mkdir -v -p $NEUTRON_CONF_DIR/policy.d cp -v $NEUTRON_DYNAMIC_ROUTING_DIR/etc/neutron/policy.d/dynamic_routing.conf $NEUTRON_CONF_DIR/policy.d if is_protocol_enabled BGP; then _neutron_service_plugin_class_add $BGP_PLUGIN fi fi } ############################# # Stack Post-config Section # ############################# #This API will be called for phase "post-config" function dr_generate_config_files { (cd $NEUTRON_DYNAMIC_ROUTING_DIR && exec ./tools/ } function dr_post_configure { if is_service_enabled q-dr-agent; then dr_generate_config_files if is_protocol_enabled BGP; then configure_dr_agent_bgp_config configure_dr_agent_bgp_driver fi fi } ############################# # Stack Extra Section # ############################# #This API will be called for phase "extra" function start_dr_agent { local process="$DR_AGENT_BINARY --config-file $NEUTRON_CONF " local bgp_parameter if is_protocol_enabled BGP; then bgp_parameter="--config-file $DR_AGENT_BGP_CONF_FILE" fi agent_process=$process$bgp_parameter if is_service_enabled q-dr-agent; then run_process q-dr-agent "$agent_process" fi } ############################# # Unstack Section # ############################# #This API will be called for unstack function stop_dr_agent { stop_process q-dr-agent }