
16 KiB

Command Lines

Neutron client has provided the command-line interfaces (CLI) to realize dynamic routing services supported by neutron-dynamic-routing project.

Current implementation only supports the command line interfaces for BGP functionality. For query on what specific neutron bgp commands are supported, enter:

$ neutron help | grep bgp


BGP Speaker Create

usage: neutron bgp-speaker-create [-h]
                                  [-f {html,json,json,shell,table,value,yaml,yaml}]
                                  [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]
                                  [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                  [--request-format {json}]
                                  [--tenant-id TENANT_ID] --local-as LOCAL_AS
                                  [--ip-version {4,6}]
                                  [--advertise-floating-ip-host-routes {True,False}]
                                  [--advertise-tenant-networks {True,False}]

Create a BGP Speaker with a specified NAME.

Positional Arguments


Name of the BGP speaker to create.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--local-as LOCAL_AS

Local AS number. (Integer in [1, 65535] is allowed.)

--ip-version {4,6}

IP version for the BGP speaker (default is 4)

--advertise-floating-ip-host-routes {True,False}

Whether to enable or disable the advertisement of floating-ip host routes by the BGP speaker. By default floating ip host routes will be advertised by the BGP speaker.

--advertise-tenant-networks {True,False}

Whether to enable or disable the advertisement of tenant network routes by the BGP speaker. By default tenant network routes will be advertised by the BGP speaker.

BGP Speaker List

usage: neutron bgp-speaker-list [-h]
                                [-f {csv,html,json,json,table,value,yaml,yaml}]
                                [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]
                                [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                [--request-format {json}] [-D] [-F FIELD]
                                [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                                [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List BGP speakers.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-D, --show-details

Show detailed information.

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server. You can repeat this option.

BGP Speaker Show

usage: neutron bgp-speaker-show [-h]
                                [-f {html,json,json,shell,table,value,yaml,yaml}]
                                [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]
                                [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                [--request-format {json}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given BGP speaker.

Positional Arguments


ID or name of the BGP speaker to look up.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-D, --show-details

Show detailed information.

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server. You can repeat this option.

BGP Speaker Delete

usage: neutron bgp-speaker-delete [-h] [--request-format {json}] BGP_SPEAKER

Delete a BGP speaker.

Positional Arguments


ID or name of the BGP speaker to delete.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

BGP Speaker Update

usage: neutron bgp-speaker-update [-h] [--request-format {json}] [--name NAME]
                                  [--advertise-floating-ip-host-routes {True,False}]
                                  [--advertise-tenant-networks {True,False}]

Update BGP Speaker's information.

Positional Arguments


ID or name of the BGP speaker to update.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--name NAME

Name of the BGP speaker to update.

--advertise-floating-ip-host-routes {True,False}

Whether to enable or disable the advertisement of floating-ip host routes by the BGP speaker. By default floating ip host routes will be advertised by the BGP speaker.

--advertise-tenant-networks {True,False}

Whether to enable or disable the advertisement of tenant network routes by the BGP speaker. By default tenant network routes will be advertised by the BGP speaker.

Add Network to BGP Speaker

usage: neutron bgp-speaker-network-add [-h] [--request-format {json}]
                                       BGP_SPEAKER NETWORK

Add a network to the BGP speaker.

Positional Arguments


ID or name of the BGP speaker.


ID or name of the network to add.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

Delete Network from BGP Speaker

usage: neutron bgp-speaker-network-remove [-h] [--request-format {json}]
                                          BGP_SPEAKER NETWORK

Remove a network from the BGP speaker.

Positional Arguments


ID or name of the BGP speaker.


ID or name of the network to remove.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

BGP Advertised Routes List

usage: neutron bgp-speaker-advertiseroute-list [-h]
                                               [-f {csv,html,json,json,table,value,yaml,yaml}]
                                               [-c COLUMN]
                                               [--max-width <integer>]
                                               [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                               [--request-format {json}] [-D]
                                               [-F FIELD] [-P SIZE]
                                               [--sort-key FIELD]
                                               [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List routes advertised by a given BGP speaker.

Positional Arguments


ID or name of the BGP speaker.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-D, --show-details

Show detailed information.

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server. You can repeat this option.

BGP Peer Create

usage: neutron bgp-peer-create [-h]
                               [-f {html,json,json,shell,table,value,yaml,yaml}]
                               [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]
                               [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                               [--request-format {json}]
                               [--tenant-id TENANT_ID] --peer-ip
                               PEER_IP_ADDRESS --remote-as PEER_REMOTE_AS
                               [--auth-type PEER_AUTH_TYPE]
                               [--password AUTH_PASSWORD]

Create a BGP Peer.

positional Arguments


Name of the BGP peer to create


Peer IP address.

--remote-as PEER_REMOTE_AS

Peer AS number. (Integer in [1, 65535] is allowed.)

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--auth-type PEER_AUTH_TYPE

Authentication algorithm. Supported algorithms: none(default), md5

--password AUTH_PASSWORD

Authentication password.

BGP Peer List

usage: neutron bgp-peer-list [-h]
                             [-f {csv,html,json,json,table,value,yaml,yaml}]
                             [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>] [--noindent]
                             [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                             [--request-format {json}] [-D] [-F FIELD]
                             [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                             [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List BGP peers.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-D, --show-details

Show detailed information.

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server. You can repeat this option.

BGP Peer Show

usage: neutron bgp-peer-show [-h]
                             [-f {html,json,json,shell,table,value,yaml,yaml}]
                             [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>] [--noindent]
                             [--prefix PREFIX] [--request-format {json}] [-D]
                             [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given BGP peer.

Positional Arguments


ID or name of the BGP peer to look up.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-D, --show-details

Show detailed information.

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server. You can repeat this option.

BGP Peer Delete

usage: neutron bgp-peer-delete [-h] [--request-format {json}] BGP_PEER

Delete a BGP peer.

Positional Arguments


ID or name of the BGP peer to delete.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

BGP Peer Update

usage: neutron bgp-peer-update [-h] [--request-format {json}] [--name NAME]
                               [--password AUTH_PASSWORD]

Update BGP Peer's information.

Positional Arguments


ID or name of the BGP peer to update.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--name NAME

Updated name of the BGP peer.

--password AUTH_PASSWORD

Updated authentication password.

Add Peer to BGP Speaker

usage: neutron bgp-speaker-peer-add [-h] [--request-format {json}]
                                    BGP_SPEAKER BGP_PEER

Add a peer to the BGP speaker.

Positional Arguments


ID or name of the BGP speaker.


ID or name of the BGP peer to add.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

Delete Peer from BGP Speaker

usage: neutron bgp-speaker-peer-remove [-h] [--request-format {json}]
                                       BGP_SPEAKER BGP_PEER

Remove a peer from the BGP speaker.

Positional Arguments


ID or name of the BGP speaker.


ID or name of the BGP peer to remove.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

Add BGP Speaker to Dynamic Routing Agent

usage: neutron bgp-dragent-speaker-add [-h] [--request-format {json}]
                                       BGP_DRAGENT_ID BGP_SPEAKER

Add a BGP speaker to a Dynamic Routing agent.

Positional Arguments


ID of the Dynamic Routing agent.


ID or name of the BGP speaker.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

Delete BGP Speaker from Dynamic Routing Agent

usage: neutron bgp-dragent-speaker-remove [-h] [--request-format {json}]
                                          BGP_DRAGENT_ID BGP_SPEAKER

Removes a BGP speaker from a Dynamic Routing agent.

Positional Arguments


ID of the Dynamic Routing agent.


ID or name of the BGP speaker.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

List BGP Speakers hosted by a Dynamic Routing Agent

usage: neutron bgp-speaker-list-on-dragent [-h]
                                           [-f {csv,html,json,json,table,value,yaml,yaml}]
                                           [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]
                                           [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                           [--request-format {json}] [-D]
                                           [-F FIELD]

List BGP speakers hosted by a Dynamic Routing agent.

Positional Arguments


ID of the Dynamic Routing agent.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-D, --show-details

Show detailed information.

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server. You can repeat this option.

List Dynamic Routing Agents Hosting a BGP Speaker

usage: neutron bgp-dragent-list-hosting-speaker [-h]
                                                [-f {csv,html,json,json,table,value,yaml,yaml}]
                                                [-c COLUMN]
                                                [--max-width <integer>]
                                                [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                                [--request-format {json}] [-D]
                                                [-F FIELD]

List Dynamic Routing agents hosting a BGP speaker.

Positional Arguments


ID or name of the BGP speaker.

Optional Arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-D, --show-details

Show detailed information.

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server. You can repeat this option.