Dr. Jens Harbott e9529f7dc5 Add a reno for the fixed address scope calculation
[0] Ic6d48a86043aaf4b458bb2230883a355fc841ee9

Change-Id: Ia3593a6d2183c7621a5a39bf1a3023fc28e0f5ed
2023-03-03 14:33:16 +01:00
.placeholder Prepare initial sandbox for neutron-dynamic-routing 2016-04-23 04:11:57 +00:00
add-static-scheduler-a3b0f54b964ae306.yaml Add a StaticScheduler without automatic scheduling 2021-11-04 15:21:51 +01:00
drop-py27-support-795303ca12cccd34.yaml Drop python 2 support and testing 2019-12-17 15:08:25 +01:00
drop-python-3-6-and-3-7-efc3424202bf3f90.yaml Update python testing as per zed cycle teting runtime 2022-05-11 22:24:21 -05:00
dvr-aware-announcements-24bfcb8fee87161d.yaml Implement DVR-aware fixed IP lookups 2019-03-03 10:00:06 -06:00
fix-address-scope-calculation-c8ac84662a6547bd.yaml Add a reno for the fixed address scope calculation 2023-03-03 14:33:16 +01:00
mp-bgp-support-d408e8569e94d07f.yaml Enable MP-BGP capabilities in Ryu BGP driver 2019-02-28 08:20:39 -06:00
rehome-dynamic-routing-apidef-d656e3273baac4e8.yaml Use bgp api-def from neutron-lib 2021-05-31 12:32:55 +00:00
rpc-workers-4941f3b9136418df.yaml Add releasenotes for fixes made in this cycle 2022-09-14 13:19:29 +02:00
sqlalchemy-20-abaa3d2895131ab4.yaml Add releasenotes for fixes made in this cycle 2022-09-14 13:19:29 +02:00
static-scheduler-2288b8173f9357a6.yaml Add releasenotes for fixes made in this cycle 2022-09-14 13:19:29 +02:00
support-4byte-asn-d89d7100c0890ebf.yaml Support 4-Byte AS Numbers 2017-11-06 09:39:34 +00:00