=========================================== DevStack plugin for neutron-fwaas-dashboard =========================================== This is setup as a DevStack plugin. For more information on DevStack plugins, see the `DevStack Plugins documentation `__. How to enable FWaaS v1 dsashboard --------------------------------- Add the following to the localrc section of your local.conf. You need to configure FWaaS v1 DevStack plugin as well. If ``q-fwaas-v1`` (or ``q-fwaas``) is enabled, FWaaS v1 dashboard ``neutron-fwaas-v1-dashboard`` is automatically enabled. .. code-block:: none [[local|localrc]] enable_plugin neutron-fwaas https://git.openstack.org/openstack/neutron-fwaas master enable_service q-fwaas-v1 enable_plugin neutron-fwaas-dashboard https://git.openstack.org/openstack/neutron-fwaas-dashboard master If you run horizon in a separate server from neutron server and neutron-fwaas is not configured, ``neutron-fwaas-v1-dashboard`` is enabled by default. How to enable FWaaS v2 dsashboard --------------------------------- Coming soon.