# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2011 Citrix Systems # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import gettext gettext.install('quantum', unicode=1) from miniclient import MiniClient from quantum.common.wsgi import Serializer HOST = '' PORT = 9696 USE_SSL = False TENANT_ID = 'totore' test_network_data = \ {'network': {'network-name': 'test' }} def print_response(res): content = res.read() print "Status: %s" %res.status print "Content: %s" %content return content def test_list_networks_and_ports(format = 'xml'): client = MiniClient(HOST, PORT, USE_SSL) print "TEST LIST NETWORKS AND PORTS -- FORMAT:%s" %format print "----------------------------" print "--> Step 1 - List All Networks" res = client.do_request(TENANT_ID,'GET', "/networks." + format) print_response(res) print "--> Step 2 - Details for Network 001" res = client.do_request(TENANT_ID,'GET', "/networks/001." + format) print_response(res) print "--> Step 3 - Ports for Network 001" res = client.do_request(TENANT_ID,'GET', "/networks/001/ports." + format) print_response(res) print "--> Step 4 - Details for Port 1" res = client.do_request(TENANT_ID,'GET', "/networks/001/ports/1." + format) print_response(res) print "COMPLETED" print "----------------------------" def test_create_network(format = 'xml'): client = MiniClient(HOST, PORT, USE_SSL) print "TEST CREATE NETWORK -- FORMAT:%s" %format print "----------------------------" print "--> Step 1 - Create Network" content_type = "application/" + format body = Serializer().serialize(test_network_data, content_type) res = client.do_request(TENANT_ID,'POST', "/networks." + format, body=body) print_response(res) print "--> Step 2 - List All Networks" res = client.do_request(TENANT_ID,'GET', "/networks." + format) print_response(res) print "COMPLETED" print "----------------------------" def test_rename_network(format = 'xml'): client = MiniClient(HOST, PORT, USE_SSL) content_type = "application/" + format print "TEST RENAME NETWORK -- FORMAT:%s" %format print "----------------------------" print "--> Step 1 - Retrieve network" res = client.do_request(TENANT_ID,'GET', "/networks/001." + format) print_response(res) print "--> Step 2 - Rename network to 'test_renamed'" test_network_data['network']['network-name'] = 'test_renamed' body = Serializer().serialize(test_network_data, content_type) res = client.do_request(TENANT_ID,'PUT', "/networks/001." + format, body=body) print_response(res) print "--> Step 2 - Retrieve network (again)" res = client.do_request(TENANT_ID,'GET', "/networks/001." + format) print_response(res) print "COMPLETED" print "----------------------------" def test_delete_network(format = 'xml'): client = MiniClient(HOST, PORT, USE_SSL) content_type = "application/" + format print "TEST DELETE NETWORK -- FORMAT:%s" %format print "----------------------------" print "--> Step 1 - List All Networks" res = client.do_request(TENANT_ID,'GET', "/networks." + format) content = print_response(res) network_data = Serializer().deserialize(content, content_type) print network_data net_id = network_data['networks'][0]['id'] print "--> Step 2 - Delete network %s" %net_id res = client.do_request(TENANT_ID,'DELETE', "/networks/" + net_id + "." + format) print_response(res) print "--> Step 3 - List All Networks (Again)" res = client.do_request(TENANT_ID,'GET', "/networks." + format) print_response(res) print "COMPLETED" print "----------------------------" def test_create_port(format = 'xml'): client = MiniClient(HOST, PORT, USE_SSL) print "TEST CREATE PORT -- FORMAT:%s" %format print "----------------------------" print "--> Step 1 - List Ports for network 001" res = client.do_request(TENANT_ID,'GET', "/networks/001/ports." + format) print_response(res) print "--> Step 2 - Create Port for network 001" res = client.do_request(TENANT_ID,'POST', "/networks/001/ports." + format) print_response(res) print "--> Step 3 - List Ports for network 001 (again)" res = client.do_request(TENANT_ID,'GET', "/networks/001/ports." + format) print_response(res) print "COMPLETED" print "----------------------------" def main(): test_list_networks_and_ports('xml') test_list_networks_and_ports('json') test_create_network('xml') test_create_network('json') test_rename_network('xml') test_rename_network('json') # NOTE: XML deserializer does not work properly # disabling XML test - this is NOT a server-side issue #test_delete_network('xml') test_delete_network('json') test_create_port('xml') test_create_port('json') pass # Standard boilerplate to call the main() function. if __name__ == '__main__': main()