# Copyright (c) 2017 Fujitsu Limited # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from neutron.agent.linux import utils as linux_utils from neutron_lib import constants from oslo_log import log as logging from neutron_fwaas.services.firewall.service_drivers.agents.drivers import\ conntrack_base LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) IP_VERSIONS = [constants.IP_VERSION_4, constants.IP_VERSION_6] ATTR_POSITIONS = { 'icmp': (('type', 5), ('code', 6), ('src', 3), ('dst', 4), ('id', 7)), 'icmpv6': (('type', 5), ('code', 6), ('src', 3), ('dst', 4), ('id', 7)), 'tcp': (('sport', 6), ('dport', 7), ('src', 4), ('dst', 5)), 'udp': (('sport', 5), ('dport', 6), ('src', 3), ('dst', 4)) } class ConntrackLegacy(conntrack_base.ConntrackDriverBase): def initialize(self, execute=None): LOG.debug('Initialize Conntrack Legacy') self.execute = execute or linux_utils.execute def flush_entries(self, namespace): prefixcmd = ['ip', 'netns', 'exec', namespace] if namespace else [] cmd = prefixcmd + ['conntrack', '-D'] self._execute_command(cmd) def delete_entries(self, rules, namespace): rule_filters = sorted(self._get_filter_from_rule(r) for r in rules) delete_entries = self._get_entries_to_delete( rule_filters, self.list_entries(namespace)) for delete_entry in delete_entries: cmd = self._get_conntrack_cmd_from_entry(delete_entry, namespace) self._execute_command(cmd) def _execute_command(self, cmd): try: output = self.execute(cmd, run_as_root=True, check_exit_code=True, extra_ok_codes=[1]) except RuntimeError: msg = "Failed execute conntrack command %s" % cmd raise RuntimeError(msg) return output def list_entries(self, namespace): """List and parse all conntrack entries :param namespace: namespace to get conntrack entries :returns: sorted list of conntrack entries in Python tuple for example: [(4, 'icmp', 8, 0, '', '', 1234), (4, 'tcp', 1, 2, '', '')] """ parsed_entries = [] prefixcmd = ['ip', 'netns', 'exec', namespace] if namespace else [] for ip_version in IP_VERSIONS: cmd = prefixcmd + ['conntrack', '-L', '-f', 'ipv' + str(ip_version)] raw_entries = self._execute_command(cmd).splitlines() for raw_entry in raw_entries: parsed_entry = self._parse_entry(raw_entry.split(), ip_version) if parsed_entry is not None: parsed_entries.append(parsed_entry) return sorted(parsed_entries) def _get_conntrack_cmd_from_entry(self, entry, namespace): prefixcmd = ['ip', 'netns', 'exec', namespace] if namespace else [] cmd = ['conntrack', '-D'] contrack_filter = ['-f', 'ipv' + str(entry[0]), '-p', entry[1]] if entry[1] in ['icmp', 'icmpv6']: contrack_filter.extend(['--icmp-type', entry[2], '--icmp-code', entry[3], '-s', entry[4], '-d', entry[5], '--icmp-id', entry[6]]) else: contrack_filter.extend(['--sport', entry[2], '--dport', entry[3], '-s', entry[4], '-d', entry[5]]) exec_cmd = prefixcmd + cmd + contrack_filter return exec_cmd def _parse_entry(self, entry, ip_version): """Parse entry from text to Python tuple :param entry: conntrack entry as a list of string :param ip_version: ip version 4 or 6 :returns: conntrack entry in Python tuple for example: (4, 'tcp', 1, 2, '', '') The attributes are ordered to be easy to compare with other entries and compare with firewall rule """ protocol = entry[0] if protocol not in ATTR_POSITIONS: LOG.warning( 'Skipping conntrack entry %s with unsupported protocol', entry) return None parsed_entry = [ip_version, protocol] for attr, position in ATTR_POSITIONS[protocol]: val = entry[position].partition('=')[2] parsed_entry.append(int(val) if attr in ['sport', 'dport', 'type', 'code', 'id'] else val) return tuple(parsed_entry) def _get_entries_to_delete(self, rule_filters, entries): """Specify conntrack entries to delete :param rule_filters: List of filters parsed from firewall rules :param entries: all entries within namespace :returns: conntrack entries to delete """ # List all entries from namespace, they are already parsed # to a list of tuples: # [(4, 'icmp', 8, 0, '', '', 1234), # (4, 'tcp', 1, 2, '', '')] delete_entries = [] entry_index = 0 entry_number = len(entries) for rule_filter in rule_filters: while entry_index < entry_number: # Compare entry with rule comp = self._compare_entry_and_rule_filter( rule_filter, entries[entry_index]) # Increase entry_index when entry is under rule if comp < 0: entry_index += 1 # Append entry to delete_entry if it matches with rule elif comp == 0: delete_entries.append(entries[entry_index]) entry_index += 1 # Switch to new higher rule else: break return delete_entries @staticmethod def _get_filter_from_rule(rule): """Parse the firewall rule to a tuple :param rule: firewall rule :returns: a tuple of parsed information """ rule_filter = [] keys = ('ip_version', 'protocol', 'source_port', 'destination_port', 'source_ip_address', 'destination_ip_address') for key in keys: if key in ('source_port', 'destination_port'): port_range = rule.get(key, []) if port_range: port_lower, sep, port_upper = port_range.partition(':') port_upper = port_upper if sep else port_lower port_range = [port_lower, port_upper] rule_filter.append(port_range or []) else: rule_filter.append(rule.get(key, [])) return tuple(rule_filter) @staticmethod def _compare_entry_and_rule_filter(rule_filter, entry): """Define that the entry should be deleted or not :param rule_filter: filter that is parsed from a firewall rule for example: (4, 'tcp', ['22', '33'], ['44', '55']) :param entry: parsed conntrack entry, for example: (4, 'tcp', 1, 2, '', '') :returns: -1 if entry is lower than rule 0 if entry matches rule, 1 if entry is higher than rule """ ENTRY_IS_LOWER = -1 ENTRY_MATCHES = 0 ENTRY_IS_HIGHER = 1 rule_ip_version = rule_filter[0] if entry[0] < rule_ip_version: return ENTRY_IS_LOWER elif entry[0] > rule_ip_version: return ENTRY_IS_HIGHER rule_protocol = rule_filter[1] if rule_protocol == constants.PROTO_NAME_IPV6_ICMP: rule_protocol = constants.PROTO_NAME_IPV6_ICMP_LEGACY if rule_protocol: if entry[1] < rule_protocol: return ENTRY_IS_LOWER elif entry[1] > rule_protocol: return ENTRY_IS_HIGHER sport_range = rule_filter[2] if sport_range: sport_range = [int(port) for port in sport_range] if entry[2] < min(sport_range[0], sport_range[-1]): return ENTRY_IS_LOWER elif entry[2] > max(sport_range[0], sport_range[-1]): return ENTRY_IS_HIGHER dport_range = rule_filter[3] if dport_range: dport_range = [int(port) for port in dport_range] if entry[3] < min(dport_range[0], dport_range[-1]): return ENTRY_IS_LOWER elif entry[3] > max(dport_range[0], dport_range[-1]): return ENTRY_IS_HIGHER return ENTRY_MATCHES