/* * Copyright 2015 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function () { 'use strict'; angular .module('horizon.dashboard.project.nlbaasv2') .factory('horizon.dashboard.project.nlbaasv2.workflow.workflow', lbaasWorkflow); lbaasWorkflow.$inject = [ 'horizon.dashboard.project.nlbaasv2.basePath', 'horizon.app.core.workflow.factory', 'horizon.framework.util.i18n.gettext' ]; function lbaasWorkflow(basePath, dashboardWorkflow, gettext) { var workflowSteps = [ { id: 'loadbalancer', title: gettext('Load Balancer Details'), templateUrl: basePath + 'workflow/loadbalancer/loadbalancer.html', helpUrl: basePath + 'workflow/loadbalancer/loadbalancer.help.html', formName: 'loadBalancerDetailsForm' }, { id: 'listener', title: gettext('Listener Details'), templateUrl: basePath + 'workflow/listener/listener.html', helpUrl: basePath + 'workflow/listener/listener.help.html', formName: 'listenerDetailsForm' }, { id: 'pool', title: gettext('Pool Details'), templateUrl: basePath + 'workflow/pool/pool.html', helpUrl: basePath + 'workflow/pool/pool.help.html', formName: 'poolDetailsForm' }, { id: 'members', title: gettext('Pool Members'), templateUrl: basePath + 'workflow/members/members.html', helpUrl: basePath + 'workflow/members/members.help.html', formName: 'memberDetailsForm' }, { id: 'monitor', title: gettext('Monitor Details'), templateUrl: basePath + 'workflow/monitor/monitor.html', helpUrl: basePath + 'workflow/monitor/monitor.help.html', formName: 'monitorDetailsForm' } ]; // This step is kept separate from the rest because it is only added to the workflow by // the Listener Details step if the TERMINATED_HTTPS protocol is selected. var certificatesStep = { id: 'certificates', title: gettext('SSL Certificates'), templateUrl: basePath + 'workflow/certificates/certificates.html', helpUrl: basePath + 'workflow/certificates/certificates.help.html', formName: 'certificateDetailsForm' }; return initWorkflow; function initWorkflow(title, icon, steps, promise) { var filteredSteps = steps ? workflowSteps.filter(function(step) { return steps.indexOf(step.id) > -1; }) : workflowSteps; // If a promise is provided then add a checkReadiness function to the first step so // that the workflow will not show until the promise is resolved. There must always // be at least one step in the workflow. if (promise) { filteredSteps[0] = angular.copy(filteredSteps[0]); filteredSteps[0].checkReadiness = function() { return promise; }; } return dashboardWorkflow({ title: title, btnText: { finish: title }, btnIcon: { finish: icon }, steps: filteredSteps, allSteps: workflowSteps, certificatesStep: certificatesStep }); } } })();