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# suhartono <>, 2017. #zanata
# suhartono <>, 2018. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: neutron-lbaas-dashboard VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-08-25 00:47+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-08-21 03:43+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: suhartono <>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian\n"
"Language: id\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.3\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
#, python-format
msgid "%(ip)s..."
msgstr "%(ip)s..."
msgid "A new health monitor is being created."
msgstr "Sebuah pemantauan kesehatan baru sedang dibuat."
msgid "A new listener is being created."
msgstr "Sebuah pendengar baru sedang dibuat."
msgid "A new load balancer is being created."
msgstr "Sebuah penyeimbang beban baru sedang dibuat."
msgid "A new pool is being created."
msgstr "Sebuah kolam baru sedang dibuat."
msgid ""
"A pool represents a group of members over which the load balancing will be "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah kolam mewakili sekelompok anggota dimana load balancing akan "
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Actions (tindakan)"
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Active (aktif)"
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Add (tambah)"
msgid "Add external member"
msgstr "Tambahkan anggota eksternal"
msgid "Add members to the load balancer pool."
msgstr "Tambahkan anggota ke kolam penyeimbang beban."
msgid "Add/Remove Pool Members"
msgstr "Add/Remove Pool Members (anggota kolam Add/Remove)"
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Address (alamat)"
msgid "Admin State Up"
msgstr "Admin State Up"
msgid "Allocated Members"
msgstr "Anggota yang dialokasikan"
msgid "An error occurred. Please try again later."
msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan. Silakan coba lagi nanti."
msgid "Associate"
msgstr "Associate (mengkaitkan)"
msgid "Associate Floating IP"
msgstr "Associate Floating IP (mengkaitkan IP mengambang)"
msgid "Associate Floating IP Address"
msgstr "Associate Floating IP Address (alamat IP mengambang asosiasi)"
msgid "Associating floating IP with load balancer."
msgstr "Pengkaitan IP mengambang dengan beban penyeimbang."
msgid "Available Instances"
msgstr "Instance yang tersedia"
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Back"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancel (batalkan)"
msgid "Certificate Name"
msgstr "Certificate Name (nama sertifikat)"
msgid "Confirm Delete Health Monitor"
msgstr "Confirm Delete Health Monitor (konfirmasi hapus pemantauan kesehatan)"
msgid "Confirm Delete Listeners"
msgstr "Confirm Delete Listeners (konfirmasi penghapusan pendengar)"
msgid "Confirm Delete Load Balancers"
msgstr "Confirm Delete Load Balancers (konfirmasi hapus beban penyeimbang)"
msgid "Confirm Delete Pool"
msgstr "Confirm Delete Pool (konfirmasi hapus kolam)"
msgid "Confirm Disassociate Floating IP Address"
msgstr "Konfirmasi pemisahan alamat IP mengambang"
msgid "Connection Limit"
msgstr "Connection Limit (batas koneksi)"
msgid "Create Health Monitor"
msgstr "Create Health Monitor (buat pemantauan kesehatan)"
msgid "Create Listener"
msgstr "Create Listener (buat pendengar)"
msgid "Create Load Balancer"
msgstr "Create Load Balancer (buat penyeimbang beban)"
msgid "Create Pool"
msgstr "Create Pool (buat kolam)"
msgid "Default Pool ID"
msgstr "Default Pool ID (ID pool default)"
msgid "Degraded"
msgstr "Degraded (diturunkan)"
msgid "Delay"
msgstr "Delay (menunda)"
msgid "Delete Health Monitor"
msgstr "Delete Health Monitor (hapus pemantauan kesehatan)"
msgid "Delete Listener"
msgstr "Delete Listener (hapus pendengar)"
msgid "Delete Listeners"
msgstr "Delete Listeners (hapus pendengar)"
msgid "Delete Load Balancer"
msgstr "Delete Load Balancer (hapus penyeimbang beban)"
msgid "Delete Load Balancers"
msgstr "Delete Load Balancers (hapus penyeimbang beban)"
msgid "Delete Pool"
msgstr "Delete Pool (hapus kolam)"
#, python-format
msgid "Deleted health monitor: %s."
msgstr "Pemantauan kesehatan yang dihapus: %s."
#, python-format
msgid "Deleted listeners: %s."
msgstr "Pendengar yang dihapus: %s."
#, python-format
msgid "Deleted load balancers: %s."
msgstr "Penyeimbang beban yang dihapus: %s."
#, python-format
msgid "Deleted pool: %s."
msgstr "Kolam yang dihapus: %s."
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description (gambaran)"
msgid "Disassociate"
msgstr "Disassociate (pemisahan)"
msgid "Disassociate Floating IP"
msgstr "Disassociate Floating IP (memisahkan IP mengambang)"
#, python-format
msgid "Disassociated floating IP address from load balancer: %s."
msgstr "Alamat IP mengambang yang dipisahkan dari penyeimbang beban: %s."
msgid ""
"Each port that listens for traffic on a particular load balancer is "
"configured separately and\n"
" tied to the load balancer. Multiple listeners can be associated with the "
"same load balancer but\n"
" each must use a unique port."
msgstr ""
"Setiap port yang mendengarkan lalu lintas pada penyeimbang beban tertentu "
"dikonfigurasi secara terpisah dan\n"
"   terikat penyeimbang beban. Beberapa pendengar dapat dikaitkan dengan "
"penyeimbang beban yang sama tetapi\n"
"   masing-masing harus menggunakan port yang unik."
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Edit"
msgid "Edit Pool"
msgstr "Edit Pool (edit kolam)"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Error (kesalahan)"
msgid "Expected Codes"
msgstr "Expected Codes (kode yang diharapkan)"
msgid "Expected status codes"
msgstr "Expected status codes (kode status yang diharapkan)"
msgid "Expected status codes:"
msgstr "Kode status yang diharapkan:"
msgid "Expiration Date"
msgstr "Expiration Date (tanggal kadaluarsa)"
msgid "Floating IP Address"
msgstr "Floating IP Address (alamat IP mengambang)"
msgid "Floating IP addresses"
msgstr "Floating IP addresses (alamat IP mengambang)"
msgid "Floating IP pools"
msgstr "Floating IP pools (pool IP mengambang)"
msgid "HTTP Method"
msgstr "HTTP Method (metode HTTP)"
msgid "HTTP method"
msgstr "HTTP method (methode HTTP)"
msgid "HTTP method:"
msgstr "HTTP method:"
msgid "Health Monitor ID"
msgstr "Health Monitor ID (ID pemantauan kesehatan)"
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
msgid "IP Address"
msgstr "IP Address (alamat IP)"
#, python-format
msgid "IP Addresses (%(count)s)"
msgstr "Alamat IP (%(count)s)"
msgid "IP address"
msgstr "Alamat IP"
msgid "IP address:"
msgstr "Alamat IP:"
msgid ""
"If an IP address is provided it must be a well-formed IPv4 or IPv6 address. "
"The system will\n"
" attempt to assign the provided IP address to the load balancer. If an IP "
"address is not provided\n"
" then one will be allocated for you."
msgstr ""
"Jika alamat IP diberikan, alamat IPv4 atau IPv6 yang terbentuk dengan baik. "
"Sistem akan\n"
"   mencoba menetapkan alamat IP yang diberikan ke load balancer. Jika alamat "
"IP tidak disediakan\n"
"   maka satu akan dialokasikan untuk Anda."
msgid ""
"If the listener uses the TERMINATED_HTTPS protocol, then one or more SSL "
"certificates must\n"
" be selected. The first certificate will be the default."
msgstr ""
"Jika pendengar menggunakan protokol TERMINATED_HTTPS, maka satu atau lebih "
"sertifikat SSL harus\n"
"   dipilih. Sertifikat pertama akan menjadi default."
msgid "Inactive"
msgstr "Inactive"
msgid "Interval (sec)"
msgstr "Interval (sec)"
msgid "Interval:"
msgstr "Interval:"
msgid "Key Manager API Guide: Creating a Certificate Container"
msgstr "Key Manager API Guide: Creating a Certificate Container"
msgid "Key Manager Service Command-Line Client"
msgstr "Key Manager Service Command-Line Client"
msgid ""
"LEAST_CONNECTIONS: Allocates requests to the instance with the least number "
"of active\n"
" connections."
msgstr ""
"LEAST_CONNECTIONS: Alokasikan permintaan ke instance dengan jumlah paling "
"sedikit koneksi aktif."
msgid "Least Connections"
msgstr "Least Connections (koneksi paling sedikit)"
#, python-format
msgid "Listener %(index)s"
msgstr "Pendengar %(index)s"
msgid "Listener 1"
msgstr "Listener 1"
msgid "Listener Details"
msgstr "Listener Details (rincian pendengar)"
msgid "Listener ID"
msgstr "Listener ID"
msgid "Listeners"
msgstr "Listeners (pendengar)"
#, python-format
msgid "Load Balancer %(index)s"
msgstr "Penyeimbang beban %(index)s"
msgid "Load Balancer Algorithm"
msgstr "Load Balancer Algorithm (algoritma penyeimbang beban)"
msgid "Load Balancer Details"
msgstr "Load Balancer Details (rincian beban penyeimbang)"
msgid "Load Balancer ID"
msgstr "Load Balancer ID (ID penyeimbang beban)"
msgid "Load Balancers"
msgstr "Load Balancers (penyeimbang beban)"
msgid "Loading"
msgstr "Loading (pemuatan)"
msgid "Max Retries"
msgstr "Max Retries (pengulangan terbanyak)"
msgid "Member ID"
msgstr "Member ID (ID anggota)"
msgid "Members"
msgstr "Members (anggota)"
msgid ""
"Members are the actual IP addresses that will receive traffic from the load "
"balancer. Each\n"
" member must have a unique combination of IP address and port."
msgstr ""
"Anggota adalah alamat IP yang sebenarnya yang akan menerima lalu lintas dari "
"penyeimbang beban. Setiap\n"
"   anggota harus memiliki kombinasi yang unik dari alamat IP dan port."
msgid "Method"
msgstr "Method"
msgid "Method:"
msgstr "Method:"
msgid "Monitor Details"
msgstr "Monitor Details (rincian pemantauan)"
msgid "Monitor ID"
msgstr "Monitor ID"
msgid "Monitor type"
msgstr "Monitor type"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Name (nama)"
msgid "No available certificates"
msgstr "Tidak ada sertifikat yang tersedia"
msgid "No available instances"
msgstr "Tidak ada instance yang tersedia"
msgid "No items to display."
msgstr "Tidak ada item untuk ditampilkan."
msgid "No members have been allocated"
msgstr "Tidak ada anggota telah dialokasikan"
msgid "None"
msgstr "None (tidak ada)"
msgid "Offline"
msgstr "Offline"
msgid "Online"
msgstr "Online"
msgid "Operating Status"
msgstr "Operating Status (status operasi)"
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Overview (ikhtisar)"
msgid "Pending Create"
msgstr "Pending Create (penundaan pembuatan)"
msgid "Pending Delete"
msgstr "Pending Delete (penundaan penghapusan)"
msgid "Pending Update"
msgstr "Pending Update (penundaan pembaharuan)"
msgid "Pool 1"
msgstr "Pool 1"
msgid "Pool Details"
msgstr "Pool Details (rincian kolam)"
msgid "Pool ID"
msgstr "Pool ID (ID kolam)"
msgid "Pool Members"
msgstr "Pool Members (anggota kolam)"
msgid "Pool member weight has been updated."
msgstr "Berat anggota kolam telah diperbarui."
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Port"
msgid "Port ID"
msgstr "Port ID (ID port)"
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Port:"
msgid "Protocol"
msgstr "Protocol (protokol)"
msgid "Protocol Port"
msgstr "Protocol Port (port protokol)"
msgid "Protocol:"
msgstr "Protocol:"
msgid "Provide the details for the health monitor."
msgstr "Memberikan rincian untuk pemantauan kesehatan."
msgid "Provide the details for the listener."
msgstr "Memberikan rincian untuk pendengar."
msgid "Provide the details for the load balancer."
msgstr "Memberikan rincian untuk penyeimbang beban."
msgid "Provide the details for the pool."
msgstr "Memberikan rincian untuk kolam."
msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Provider (penyedia)"
msgid "Provisioning Status"
msgstr "Provisioning Status (status penyediaan)"
msgid "ROUND_ROBIN: Rotates requests evenly between multiple instances."
msgstr ""
"ROUND_ROBIN: Memutar permintaan secara merata di antara beberapa instance."
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Remove (hilangkan)"
msgid "Retries"
msgstr "Retries"
msgid "Retries:"
msgstr "Retries:"
msgid "Round Robin"
msgstr "Round Robin"
msgid ""
"SOURCE_IP: Requests from a unique source IP address are consistently "
"directed to the same instance."
msgstr ""
"SOURCE_IP: Permintaan dari alamat IP sumber yang unik secara konsisten "
"diarahkan ke instance yang sama."
msgid "SSL Certificates"
msgstr "SSL Certificates (sertifikat SSL)"
msgid ""
"Select a floating IP address to associate with the load balancer or a "
"floating IP pool in which to allocate a new floating IP address."
msgstr ""
"Pilih alamat IP mengambang untuk mengasosiasikan dengan penyeimbang beban "
"atau pool IP mengambang yang mengalokasikan alamat IP mengambang baru."
msgid "Select certificates from the available certificates below"
msgstr "Pilih sertifikat dari sertifikat yang tersedia di bawah ini"
msgid "Select one or more SSL certificates for the listener."
msgstr "Pilih salah satu atau lebih sertifikat SSL untuk pendengar."
msgid "Session Persistence"
msgstr "Session Persistence"
msgid "Source IP"
msgstr "Source IP (IP sumber)"
msgid "Subnet"
msgstr "Subnet"
msgid "Subnet ID"
msgstr "Subnet ID (ID subnet)"
msgid "Subnet:"
msgstr "Subnet:"
msgid "Tenant ID"
msgstr "Tenant ID"
msgid ""
"The Available Instances table contains existing compute instances that can "
"be added as members\n"
" of the pool. Use the \"Add external member\" button to add a member not "
"found in the Available\n"
" Instances table."
msgstr ""
"Tabel Available Instance berisi instance komptasi yang ada dimana dapat "
"ditambahkan sebagai anggota\n"
"   kolam. Gunakan tombol \"Add external member\" untuk menambahkan anggota "
"yang tidak ditemukan di tabel \n"
"   Available Instance."
msgid "The HTTP method used to perform the health check."
msgstr "Metode HTTP yang digunakan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan."
msgid "The IP address is not valid."
msgstr "Alamat IP tidak valid."
msgid ""
"The IP address of the member to receive traffic from the load balancer. Must "
"be a well-formed\n"
" IPv4 or IPv6 address."
msgstr ""
"Alamat IP anggota untuk menerima lalu lintas dari load balancer. Harus "
"terbentuk dengan baik\n"
"   Alamat IPv4 atau IPv6."
msgid "The URL path is not valid."
msgstr "Path URL tidak sah."
msgid ""
"The expected HTTP status codes to get from a successful health check. Must "
"be a single number,\n"
" a comma separated list of numbers, or a range (two numbers separated by a "
msgstr ""
"Kode status HTTP yang diharapkan untuk mendapatkan dari pemeriksaan "
"kesehatan yang sukses. Harus berupa angka tunggal,\n"
"   daftar angka yang dipisahkan koma, atau rentang (dua angka dipisahkan "
"oleh tanda hubung)."
msgid "The expected status code is not valid."
msgstr "Kode status yang diharapkan adalah tidak sah."
#, python-format
msgid "The following health monitor could not be deleted: %s."
msgstr "Pemantauan kesehatan berikut ini tidak bisa dihapus: %s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The following listeners could not be deleted, possibly due to existing "
"pools: %s."
msgstr ""
"Pendengar berikut ini tidak bisa dihapus, mungkin karena kolam yang ada: %s."
#, python-format
msgid "The following listeners will not be deleted due to existing pools: %s."
msgstr "Pendengar berikut tidak akan dihapus karena kolam yang ada: %s."
#, python-format
msgid "The following load balancers are pending and cannot be deleted: %s."
msgstr "Penyeimbang beban berikut yang tertunda dan tidak dapat dihapus: %s."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The following load balancers could not be deleted, possibly due to existing "
"listeners: %s."
msgstr ""
"Penyeimbang beban berikut tidak dapat dihapus, mungkin karena pendengar yang "
"sedang ada: %s."
#, python-format
msgid "The following pool could not be deleted: %s."
msgstr "Kolam berikut ini tidak bisa dihapus: %s."
msgid "The health check interval must be greater than or equal to the timeout."
msgstr ""
"Interval pemeriksaan kesehatan harus lebih besar dari atau sama dengan batas "
msgid "The health monitor has been updated."
msgstr "Pemantauan kesehatan telah diperbarui."
msgid ""
"The health monitor is used to determine the health of your pool members. "
"Health checks\n"
" routinely run against each member within the pool and the result of the "
"health check is used\n"
" to determine if the member receives new connections. Each pool can only "
"have one health\n"
" monitor."
msgstr ""
"Pemantauan kesehatan digunakan untuk menentukan kesehatan anggota kolam "
"Anda. Pemeriksaan kesehatan\n"
"   secara rutin dijalankan terhadap setiap anggota dalam kolam dan hasil "
"dari pemeriksaan kesehatan digunakan\n"
"   untuk menentukan apakah anggota menerima sambungan baru. Setiap kolam "
"hanya dapat memiliki satu pemantauan kesehatan."
msgid ""
"The interval between health checks. Must be greater than or equal to the "
msgstr ""
"Interval antara pemeriksaan kesehatan. Harus lebih besar dari atau sama "
"dengan batas waktu."
msgid "The listener has been updated."
msgstr "Pendengar telah diperbarui."
msgid ""
"The load balancer algorithm that distributes traffic to the pool members."
msgstr ""
"Algoritma penyeimbang beban yang mendistribusikan lalu lintas ke anggota "
msgid "The load balancer has been updated."
msgstr "Penyeimbang beban telah diperbarui."
msgid ""
"The load balancer occupies a neutron network port and has an IP address "
"assigned from a subnet."
msgstr ""
"Penyeimbang beban menempati port jaringan neutron dan memiliki alamat IP "
"yang ditetapkan dari subnet."
msgid "The max retry count must be a number between 1 and 10."
msgstr "Jumlah retry max harus dalam angka antara 1 dan 10."
msgid "The network on which to allocate the load balancer's IP address."
msgstr "Jaringan yang digunakan untuk mengalokasikan alamat IP load balancer."
msgid "The network which contains the IP address of the member."
msgstr "Jaringan yang berisi alamat IP anggota."
msgid ""
"The number of allowed connection failures before marking the member as "
"inactive. Must be a\n"
" number from 1 to 10."
msgstr ""
"Jumlah kegagalan sambungan yang diizinkan sebelum menandai anggota sebagai "
"tidak aktif. Harus menjadi\n"
"   angka dari 1 hingga 10."
msgid "The pool has been updated."
msgstr "Kolam telah diperbarui."
msgid "The pool members have been updated."
msgstr "Para anggota kolam telah diperbarui."
msgid "The port must be a number between 1 and 65535."
msgstr "Port harus dalam angka antara 1 dan 65535."
msgid ""
"The port must be unique among all listeners attached to this load balancer."
msgstr ""
"Port harus unik di antara semua pendengar yang terkait pada penyeimbang "
"beban ini."
msgid ""
"The port on which the front end listens. Must be an integer from 1 to 65535."
msgstr ""
"Port tempat front end mendengarkan. Harus berupa bilangan bulat dari 1 "
"hingga 65535."
msgid ""
"The port on which the member listens for traffic. Must be a number from 1 to "
msgstr ""
"Port tempat anggota mendengarkan lalu lintas. Harus berupa angka dari 1 "
"hingga 65535."
msgid ""
"The protocol for which the front end listens. The TERMINATED_HTTPS protocol "
"is only available if\n"
" the key-manager service is enabled and you have authority to list "
"certificate containers and\n"
" secrets."
msgstr ""
"Protokol di mana front end mendengarkan. Protokol TERMINATED_HTTPS hanya "
"tersedia jika\n"
"   layanan key-manager diaktifkan dan Anda memiliki wewenang untuk "
"mendaftarkan kontainer sertifikat dan\n"
"   rahasia."
msgid ""
"The target of the health check HTTP request to the member. Must be a valid "
"URL path."
msgstr ""
"Target permintaan HTTP pemeriksaan kesehatan ke anggota. Harus berupa jalur "
"URL yang valid."
msgid ""
"The time after which a health check times out. Must be a number greater than "
"or equal to 0\n"
" and less than or equal to the interval."
msgstr ""
"Waktu setelah waktu pemeriksaan kesehatan habis. Harus berupa angka yang "
"lebih besar atau sama dengan 0\n"
"   dan kurang dari atau sama dengan interval."
msgid "The timeout must be a number greater than or equal to 0."
msgstr "Timeout harus berupa angka lebih besar dari atau sama dengan 0."
msgid "The weight must be a number between 1 and 256."
msgstr "Berat harus dalam angka antara 1 dan 256."
msgid ""
"The weight of a member determines the portion of requests or connections it "
"services compared\n"
" to the other members of the pool. A higher weight means it will receive "
"more traffic. Must be\n"
" a number from 1 to 256."
msgstr ""
"Bobot anggota menentukan porsi permintaan atau koneksi yang dibandingkan "
"dengan layanannya\n"
"   ke anggota kolam lainnya. Bobot yang lebih tinggi berarti akan menerima "
"lebih banyak lalu lintas. Harus\n"
"   angka dari 1 hingga 256."
msgid ""
"The weight of a member determines the portion of requests or connections it "
"services compared to the other members of the pool."
msgstr ""
"Berat anggota menentukan porsi dari permintaan atau koneksi layanan IT "
"dibandingkan dengan anggota lain dari kolam."
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Timeout (waktu habis)"
msgid "Timeout (sec)"
msgstr "Timeout (sec)"
msgid "Timeout:"
msgstr "Timeout:"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type (tipe)"
msgid "URL Path"
msgstr "URL Path"
msgid "URL path"
msgstr "Path URL"
msgid "URL path:"
msgstr "URL path:"
msgid "Unable to create health monitor."
msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat pemantauan kesehatan."
msgid "Unable to create listener."
msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat pendengar."
msgid "Unable to create load balancer."
msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat penyeimbang beban."
msgid "Unable to create pool."
msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat kolam."
msgid "Unable to delete health monitor."
msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus pemantauan kesehatan."
msgid "Unable to delete listener."
msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus pendengar."
msgid "Unable to delete load balancer."
msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus penyeimbang beban."
msgid "Unable to delete pool."
msgstr "Tidak dapat menghapus kolam."
#, python-format
msgid "Unable to disassociate floating IP address from load balancer: %s."
msgstr ""
"Tidak dapat memisahkan alamat IP mengambang dari penyeimbang beban: %s."
msgid "Unable to retrieve SSL certificates."
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil sertifikat SSL."
msgid "Unable to retrieve health monitor."
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil pemantauan kesehatan."
msgid "Unable to retrieve listener."
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil pendengar."
msgid "Unable to retrieve listeners."
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil pendengar."
msgid "Unable to retrieve load balancer status tree."
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil status pohon penyeimbang beban."
msgid "Unable to retrieve load balancer."
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil penyeimbang beban."
msgid "Unable to retrieve load balancers."
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil penyeimbang beban."
msgid "Unable to retrieve member."
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil anggota."
msgid "Unable to retrieve members."
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil anggota."
msgid "Unable to retrieve pool."
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil kolam (pool)."
msgid "Unable to retrieve secrets."
msgstr "Tidak dapat mengambil rahasia."
msgid "Unable to update health monitor."
msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui pemantauan kesehatan."
msgid "Unable to update listener."
msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui pendengar."
msgid "Unable to update load balancer."
msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui penyeimbang beban."
msgid "Unable to update member list."
msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui daftar anggota."
msgid "Unable to update member."
msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui anggota."
msgid "Unable to update pool."
msgstr "Tidak dapat memperbarui kolam."
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Update (perbarui)"
msgid "Update Health Monitor"
msgstr "Update Health Monitor (perbaharui pemantauan kesehatan)"
msgid "Update Listener"
msgstr "Update Listener (perbarui pendengar)"
msgid "Update Load Balancer"
msgstr "Update Load Balancer (perbarui penyeimbang beban)"
msgid "Update Member Weight"
msgstr "Update Member Weight"
msgid "Update Pool"
msgstr "Update Pool (perbarui kolam)"
msgid "Update Weight"
msgstr "Update Weight (perbarui berat)"
msgid ""
"Use the key-manager service to create any certificate containers before "
"creating the listener.\n"
" The following documentation provides information on how to create a "
"certificate container:"
msgstr ""
"Gunakan layanan key-manager untuk membuat kontainer sertifikat apa pun "
"sebelum membuat listener.\n"
"   Dokumentasi berikut menyediakan informasi tentang cara membuat kontainer "
msgid "Weight"
msgstr "Weight (berat)"
msgid "Weight:"
msgstr "Weight:"
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You are about to disassociate the floating IP address from load balancer \"%s"
"\". Please confirm."
msgstr ""
"Anda akan memisahkan alamat IP mengambang dari penyeimbang beban \"%s\". "
"Silahkan konfirmasi."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have selected \"%s\". Please confirm your selection. Deleted health "
"monitors are not recoverable."
msgstr ""
"Anda telah memilih \"%s\". Harap mengkonfirmasi pilihan Anda. Pemantauan "
"kesehatan yang telah dihapus tidak dapat dipulihkan."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have selected \"%s\". Please confirm your selection. Deleted listeners "
"are not recoverable."
msgstr ""
"Anda telah memilih \"%s\". Harap mengkonfirmasi pilihan Anda. Pendengar yang "
"telah dihapus tidak dapat dipulihkan."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have selected \"%s\". Please confirm your selection. Deleted load "
"balancers are not recoverable."
msgstr ""
"Anda telah memilih \"%s\". Harap mengkonfirmasi pilihan Anda. Penyeimbang "
"beban yang telah dihapus tidak dapat dipulihkan."
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You have selected \"%s\". Please confirm your selection. Deleted pools are "
"not recoverable."
msgstr ""
"Anda telah memilih \"%s\". Harap mengkonfirmasi pilihan Anda. Kolam yang "
"telah dihapus tidak dapat dipulihkan."