# Copyright 2014 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import jinja2 from neutron_lib.utils import file as file_utils from oslo_config import cfg import six from neutron_lib import constants as nl_constants from neutron_lbaas._i18n import _ from neutron_lbaas.common import cert_manager from neutron_lbaas.common.tls_utils import cert_parser from neutron_lbaas.services.loadbalancer import constants from neutron_lbaas.services.loadbalancer import data_models CERT_MANAGER_PLUGIN = cert_manager.get_backend() PROTOCOL_MAP = { constants.PROTOCOL_TCP: 'tcp', constants.PROTOCOL_HTTP: 'http', constants.PROTOCOL_HTTPS: 'tcp', constants.PROTOCOL_TERMINATED_HTTPS: 'http' } BALANCE_MAP = { constants.LB_METHOD_ROUND_ROBIN: 'roundrobin', constants.LB_METHOD_LEAST_CONNECTIONS: 'leastconn', constants.LB_METHOD_SOURCE_IP: 'source' } STATS_MAP = { constants.STATS_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS: 'scur', constants.STATS_MAX_CONNECTIONS: 'smax', constants.STATS_CURRENT_SESSIONS: 'scur', constants.STATS_MAX_SESSIONS: 'smax', constants.STATS_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS: 'stot', constants.STATS_TOTAL_SESSIONS: 'stot', constants.STATS_IN_BYTES: 'bin', constants.STATS_OUT_BYTES: 'bout', constants.STATS_CONNECTION_ERRORS: 'econ', constants.STATS_RESPONSE_ERRORS: 'eresp' } MEMBER_STATUSES = nl_constants.ACTIVE_PENDING_STATUSES + ( nl_constants.INACTIVE,) TEMPLATES_DIR = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates/')) JINJA_ENV = None jinja_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt( 'jinja_config_template', deprecated_for_removal=True, deprecated_since='Queens', deprecated_reason='The neutron-lbaas project is now deprecated. ' 'See: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Neutron/LBaaS/' 'Deprecation', default=os.path.join( TEMPLATES_DIR, 'haproxy.loadbalancer.j2'), help=_('Jinja template file for haproxy configuration')) ] cfg.CONF.register_opts(jinja_opts, 'haproxy') def save_config(conf_path, loadbalancer, socket_path, user_group, haproxy_base_dir): """Convert a logical configuration to the HAProxy version. :param conf_path: location of Haproxy configuration :param loadbalancer: the load balancer object :param socket_path: location of haproxy socket data :param user_group: user group :param haproxy_base_dir: location of the instances state data """ config_str = render_loadbalancer_obj(loadbalancer, user_group, socket_path, haproxy_base_dir) file_utils.replace_file(conf_path, config_str) def _get_template(): """Retrieve Jinja template :returns: Jinja template """ global JINJA_ENV if not JINJA_ENV: template_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader( searchpath=os.path.dirname(cfg.CONF.haproxy.jinja_config_template)) JINJA_ENV = jinja2.Environment( loader=template_loader, trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True) return JINJA_ENV.get_template(os.path.basename( cfg.CONF.haproxy.jinja_config_template)) def _store_listener_crt(haproxy_base_dir, listener, cert): """Store TLS certificate :param haproxy_base_dir: location of the instances state data :param listener: the listener object :param cert: the TLS certificate :returns: location of the stored certificate """ cert_path = _retrieve_crt_path(haproxy_base_dir, listener, cert.primary_cn) # build a string that represents the pem file to be saved pem = _build_pem(cert) file_utils.replace_file(cert_path, pem) return cert_path def _retrieve_crt_path(haproxy_base_dir, listener, primary_cn): """Retrieve TLS certificate location :param haproxy_base_dir: location of the instances state data :param listener: the listener object :param primary_cn: primary_cn used for identifying TLS certificate :returns: TLS certificate location """ confs_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(haproxy_base_dir)) confs_path = os.path.join(confs_dir, listener.id) if haproxy_base_dir and listener.id: if not os.path.isdir(confs_path): os.makedirs(confs_path, 0o755) return os.path.join( confs_path, '{0}.pem'.format(primary_cn)) def _process_tls_certificates(listener): """Processes TLS data from the listener. Converts and uploads PEM data to the Amphora API :param listener: the listener object :returns: TLS_CERT and SNI_CERTS """ cert_mgr = CERT_MANAGER_PLUGIN.CertManager() tls_cert = None sni_certs = [] # Retrieve, map and store default TLS certificate if listener.default_tls_container_id: tls_cert = _map_cert_tls_container( cert_mgr.get_cert( project_id=listener.tenant_id, cert_ref=listener.default_tls_container_id, resource_ref=cert_mgr.get_service_url( listener.loadbalancer_id), check_only=True ) ) if listener.sni_containers: # Retrieve, map and store SNI certificates for sni_cont in listener.sni_containers: cert_container = _map_cert_tls_container( cert_mgr.get_cert( project_id=listener.tenant_id, cert_ref=sni_cont.tls_container_id, resource_ref=cert_mgr.get_service_url( listener.loadbalancer_id), check_only=True ) ) sni_certs.append(cert_container) return {'tls_cert': tls_cert, 'sni_certs': sni_certs} def _get_primary_cn(tls_cert): """Retrieve primary cn for TLS certificate :param tls_cert: the TLS certificate :returns: primary cn of the TLS certificate """ return cert_parser.get_host_names(tls_cert)['cn'] def _map_cert_tls_container(cert): """Map cert data to TLS data model :param cert: TLS certificate :returns: mapped TLSContainer object """ certificate = cert.get_certificate() pkey = cert_parser.dump_private_key(cert.get_private_key(), cert.get_private_key_passphrase()) return data_models.TLSContainer( primary_cn=_get_primary_cn(certificate), private_key=pkey, certificate=certificate, intermediates=cert.get_intermediates()) def _build_pem(tls_cert): """Generate PEM encoded TLS certificate data :param tls_cert: TLS certificate :returns: PEm encoded certificate data """ pem = () if tls_cert.intermediates: for c in tls_cert.intermediates: pem = pem + (c,) if tls_cert.certificate: pem = pem + (tls_cert.certificate,) if tls_cert.private_key: pem = pem + (tls_cert.private_key,) return "\n".join(pem) def render_loadbalancer_obj(loadbalancer, user_group, socket_path, haproxy_base_dir): """Renders load balancer object :param loadbalancer: the load balancer object :param user_group: the user group :param socket_path: location of the instances socket data :param haproxy_base_dir: location of the instances state data :returns: rendered load balancer configuration """ loadbalancer = _transform_loadbalancer(loadbalancer, haproxy_base_dir) return _get_template().render({'loadbalancer': loadbalancer, 'user_group': user_group, 'stats_sock': socket_path}, constants=constants) def _transform_loadbalancer(loadbalancer, haproxy_base_dir): """Transforms load balancer object :param loadbalancer: the load balancer object :param haproxy_base_dir: location of the instances state data :returns: dictionary of transformed load balancer values """ listeners = [_transform_listener(x, haproxy_base_dir) for x in loadbalancer.listeners if x.admin_state_up] pools = [_transform_pool(x) for x in loadbalancer.pools] connection_limit = _compute_global_connection_limit(listeners) return { 'id': loadbalancer.id, 'vip_address': loadbalancer.vip_address, 'connection_limit': connection_limit, 'listeners': listeners, 'pools': pools } def _compute_global_connection_limit(listeners): # NOTE(dlundquist): HAProxy has a global default connection limit # of 2000, so we will include 2000 connections for each listener # without a connection limit specified. This way we provide the # same behavior as a default haproxy configuration without # connection limit specified in the case of a single load balancer. return sum([x.get('connection_limit', 2000) for x in listeners]) def _transform_listener(listener, haproxy_base_dir): """Transforms listener object :param listener: the listener object :param haproxy_base_dir: location of the instances state data :returns: dictionary of transformed listener values """ data_dir = os.path.join(haproxy_base_dir, listener.id) ret_value = { 'id': listener.id, 'protocol_port': listener.protocol_port, 'protocol_mode': PROTOCOL_MAP[listener.protocol], 'protocol': listener.protocol } if listener.connection_limit and listener.connection_limit > -1: ret_value['connection_limit'] = listener.connection_limit if listener.default_pool: ret_value['default_pool'] = _transform_pool(listener.default_pool) # Process and store certificates certs = _process_tls_certificates(listener) if listener.default_tls_container_id: ret_value['default_tls_path'] = _store_listener_crt( haproxy_base_dir, listener, certs['tls_cert']) if listener.sni_containers: for c in certs['sni_certs']: _store_listener_crt(haproxy_base_dir, listener, c) ret_value['crt_dir'] = data_dir return ret_value def _transform_pool(pool): """Transforms pool object :param pool: the pool object :returns: dictionary of transformed pool values """ ret_value = { 'id': pool.id, 'protocol': PROTOCOL_MAP[pool.protocol], 'lb_algorithm': BALANCE_MAP.get(pool.lb_algorithm, 'roundrobin'), 'members': [], 'health_monitor': '', 'session_persistence': '', 'admin_state_up': pool.admin_state_up, 'provisioning_status': pool.provisioning_status } members = [_transform_member(x) for x in pool.members if _include_member(x)] ret_value['members'] = members if pool.healthmonitor and pool.healthmonitor.admin_state_up: ret_value['health_monitor'] = _transform_health_monitor( pool.healthmonitor) if pool.session_persistence: ret_value['session_persistence'] = _transform_session_persistence( pool.session_persistence) return ret_value def _transform_session_persistence(persistence): """Transforms session persistence object :param persistence: the session persistence object :returns: dictionary of transformed session persistence values """ return { 'type': persistence.type, 'cookie_name': persistence.cookie_name } def _transform_member(member): """Transforms member object :param member: the member object :returns: dictionary of transformed member values """ return { 'id': member.id, 'address': member.address, 'protocol_port': member.protocol_port, 'weight': member.weight, 'admin_state_up': member.admin_state_up, 'subnet_id': member.subnet_id, 'provisioning_status': member.provisioning_status } def _transform_health_monitor(monitor): """Transforms health monitor object :param monitor: the health monitor object :returns: dictionary of transformed health monitor values """ return { 'id': monitor.id, 'type': monitor.type, 'delay': monitor.delay, 'timeout': monitor.timeout, 'max_retries': monitor.max_retries, 'http_method': monitor.http_method, 'url_path': monitor.url_path, 'expected_codes': '|'.join( _expand_expected_codes(monitor.expected_codes)), 'admin_state_up': monitor.admin_state_up, } def _include_member(member): """Helper for verifying member statues :param member: the member object :returns: boolean of status check """ return (member.provisioning_status in MEMBER_STATUSES and member.admin_state_up) def _expand_expected_codes(codes): """Expand the expected code string in set of codes :param codes: string of status codes :returns: list of status codes """ retval = set() for code in codes.replace(',', ' ').split(' '): code = code.strip() if not code: continue elif '-' in code: low, hi = code.split('-')[:2] retval.update( str(i) for i in six.moves.range(int(low), int(hi) + 1)) else: retval.add(code) return sorted(retval)