# Copyright 2013 New Dream Network, LLC (DreamHost) # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # @author: Mark McClain, DreamHost import uuid from oslo.config import cfg from neutron.common import constants as q_const from neutron.common import exceptions as n_exc from neutron.common import rpc as n_rpc from neutron.common import topics from neutron.db import agents_db from neutron.db.loadbalancer import loadbalancer_db from neutron.extensions import lbaas_agentscheduler from neutron.extensions import portbindings from neutron.openstack.common import importutils from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging from neutron.plugins.common import constants from neutron.services.loadbalancer.drivers import abstract_driver LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) AGENT_SCHEDULER_OPTS = [ cfg.StrOpt('loadbalancer_pool_scheduler_driver', default='neutron.services.loadbalancer.agent_scheduler' '.ChanceScheduler', help=_('Driver to use for scheduling ' 'pool to a default loadbalancer agent')), ] cfg.CONF.register_opts(AGENT_SCHEDULER_OPTS) class DriverNotSpecified(n_exc.NeutronException): message = _("Device driver for agent should be specified " "in plugin driver.") class LoadBalancerCallbacks(n_rpc.RpcCallback): RPC_API_VERSION = '2.0' # history # 1.0 Initial version # 2.0 Generic API for agent based drivers # - get_logical_device() handling changed; # - pool_deployed() and update_status() methods added; def __init__(self, plugin): super(LoadBalancerCallbacks, self).__init__() self.plugin = plugin def get_ready_devices(self, context, host=None): with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): agents = self.plugin.get_lbaas_agents(context, filters={'host': [host]}) if not agents: return [] elif len(agents) > 1: LOG.warning(_('Multiple lbaas agents found on host %s'), host) pools = self.plugin.list_pools_on_lbaas_agent(context, agents[0].id) pool_ids = [pool['id'] for pool in pools['pools']] qry = context.session.query(loadbalancer_db.Pool.id) qry = qry.filter(loadbalancer_db.Pool.id.in_(pool_ids)) qry = qry.filter( loadbalancer_db.Pool.status.in_( constants.ACTIVE_PENDING_STATUSES)) up = True # makes pep8 and sqlalchemy happy qry = qry.filter(loadbalancer_db.Pool.admin_state_up == up) return [id for id, in qry] def get_logical_device(self, context, pool_id=None): with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): qry = context.session.query(loadbalancer_db.Pool) qry = qry.filter_by(id=pool_id) pool = qry.one() retval = {} retval['pool'] = self.plugin._make_pool_dict(pool) if pool.vip: retval['vip'] = self.plugin._make_vip_dict(pool.vip) retval['vip']['port'] = ( self.plugin._core_plugin._make_port_dict(pool.vip.port) ) for fixed_ip in retval['vip']['port']['fixed_ips']: fixed_ip['subnet'] = ( self.plugin._core_plugin.get_subnet( context, fixed_ip['subnet_id'] ) ) retval['members'] = [ self.plugin._make_member_dict(m) for m in pool.members if ( m.status in constants.ACTIVE_PENDING_STATUSES or m.status == constants.INACTIVE) ] retval['healthmonitors'] = [ self.plugin._make_health_monitor_dict(hm.healthmonitor) for hm in pool.monitors if hm.status in constants.ACTIVE_PENDING_STATUSES ] retval['driver'] = ( self.plugin.drivers[pool.provider.provider_name].device_driver) return retval def pool_deployed(self, context, pool_id): with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): qry = context.session.query(loadbalancer_db.Pool) qry = qry.filter_by(id=pool_id) pool = qry.one() # set all resources to active if pool.status in constants.ACTIVE_PENDING_STATUSES: pool.status = constants.ACTIVE if (pool.vip and pool.vip.status in constants.ACTIVE_PENDING_STATUSES): pool.vip.status = constants.ACTIVE for m in pool.members: if m.status in constants.ACTIVE_PENDING_STATUSES: m.status = constants.ACTIVE for hm in pool.monitors: if hm.status in constants.ACTIVE_PENDING_STATUSES: hm.status = constants.ACTIVE def update_status(self, context, obj_type, obj_id, status): model_mapping = { 'pool': loadbalancer_db.Pool, 'vip': loadbalancer_db.Vip, 'member': loadbalancer_db.Member, 'health_monitor': loadbalancer_db.PoolMonitorAssociation } if obj_type not in model_mapping: raise n_exc.Invalid(_('Unknown object type: %s') % obj_type) try: if obj_type == 'health_monitor': self.plugin.update_pool_health_monitor( context, obj_id['monitor_id'], obj_id['pool_id'], status) else: self.plugin.update_status( context, model_mapping[obj_type], obj_id, status) except n_exc.NotFound: # update_status may come from agent on an object which was # already deleted from db with other request LOG.warning(_('Cannot update status: %(obj_type)s %(obj_id)s ' 'not found in the DB, it was probably deleted ' 'concurrently'), {'obj_type': obj_type, 'obj_id': obj_id}) def pool_destroyed(self, context, pool_id=None): """Agent confirmation hook that a pool has been destroyed. This method exists for subclasses to change the deletion behavior. """ pass def plug_vip_port(self, context, port_id=None, host=None): if not port_id: return try: port = self.plugin._core_plugin.get_port( context, port_id ) except n_exc.PortNotFound: msg = _('Unable to find port %s to plug.') LOG.debug(msg, port_id) return port['admin_state_up'] = True port['device_owner'] = 'neutron:' + constants.LOADBALANCER port['device_id'] = str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, str(host))) port[portbindings.HOST_ID] = host self.plugin._core_plugin.update_port( context, port_id, {'port': port} ) def unplug_vip_port(self, context, port_id=None, host=None): if not port_id: return try: port = self.plugin._core_plugin.get_port( context, port_id ) except n_exc.PortNotFound: msg = _('Unable to find port %s to unplug. This can occur when ' 'the Vip has been deleted first.') LOG.debug(msg, port_id) return port['admin_state_up'] = False port['device_owner'] = '' port['device_id'] = '' try: self.plugin._core_plugin.update_port( context, port_id, {'port': port} ) except n_exc.PortNotFound: msg = _('Unable to find port %s to unplug. This can occur when ' 'the Vip has been deleted first.') LOG.debug(msg, port_id) def update_pool_stats(self, context, pool_id=None, stats=None, host=None): self.plugin.update_pool_stats(context, pool_id, data=stats) class LoadBalancerAgentApi(n_rpc.RpcProxy): """Plugin side of plugin to agent RPC API.""" BASE_RPC_API_VERSION = '2.0' # history # 1.0 Initial version # 1.1 Support agent_updated call # 2.0 Generic API for agent based drivers # - modify/reload/destroy_pool methods were removed; # - added methods to handle create/update/delete for every lbaas # object individually; def __init__(self, topic): super(LoadBalancerAgentApi, self).__init__( topic, default_version=self.BASE_RPC_API_VERSION) def _cast(self, context, method_name, method_args, host, version=None): return self.cast( context, self.make_msg(method_name, **method_args), topic='%s.%s' % (self.topic, host), version=version ) def create_vip(self, context, vip, host): return self._cast(context, 'create_vip', {'vip': vip}, host) def update_vip(self, context, old_vip, vip, host): return self._cast(context, 'update_vip', {'old_vip': old_vip, 'vip': vip}, host) def delete_vip(self, context, vip, host): return self._cast(context, 'delete_vip', {'vip': vip}, host) def create_pool(self, context, pool, host, driver_name): return self._cast(context, 'create_pool', {'pool': pool, 'driver_name': driver_name}, host) def update_pool(self, context, old_pool, pool, host): return self._cast(context, 'update_pool', {'old_pool': old_pool, 'pool': pool}, host) def delete_pool(self, context, pool, host): return self._cast(context, 'delete_pool', {'pool': pool}, host) def create_member(self, context, member, host): return self._cast(context, 'create_member', {'member': member}, host) def update_member(self, context, old_member, member, host): return self._cast(context, 'update_member', {'old_member': old_member, 'member': member}, host) def delete_member(self, context, member, host): return self._cast(context, 'delete_member', {'member': member}, host) def create_pool_health_monitor(self, context, health_monitor, pool_id, host): return self._cast(context, 'create_pool_health_monitor', {'health_monitor': health_monitor, 'pool_id': pool_id}, host) def update_pool_health_monitor(self, context, old_health_monitor, health_monitor, pool_id, host): return self._cast(context, 'update_pool_health_monitor', {'old_health_monitor': old_health_monitor, 'health_monitor': health_monitor, 'pool_id': pool_id}, host) def delete_pool_health_monitor(self, context, health_monitor, pool_id, host): return self._cast(context, 'delete_pool_health_monitor', {'health_monitor': health_monitor, 'pool_id': pool_id}, host) def agent_updated(self, context, admin_state_up, host): return self._cast(context, 'agent_updated', {'payload': {'admin_state_up': admin_state_up}}, host) class AgentDriverBase(abstract_driver.LoadBalancerAbstractDriver): # name of device driver that should be used by the agent; # vendor specific plugin drivers must override it; device_driver = None def __init__(self, plugin): if not self.device_driver: raise DriverNotSpecified() self.agent_rpc = LoadBalancerAgentApi(topics.LOADBALANCER_AGENT) self.plugin = plugin self._set_callbacks_on_plugin() self.plugin.agent_notifiers.update( {q_const.AGENT_TYPE_LOADBALANCER: self.agent_rpc}) self.pool_scheduler = importutils.import_object( cfg.CONF.loadbalancer_pool_scheduler_driver) def _set_callbacks_on_plugin(self): # other agent based plugin driver might already set callbacks on plugin if hasattr(self.plugin, 'agent_callbacks'): return self.plugin.agent_endpoints = [ LoadBalancerCallbacks(self.plugin), agents_db.AgentExtRpcCallback(self.plugin) ] self.plugin.conn = n_rpc.create_connection(new=True) self.plugin.conn.create_consumer( topics.LOADBALANCER_PLUGIN, self.plugin.agent_endpoints, fanout=False) self.plugin.conn.consume_in_threads() def get_pool_agent(self, context, pool_id): agent = self.plugin.get_lbaas_agent_hosting_pool(context, pool_id) if not agent: raise lbaas_agentscheduler.NoActiveLbaasAgent(pool_id=pool_id) return agent['agent'] def create_vip(self, context, vip): agent = self.get_pool_agent(context, vip['pool_id']) self.agent_rpc.create_vip(context, vip, agent['host']) def update_vip(self, context, old_vip, vip): agent = self.get_pool_agent(context, vip['pool_id']) if vip['status'] in constants.ACTIVE_PENDING_STATUSES: self.agent_rpc.update_vip(context, old_vip, vip, agent['host']) else: self.agent_rpc.delete_vip(context, vip, agent['host']) def delete_vip(self, context, vip): self.plugin._delete_db_vip(context, vip['id']) agent = self.get_pool_agent(context, vip['pool_id']) self.agent_rpc.delete_vip(context, vip, agent['host']) def create_pool(self, context, pool): agent = self.pool_scheduler.schedule(self.plugin, context, pool, self.device_driver) if not agent: raise lbaas_agentscheduler.NoEligibleLbaasAgent(pool_id=pool['id']) self.agent_rpc.create_pool(context, pool, agent['host'], self.device_driver) def update_pool(self, context, old_pool, pool): agent = self.get_pool_agent(context, pool['id']) if pool['status'] in constants.ACTIVE_PENDING_STATUSES: self.agent_rpc.update_pool(context, old_pool, pool, agent['host']) else: self.agent_rpc.delete_pool(context, pool, agent['host']) def delete_pool(self, context, pool): # get agent first to know host as binding will be deleted # after pool is deleted from db agent = self.plugin.get_lbaas_agent_hosting_pool(context, pool['id']) self.plugin._delete_db_pool(context, pool['id']) if agent: self.agent_rpc.delete_pool(context, pool, agent['agent']['host']) def create_member(self, context, member): agent = self.get_pool_agent(context, member['pool_id']) self.agent_rpc.create_member(context, member, agent['host']) def update_member(self, context, old_member, member): agent = self.get_pool_agent(context, member['pool_id']) # member may change pool id if member['pool_id'] != old_member['pool_id']: old_pool_agent = self.plugin.get_lbaas_agent_hosting_pool( context, old_member['pool_id']) if old_pool_agent: self.agent_rpc.delete_member(context, old_member, old_pool_agent['agent']['host']) self.agent_rpc.create_member(context, member, agent['host']) else: self.agent_rpc.update_member(context, old_member, member, agent['host']) def delete_member(self, context, member): self.plugin._delete_db_member(context, member['id']) agent = self.get_pool_agent(context, member['pool_id']) self.agent_rpc.delete_member(context, member, agent['host']) def create_pool_health_monitor(self, context, healthmon, pool_id): # healthmon is not used here agent = self.get_pool_agent(context, pool_id) self.agent_rpc.create_pool_health_monitor(context, healthmon, pool_id, agent['host']) def update_pool_health_monitor(self, context, old_health_monitor, health_monitor, pool_id): agent = self.get_pool_agent(context, pool_id) self.agent_rpc.update_pool_health_monitor(context, old_health_monitor, health_monitor, pool_id, agent['host']) def delete_pool_health_monitor(self, context, health_monitor, pool_id): self.plugin._delete_db_pool_health_monitor( context, health_monitor['id'], pool_id ) agent = self.get_pool_agent(context, pool_id) self.agent_rpc.delete_pool_health_monitor(context, health_monitor, pool_id, agent['host']) def stats(self, context, pool_id): pass