ptoohill1 254371b121 Updating devstack plugin for authtoken
Barbican expects certain values that are not populated anywhere else.
Update devstack plugin to check if barbican is enabled and set those values.

Change-Id: I3fc25993ce6990fe30208bf216c9c96780d8fef9
2015-08-04 05:10:21 -05:00

This directory contains the neutron-lbaas devstack plugin. To configure the neutron load balancer, in the local section, you will need to enable the neutron-lbaas devstack plugin and enable the LBaaS service by editing the local section of your local.conf file.

  1. Enable the plugin

To enable the plugin, add a line of the form:

enable_plugin neutron-lbaas <GITURL> [GITREF]


<GITURL> is the URL of a neutron-lbaas repository
[GITREF] is an optional git ref (branch/ref/tag).  The default is

For example

enable_plugin neutron-lbaas stable/kilo
  1. Enable the LBaaS service

To enable the LBaaS service, add a line of the form:



<LBAAS-FLAG> is "q-lbaasv1" for LBaaS Version 1, or "q-lbaasv2"
             for LBaaS Version 2.  "q-lbaas" is synonymous with

to the local section of local.conf

For example

# For LBaaS V2

For more information, see the "Externally Hosted Plugins" section of