diff --git a/api-ref/source/v2/intro.inc b/api-ref/source/v2/intro.inc
index 5bf61a665..cb71d115b 100644
--- a/api-ref/source/v2/intro.inc
+++ b/api-ref/source/v2/intro.inc
@@ -11,3 +11,496 @@ API guide
 This section introduces readers to OpenStack Networking (v2) API, providers
 guidelines on how to use it, and describes common features available to users
 throughout all Networking APIs.
+General information
+The Networking API v2.0 is a ReSTful HTTP service that uses all aspects of the
+HTTP protocol including methods, URIs, media types, response codes, and so on.
+Providers can use existing features of the protocol including caching,
+persistent connections, and content compression. For example, providers who
+employ a caching layer can respond with a 203 code instead of a 200 code when a
+request is served from the cache.  Additionally, providers can offer support
+for conditional **GET** requests by using ETags, or they may send a redirect in
+response to a **GET** request. Create clients so that these differences are
+accounted for.
+Authentication and authorization
+The Networking API v2.0 uses the `OpenStack Identity service
+<https://docs.openstack.org/developer/keystone>`_ as the default authentication
+service. When Keystone is enabled, users that submit requests to the OpenStack
+Networking service must provide an authentication token in **X-Auth-Token**
+request header. You obtain the token by authenticating to the Keystone
+When Keystone is enabled, the ``tenant_id`` attribute is not required in create
+requests because the tenant ID is derived from the authentication token.
+The default authorization settings allow only administrative users to create
+resources on behalf of a different tenant.
+OpenStack Networking uses information received from Keystone to authorize user
+requests. OpenStack Networking handles the following types of authorization
+-  **Operation-based policies** specify access criteria for specific
+   operations, possibly with fine-grained control over specific attributes.
+-  **Resource-based policies** access a specific resource. Permissions might or
+   might not be granted depending on the permissions configured for the
+   resource.  Currently available for only the network resource.
+The actual authorization policies enforced in OpenStack Networking might vary
+from deployment to deployment.
+Request and response formats
+The Networking API v2.0 supports both JSON and XML data serialization request
+and response formats.
+Request format
+Use the ``Content-Type`` request header to specify the request format.  This
+header is required for operations that have a request body.
+The syntax for the ``Content-Type`` header is:
+.. code::
+    Content-Type: application/FORMAT
+Where *FORMAT* is either ``json`` or ``xml``.
+Response format
+Use one of the following methods to specify the response format:
+``Accept`` header
+    The syntax for the ``Accept`` header is:
+    .. code::
+        Accept: application/FORMAT
+    Where *FORMAT* is either ``json`` or ``xml``. The default format is
+    ``json``.
+Query extension
+    Add an ``.xml`` or ``.json`` extension to the request URI. For example, the
+    ``.xml`` extension in the following list networks URI request specifies
+    that the response body is to be returned in XML format:
+    **GET** *publicURL*/networks.xml
+If you do not specify a response format, JSON is the default.
+If the ``Accept`` header and the query extension specify conflicting formats,
+the format specified in the query extension takes precedence.  For example, if
+the query extension is ``.xml`` and the ``Accept`` header specifies
+``application/json``, the response is returned in XML format.
+You can serialize a response in a different format from the request format.
+Filtering and column selection
+The Networking API v2.0 supports filtering based on all top level attributes of
+a resource. Filters are applicable to all list requests.
+For example, the following request returns all networks named ``foobar``:
+.. code::
+    GET /v2.0/networks?name=foobar
+When you specify multiple filters, the Networking API v2.0 returns only objects
+that meet all filtering criteria. The operation applies an AND condition among
+the filters.
+OpenStack Networking does not offer an OR mechanism for filters.
+Alternatively, you can issue a distinct request for each filter and build a
+response set from the received responses on the client-side.
+By default, OpenStack Networking returns all attributes for any show or list
+call. The Networking API v2.0 has a mechanism to limit the set of attributes
+returned. For example, return ``id``.
+You can use the ``fields`` query parameter to control the attributes returned
+from the Networking API v2.0.
+For example, the following request returns only ``id`` and ``name`` for each
+.. code::
+    GET /v2.0/networks.json?fields=id&fields=name
+Synchronous versus asynchronous plug-in behavior
+The Networking API v2.0 presents a logical model of network connectivity
+consisting of networks, ports, and subnets. It is up to the OpenStack
+Networking plug-in to communicate with the underlying infrastructure to ensure
+packet forwarding is consistent with the logical model. A plug-in might perform
+these operations asynchronously.
+When an API client modifies the logical model by issuing an HTTP **POST**,
+**PUT**, or **DELETE** request, the API call might return before the plug-in
+modifies underlying virtual and physical switching devices. However, an API
+client is guaranteed that all subsequent API calls properly reflect the changed
+logical model.
+For example, if a client issues an HTTP **PUT** request to set the attachment
+for a port, there is no guarantee that packets sent by the interface named in
+the attachment are forwarded immediately when the HTTP call returns. However,
+it is guaranteed that a subsequent HTTP **GET** request to view the attachment
+on that port returns the new attachment value.
+You can use the ``status`` attribute with the network and port resources to
+determine whether the OpenStack Networking plug-in has successfully completed
+the configuration of the resource.
+The Networking API v2.0 enables you to create several objects of the same type
+in the same API request. Bulk create operations use exactly the same API syntax
+as single create operations except that you specify a list of objects rather
+than a single object in the request body.
+Bulk operations are always performed atomically, meaning that either all or
+none of the objects in the request body are created. If a particular plug-in
+does not support atomic operations, the Networking API v2.0 emulates the atomic
+behavior so that users can expect the same behavior regardless of the
+particular plug-in running in the background.
+OpenStack Networking might be deployed without support for bulk operations and
+when the client attempts a bulk create operation, a 400 Bad request error is
+To reduce load on the service, list operations will return a maximum number of
+items at a time. To navigate the collection, the parameters limit, marker and
+page\_reverse can be set in the URI. For example:
+.. code::
+    ?limit=100&marker=1234&page_reverse=False
+The ``marker`` parameter is the ID of the last item in the previous list. The
+``limit`` parameter sets the page size. The ``page_reverse`` parameter sets
+the page direction. These parameters are optional. If the client requests a
+limit beyond the maximum limit configured by the deployment, the server returns
+the maximum limit number of items.
+For convenience, list responses contain atom "next" links and "previous" links.
+The last page in the list requested with 'page\_reverse=False' will not contain
+"next" link, and the last page in the list requested with 'page\_reverse=True'
+will not contain "previous" link. The following examples illustrate two pages
+with three items. The first page was retrieved through:
+.. code::
+    GET
+Pagination is an optional feature of OpenStack Networking API, and it might be
+disabled. If pagination is disabled, the pagination parameters will be ignored
+and return all the items.
+If a particular plug-in does not support pagination operations, and pagination
+is enabled, the Networking API v2.0 will emulate the pagination behavior so
+that users can expect the same behavior regardless of the particular plug-in
+running in the background.
+To determine if pagination is supported, a user can check whether the
+'pagination' extension API is available.
+**Example Network collection, first page: JSON request**
+.. code::
+    GET /v2.0/networks.json?limit=2 HTTP/1.1
+    Host:
+    Content-Type: application/json
+    Accept: application/json
+**Example Network collection, first page: JSON response**
+.. code::
+    {
+        "networks": [
+            {
+                "admin_state_up": true,
+                "id": "396f12f8-521e-4b91-8e21-2e003500433a",
+                "name": "net3",
+                "provider:network_type": "vlan",
+                "provider:physical_network": "physnet1",
+                "provider:segmentation_id": 1002,
+                "router:external": false,
+                "shared": false,
+                "status": "ACTIVE",
+                "subnets": [],
+                "tenant_id": "20bd52ff3e1b40039c312395b04683cf"
+            },
+            {
+                "admin_state_up": true,
+                "id": "71c1e68c-171a-4aa2-aca5-50ea153a3718",
+                "name": "net2",
+                "provider:network_type": "vlan",
+                "provider:physical_network": "physnet1",
+                "provider:segmentation_id": 1001,
+                "router:external": false,
+                "shared": false,
+                "status": "ACTIVE",
+                "subnets": [],
+                "tenant_id": "20bd52ff3e1b40039c312395b04683cf"
+            }
+        ],
+        "networks_links": [
+            {
+                "href": "",
+                "rel": "next"
+            },
+            {
+                "href": "",
+                "rel": "previous"
+            }
+        ]
+    }
+**Example Network collection, first page: XML request**
+.. code::
+    GET /v2.0/networks.xml?limit=2 HTTP/1.1
+    Host:
+    Content-Type: application/xml
+    Accept: application/xml
+**Example Network collection, first page: XML response**
+.. code::
+    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
+    <networks xmlns="http://openstack.org/neutron/api/v2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:provider="http://docs.openstack.org/ext/provider/api/v1.0" xmlns:neutron="http://openstack.org/neutron/api/v2.0" xmlns:router="http://docs.openstack.org/ext/neutron/router/api/v1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+            <network>
+                    <status>ACTIVE</status>
+                    <subnets neutron:type="list"/>
+                    <name>net3</name>
+                    <provider:physical_network>physnet1</provider:physical_network>
+                    <admin_state_up neutron:type="bool">True</admin_state_up>
+                    <tenant_id>20bd52ff3e1b40039c312395b04683cf</tenant_id>
+                    <provider:network_type>vlan</provider:network_type>
+                    <router:external neutron:type="bool">False</router:external>
+                    <shared neutron:type="bool">False</shared>
+                    <id>396f12f8-521e-4b91-8e21-2e003500433a</id>
+                    <provider:segmentation_id neutron:type="long">1002</provider:segmentation_id>
+            </network>
+            <network>
+                    <status>ACTIVE</status>
+                    <subnets neutron:type="list"/>
+                    <name>net2</name>
+                    <provider:physical_network>physnet1</provider:physical_network>
+                    <admin_state_up neutron:type="bool">True</admin_state_up>
+                    <tenant_id>20bd52ff3e1b40039c312395b04683cf</tenant_id>
+                    <provider:network_type>vlan</provider:network_type>
+                    <router:external neutron:type="bool">False</router:external>
+                    <shared neutron:type="bool">False</shared>
+                    <id>71c1e68c-171a-4aa2-aca5-50ea153a3718</id>
+                    <provider:segmentation_id neutron:type="long">1001</provider:segmentation_id>
+            </network>
+            <atom:link href=";marker=71c1e68c-171a-4aa2-aca5-50ea153a3718" rel="next"/>
+            <atom:link href=";marker=396f12f8-521e-4b91-8e21-2e003500433a&amp;page_reverse=True" rel="previous"/>
+    </networks>
+The last page won't show the "next" links
+**Example Network collection, last page: JSON request**
+.. code::
+    GET /v2.0/networks.json?limit=2&marker=71c1e68c-171a-4aa2-aca5-50ea153a3718 HTTP/1.1
+    Host:
+    Content-Type: application/json
+    Accept: application/json
+**Example Network collection, last page: JSON response**
+.. code::
+    {
+        "networks": [
+            {
+                "admin_state_up": true,
+                "id": "b3680498-03da-4691-896f-ef9ee1d856a7",
+                "name": "net1",
+                "provider:network_type": "vlan",
+                "provider:physical_network": "physnet1",
+                "provider:segmentation_id": 1000,
+                "router:external": false,
+                "shared": false,
+                "status": "ACTIVE",
+                "subnets": [],
+                "tenant_id": "c05140b3dc7c4555afff9fab6b58edc2"
+            }
+        ],
+        "networks_links": [
+            {
+                "href": "",
+                "rel": "previous"
+            }
+        ]
+    }
+**Example Network collection, last page: XML request**
+.. code::
+    GET /v2.0/networks.xml?limit=2&marker=71c1e68c-171a-4aa2-aca5-50ea153a3718 HTTP/1.1
+    Host:
+    Content-Type: application/xml
+    Accept: application/xml
+**Example Network collection, last page: XML response**
+.. code::
+    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
+    <networks xmlns="http://openstack.org/neutron/api/v2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:provider="http://docs.openstack.org/ext/provider/api/v1.0" xmlns:neutron="http://openstack.org/neutron/api/v2.0" xmlns:router="http://docs.openstack.org/ext/neutron/router/api/v1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+            <network>
+                    <status>ACTIVE</status>
+                    <subnets neutron:type="list"/>
+                    <name>net1</name>
+                    <provider:physical_network>physnet1</provider:physical_network>
+                    <admin_state_up neutron:type="bool">True</admin_state_up>
+                    <tenant_id>c05140b3dc7c4555afff9fab6b58edc2</tenant_id>
+                    <provider:network_type>vlan</provider:network_type>
+                    <router:external neutron:type="bool">False</router:external>
+                    <shared neutron:type="bool">False</shared>
+                    <id>b3680498-03da-4691-896f-ef9ee1d856a7</id>
+                    <provider:segmentation_id neutron:type="long">1000</provider:segmentation_id>
+            </network>
+            <atom:link href=";marker=b3680498-03da-4691-896f-ef9ee1d856a7&amp;page_reverse=True" rel="previous"/>
+    </networks>
+You can use the ``sort_key`` and ``sort_dir`` parameters to sort the
+results of list operations. Currently sorting does not work with extended
+attributes of resource. The ``sort_key`` and ``sort_dir`` can be repeated,
+and the number of ``sort_key`` and ``sort_dir`` provided must be same. The
+``sort_dir`` parameter indicates in which direction to sort. Acceptable
+values are ``asc`` (ascending) and ``desc`` (descending).
+Sorting is optional feature of OpenStack Networking API, and it might be
+disabled. If sorting is disabled, the sorting parameters are ignored.
+If a particular plug-in does not support sorting operations and sorting is
+enabled, the Networking API v2.0 emulates the sorting behavior so that users
+can expect the same behavior regardless of the particular plug-in that runs in
+the background.
+To determine if sorting is supported, a user can check whether the 'sorting'
+extension API is available.
+The Networking API v2.0 is extensible.
+The purpose of Networking API v2.0 extensions is to:
+-  Introduce new features in the API without requiring a version change.
+-  Introduce vendor-specific niche functionality.
+-  Act as a proving ground for experimental functionalities that might be
+   included in a future version of the API.
+To programmatically determine which extensions are available, issue a **GET**
+request on the **v2.0/extensions** URI.
+To query extensions individually by unique alias, issue a **GET** request on
+the ``/v2.0/extensions/*alias_name*`` URI. Use this method to easily
+determine if an extension is available. If the extension is not available, a
+404 Not Found response is returned.
+You can extend existing core API resources with new actions or extra
+attributes. Also, you can add new resources as extensions. Extensions usually
+have tags that prevent conflicts with other extensions that define attributes
+or resources with the same names, and with core resources and attributes.
+Because an extension might not be supported by all plug-ins, the availability
+of an extension varies with deployments and the specific plug-in in use.
+The Networking API v2.0 returns an error response if a failure occurs while
+processing a request. OpenStack Networking uses only standard HTTP error codes.
+4\ *nn* errors indicate problems in the particular request being sent from
+the client.
+| Error | Description                                                  |
+| 400   | Bad request                                                  |
+|       | Malformed request URI or body requested admin state invalid  |
+|       | Invalid values entered                                       |
+|       | Bulk operations disallowed                                   |
+|       | Validation failed                                            |
+|       | Method not allowed for request body (such as trying to       |
+|       | update attributes that can be specified at create-time only) |
+| 404   | Not Found                                                    |
+|       | Non existent URI                                             |
+|       | Resource not found                                           |
+| 409   | Conflict                                                     |
+|       | Port configured on network                                   |
+|       | IP allocated on subnet                                       |
+|       | Conflicting IP allocation pools for subnet                   |
+| 500   | Internal server error                                        |
+|       | Internal OpenStack Networking error                          |
+| 503   | Service unavailable                                          |
+|       | Failure in Mac address generation                            |
+Users submitting requests to the Networking API v2.0 might also receive the
+following errors:
+-  401 Unauthorized - If invalid credentials are provided.
+-  403 Forbidden - If the user cannot access a specific resource or perform the
+   requested operation.