There were some places in the API ref that it shows a 202 is
returned on Update, but we always return a 200 (HTTPOk).
Fixed a few other cases where Create (should be 201) and
Delete (should be 204) were wrong as well.
Change-Id: I4f6eb742f4420d0844e9c254ce989fc62973b0cf
Closes-bug: #1942448
For consistency.
- Sort codes in "Error responce codes"
- Remove 5xx from "Error response codes"
- Move 2xx to "Normal response codes"
This is mechanically done by applying the following on each *.inc:
gawk -F": " 'function p(h,a){r=s="";asort(a);
for(i in a){r=r s a[i];s=", "};print h ": " r}
/^Error response codes:/{split($2,a,/[, ]*/);
delete n;ni=1;delete e;ei=1;
for(i in a){x=a[i];v=x-x%100;if(v==200)n[ni++]=x;
else if(v!=500)e[ei++]=x};
if(ni>1){p("Normal response codes",n);
print ""};p($1,e);next}//{print}'
Change-Id: I5447e660117e56b057d2b2cf509666a1d56e63bf