#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2016 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import abc import contextlib import importlib import inspect import os from os import path import re import shutil import sys import tempfile import argparse import six from oslo_serialization import jsonutils __version__ = '0.0.2' # NOTE(boden): This is a prototype and needs additional love _MOCK_SRC = ''' class _PyIREmptyMock_(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._args_ = args self._kwargs_ = kwargs def __or__(self, o): return o def __ror__(self, o): return o def __xor__(self, o): return o def __rxor__(self, o): return o def __and__(self, o): return o def __rand__(self, o): return o def __rshift__(self, o): return o def __rrshift__(self, o): return o def __lshift__(self, o): return o def __rlshift__(self, o): return o def __pow__(self, o): return o def __rpow__(self, o): return o def __divmod__(self, o): return o def __rdivmod__(self, o): return o def __mod__(self, o): return o def __rmod__(self, o): return o def __floordiv__(self, o): return o def __rfloordiv__(self, o): return o def __truediv__(self, o): return o def __rtrudiv__(self, o): return o def __add__(self, o): return o def __radd__(self, o): return o def __sub__(self, o): return o def __rsub__(self, o): return o def __mul__(self, o): return o def __rmul__(self, o): return o def __matmul__(self, o): return o def __rmatmul__(self, o): return o def __getattribute__(self, name): return _PyIREmptyMock_() def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return _PyIREmptyMock_() def __iter__(self): return [].__iter__() def __getitem__(self, item): return _PyIREmptyMock_() def __setitem__(self, key, value): pass def __delitem__(self, key): pass def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): pass class _PyIREmptyImport_(_PyIREmptyMock_): pass ''' _MOCK_CLASS_NAME = '_PyIREmptyMock_' _MOCK_IMPORT_CLASS_NAME = '_PyIREmptyImport_' UNKNOWN_VAL = 'PYIR UNKNOWN VALUE' _BLACKLIST = [re.compile(".*\.%s" % _MOCK_CLASS_NAME), re.compile(".*\.%s" % _MOCK_IMPORT_CLASS_NAME)] def blacklist_filter(value): for pattern in _BLACKLIST: if pattern.match(value): return False return True def add_blacklist_from_csv_str(csv_str): global _BLACKLIST _BLACKLIST.extend([re.compile(p) for p in split_on_token(csv_str, ',')]) def for_tokens(the_str, tokens, callback): in_str = [] tokens = list(tokens) index = 0 def _compare_tokens(idx): hits = [] for token in tokens: if the_str[idx:].startswith(token): hits.append(token) return hits for c in the_str: if c == '\'' or c == '\"': if in_str and in_str[len(in_str) - 1] == c: in_str.pop() else: in_str.append(c) elif not in_str: matching_tokens = _compare_tokens(index) if matching_tokens: callback(matching_tokens, index, the_str[index:]) index += 1 def token_indexes(the_str, tokens): indexes = [] def _count(toks, idx, substring): indexes.append(idx) for_tokens(the_str, tokens, _count) return indexes def split_on_token(the_str, token): indexes = token_indexes(the_str, [token]) if not indexes: return [the_str] strs = [] indexes.insert(0, None) for start, end in zip(indexes, indexes[1:] + [None]): start = 0 if start is None else start + 1 if end is None: end = len(the_str) strs.append(the_str[start:end]) return strs def count_tokens(the_str, tokens): return len(token_indexes(the_str, tokens)) def remove_tokens(the_str, tokens): in_str = [] tokens = list(tokens) index = 0 new_str = '' def _token(idx): for token in tokens: if the_str[idx:].startswith(token): return token return None while index < len(the_str): c = the_str[index] if c == '\'' or c == '\"': if in_str and in_str[len(in_str) - 1] == c: in_str.pop() else: in_str.append(c) elif not in_str: tok = _token(index) if tok: index += len(tok) continue new_str += c index += 1 return new_str def remove_brackets(the_str): return remove_tokens(the_str, ['(', ')']) def parent_path(file_path): if not file_path or file_path == '/': return None return path.abspath(path.join(file_path, '..')) def is_py_file(file_path): file_path = file_path if filter(blacklist_filter, [file_path]) else None return (file_path and path.isfile(file_path) and file_path.endswith('.py')) def is_py_dir(dir_path): if not filter(blacklist_filter, [dir_path]): return False if path.isdir(dir_path): for f in os.listdir(dir_path): f = path.join(dir_path, f) if is_py_file(f): return True return False def is_py_package_dir(dir_path): if not filter(blacklist_filter, [dir_path]): return False if path.isdir(dir_path): return '__init__.py' in os.listdir(dir_path) return False def parent_package_names(file_or_dir_path): pkg_names = [] file_or_dir_path = parent_path(file_or_dir_path) while file_or_dir_path: if is_py_package_dir(file_or_dir_path): pkg_names.append(os.path.basename(file_or_dir_path)) else: break file_or_dir_path = parent_path(file_or_dir_path) return None if not pkg_names else reversed(pkg_names) def whitespace(line): if line.isspace(): return line, '' char_index = 0 for char_index in range(len(line)): if not line[char_index].isspace(): break return line[:char_index], line[char_index:].strip() def ordered(obj): if isinstance(obj, dict): return sorted((k, ordered(v)) for k, v in obj.items()) if isinstance(obj, list): return sorted(ordered(x) for x in obj) else: return obj def json_primitive(val): if isinstance(val, (str, int, bool)): return str(val) elif str(val).startswith('<') or type(val) in [dict, list, set, tuple]: return str(type(val)) elif (str(val).count(_MOCK_CLASS_NAME) or str(val).count(_MOCK_IMPORT_CLASS_NAME)): return UNKNOWN_VAL return val def is_mock_import(obj): return _MOCK_IMPORT_CLASS_NAME in str(obj) def _member_filter(obj): return not inspect.isbuiltin(obj) and not inspect.ismodule(obj) class PyFiles(object): def __init__(self, files): self._files = set(PyFiles.check_py_paths(files)) @staticmethod def check_py_paths(py_paths): checked = [] for f in py_paths: f = path.abspath(f) assert path.exists(f) if path.isfile(f): if not is_py_file(f): raise IOError("'%s' is not a .py file." % f) else: if not is_py_package_dir(f): raise IOError("'%s' doesn't contain __init__.py." % f) checked.append(f) return checked @property def files(self): return set(self._files) @property def has_files(self): return len(self._files) > 0 def _path_to_tmp_tree(self, tree_dir, src_path): tree_dest = path.join(tree_dir, path.basename(src_path)) parent_dirs = list(parent_package_names(src_path) or []) if parent_dirs: tree_dest = path.join(tree_dir, *tuple(parent_dirs)) os.makedirs(tree_dest) subpath = tree_dir for subdir in parent_dirs: subpath = path.join(subpath, subdir) open(path.join(subpath, '__init__.py'), 'a').close() tree_dest = path.join(tree_dest, path.basename(src_path)) copy_fn = shutil.copytree if path.isdir(src_path) else shutil.copyfile copy_fn(src_path, tree_dest) return tree_dest def to_tmp_tree(self, tree_dir=None): tree_dir = tree_dir or tempfile.mkdtemp() assert path.isdir(tree_dir) subtrees = [] for f in self._files: subtrees.append(self._path_to_tmp_tree(tree_dir, f)) return tree_dir, subtrees @contextlib.contextmanager def tmp_tree(self, delete_on_exit=True): tree = None try: tree, subtress = self.to_tmp_tree() yield tree finally: if tree and delete_on_exit: shutil.rmtree(tree) @staticmethod def filter_all_py_files(root_dir, filters): for child in os.listdir(root_dir): child_path = path.join(root_dir, child) if is_py_file(child_path): PyFile.rewrite(child_path, filters) elif is_py_dir(child_path): PyFiles.filter_all_py_files(child_path, filters) class PyLine(object): def __init__(self, ws, logical_line, py_file): self.ws = '' if ws is None else ws if ws == "\n": self.ws = '' self.logical = '' if logical_line is None else logical_line self._py_file = py_file @property def is_str_line(self): return ((self.logical.startswith('\'') and self.logical.endswith('\'')) or (self.logical.startswith('\"') and self.logical.endswith('\"'))) @property def is_empty_line(self): return len(self.logical.strip()) == 0 @property def indent(self): return self.ws.count(' ') + (self.ws.count("\t") * 4) @property def bracket_tics(self): return (count_tokens(self.logical, PyLineTokens.OPEN_B) - count_tokens(self.logical, PyLineTokens.CLOSED_B)) @property def physical_line(self): return str(self) @property def is_comment(self): return self.logical.startswith(PyLineTokens.COMMENT) def comment_out(self): if not self.is_comment: self.logical = PyLineTokens.COMMENT + self.logical @property def has_unmatched_brackets(self): return self.bracket_tics != 0 @property def is_continuation(self): return (self.logical.endswith(PyLineTokens.BACKSLASH) or self.has_unmatched_brackets) @property def is_space(self): if self.logical == '': return self.ws.isspace() return self.logical.isspace() @property def file_path(self): return self._py_file.name @staticmethod def from_string_lines(lines, py_file=None): py_lines = [] for l in lines: ws, logical = whitespace(l) py_lines.append(PyLine(ws, logical, py_file)) return py_lines def __str__(self): return self.ws + self.logical class FilterMarker(object): def __init__(self, filt, markers=None): self._filter = filt self.markers = markers or [] def mark(self, line): if self._filter.mark(line): self.markers.append(line) def filter(self, py_file): for marker in self.markers: self._filter.filter(marker, py_file) def reset(self): self.markers = [] class PyFile(object): def __init__(self, py_filters): self._markers = [] self._add_filters(py_filters) self._lines = [] def prepend_lines(self, lines): lines = list(lines) lines.extend(self._lines) self._lines = lines def reset(self): self._lines = [] for m in self._markers: m.reset() def first_line(self): return self._lines[0] if self._lines else None def next_line(self, py_line): if py_line not in self._lines: return None index = self._lines.index(py_line) + 1 if index >= len(self._lines): return None return self._lines[index] def prev_line(self, py_line): if py_line not in self._lines: return None index = self._lines.index(py_line) - 1 if index <= 0: return None return self._lines[index] def del_line(self, py_line): self._lines.remove(py_line) def get_line(self, py_line): return (None if not self.contains_line(py_line) else self._lines[self._lines.index(py_line)]) def contains_line(self, py_line): return py_line in self._lines def _add_filters(self, filters): self._markers.extend([FilterMarker(f) for f in filters]) def _mark_line_filter(self, line): for marker in self._markers: marker.mark(line) def load_path(self, py_path): with open(py_path, 'r') as py_file: for line in py_file: ws, logical = whitespace(line) line = PyLine(ws, logical, py_file) self._lines.append(line) self._mark_line_filter(line) def filter(self): if not self._lines or not self._markers: return None for marker in self._markers: marker.filter(self) def insert_after(self, py_line, py_line_to_add): if py_line not in self._lines: return False self._lines.insert(self._lines.index(py_line) + 1, py_line_to_add) return True def to_file_str(self): buff = '' for line in self._lines: buff += str(line) + "\n" return buff def save(self, py_path): with open(py_path, 'w') as py_file: py_file.write(self.to_file_str()) @staticmethod def filter_to_file_str(py_path, filters): py_file = PyFile(filters) py_file.load_path(py_path) py_file.filter() return py_file.to_file_str() @staticmethod def rewrite(py_path, filters): py_file = PyFile(filters) py_file.load_path(py_path) py_file.filter() py_file.save(py_path) class ImportParser(object): def __init__(self): self.names = [] self.modules = [] def _segs(self, the_str, token=' '): return [s.strip() for s in the_str.split(token) if s and not s.isspace()] def _lstrip(self, the_str, to_strip): return the_str[len(to_strip):].strip() def _next_token(self, the_str, delim=' ', strip=True): try: idx = the_str.index(delim) content = the_str[:idx] remainder = the_str[idx:] if strip: content.strip() remainder.strip() return content, remainder except ValueError: return None, None def _parse_from(self, import_str): import_str = self._lstrip(import_str, 'from ') module_name, import_str = self._next_token(import_str) import_str = self._lstrip(import_str, 'import ') for name_def in self._segs(import_str, token=','): if name_def.count(' as '): segs = self._segs(name_def, token=' as ') self.names.append(segs[1]) self.modules.append(module_name + '.' + segs[0]) else: self.names.extend(self._segs(name_def, '.')) self.modules.append(module_name) def _parse_import(self, import_str): import_str = self._lstrip(import_str, 'import ') for name_def in self._segs(import_str, token=','): if name_def.count(' as '): segs = self._segs(name_def, token=' as ') self.names.append(segs[1]) self.modules.append(segs[0]) else: self.names.extend(self._segs(name_def, '.')) self.modules.append(name_def) def reset(self): self.names = [] self.modules = [] def is_statement(self, import_str): return import_str.startswith(('import ', 'from ', )) def parse(self, import_str): self.reset() import_str = import_str.replace('(', '').replace(')', '') if import_str.startswith('import '): self._parse_import(import_str) elif import_str.startswith('from '): self._parse_from(import_str) else: raise IOError("Invalid import string: %s" % import_str) return self class PyLineTokens(object): COMMENT = '#' BACKSLASH = '\\' DECORATOR = '@' OPEN_B = '(' CLOSED_B = ')' class AbstractFilter(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): @abc.abstractmethod def mark(self, py_line): pass @abc.abstractmethod def filter(self, py_line, py_file): pass class AbstractPerFileFilter(AbstractFilter, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __init__(self): self._marked = [] def mark(self, py_line): if py_line.file_path not in self._marked: self._marked.append(py_line.file_path) return True return False @abc.abstractmethod def _filter(self, py_line, py_file): pass def filter(self, py_line, py_file): if py_line.file_path not in self._marked: return self._marked.remove(py_line.file_path) return self._filter(py_line, py_file) class CommentOutDecorators(AbstractFilter): def mark(self, py_line): if py_line.is_str_line: return False if py_line.logical.startswith(PyLineTokens.DECORATOR): return True return False def filter(self, py_line, py_file): if not py_file.get_line(py_line): return py_line.comment_out() class StripTrailingComments(AbstractFilter): _RE = re.compile('^([^#]*)#(.*)$') def mark(self, py_line): if (py_line.is_str_line or not count_tokens(py_line.logical, PyLineTokens.COMMENT)): return False m = StripTrailingComments._RE.match(py_line.logical) return True if m else False def filter(self, py_line, py_file): if not py_file.get_line(py_line): return m = StripTrailingComments._RE.match(py_line.logical) py_line.logical = m.group(1).strip() class AddMockDefinitions(AbstractPerFileFilter): _LINES = PyLine.from_string_lines(_MOCK_SRC.split("\n")) def _filter(self, py_line, py_file): py_file.prepend_lines(AddMockDefinitions._LINES) class PassEmptyDef(AbstractPerFileFilter): def _has_body(self, def_py_line, py_file): indent = def_py_line.indent line = py_file.next_line(def_py_line) while line: if line.is_empty_line: line = py_file.next_line(line) continue elif line.indent > indent: return True elif line.indent <= indent: return False else: line = py_file.next_line(line) return False def _filter(self, py_line, py_file): line = py_file.first_line() while line: if (line.logical.startswith(('class ', 'def ',)) and not self._has_body(line, py_file)): pass_line = PyLine(line.ws + " ", 'pass', py_file) py_file.insert_after(line, pass_line) line = py_file.next_line(pass_line) else: line = py_file.next_line(line) class RemoveDocStrings(AbstractPerFileFilter): _COMMENT = '"""' def _comment_count(self, py_line): return count_tokens(py_line.logical, RemoveDocStrings._COMMENT) def _safe_delete_line(self, py_line, py_file): if py_line.logical.endswith((',', ')',)): return py_file.del_line(py_line) def _filter(self, py_line, py_file): in_comment = False last_line = line = py_file.first_line() while line: comment_count = self._comment_count(line) if comment_count: if in_comment: in_comment = False elif comment_count == 1: in_comment = True py_file.del_line(line) elif in_comment: py_file.del_line(line) if not py_file.contains_line(line): if not py_file.contains_line(last_line): last_line = line = py_file.first_line() else: line = py_file.next_line(last_line) else: next_line = py_file.next_line(line) last_line = line line = next_line class RemoveCommentLines(AbstractFilter): def mark(self, py_line): return py_line.logical.startswith(PyLineTokens.COMMENT) def filter(self, py_line, py_file): py_line = py_file.get_line(py_line) if py_line and self.mark(py_line): py_file.del_line(py_line) class AbstractMultiLineCollector(AbstractFilter, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __init__(self): self._comment_stripper = StripTrailingComments() def _strip_backslash(self, py_line): if py_line.logical.endswith(PyLineTokens.BACKSLASH): py_line.logical = py_line.logical[:-1].strip() return True return False def _collect(self, py_line, py_file, continue_fn): self._strip_backslash(py_line) next_line = py_file.next_line(py_line) while next_line: if not next_line.is_comment: if self._comment_stripper.mark(next_line): self._comment_stripper.filter(next_line, py_file) if not next_line.is_space: py_line.logical += ' ' + next_line.logical py_file.del_line(next_line) if continue_fn(py_line): next_line = py_file.next_line(py_line) continue else: break def _collect_backslash(self, py_line, py_file): self._strip_backslash(py_line) self._collect(py_line, py_file, self._strip_backslash) def _collect_brackets(self, py_line, py_file): self._collect(py_line, py_file, lambda l: l.has_unmatched_brackets) def filter(self, py_line, py_file): if py_line.logical.endswith(PyLineTokens.BACKSLASH): self._collect_backslash(py_line, py_file) else: self._collect_brackets(py_line, py_file) class MergeMultiLineImports(AbstractMultiLineCollector): def mark(self, py_line): if py_line.is_str_line: return False logical = py_line.logical return (logical.startswith(('import ', 'from ',)) and py_line.is_continuation) def filter(self, py_line, py_file): super(MergeMultiLineImports, self).filter(py_line, py_file) py_line.logical = remove_brackets(py_line.logical) class MergeMultiLineClass(AbstractMultiLineCollector): def mark(self, py_line): if py_line.is_str_line: return False return py_line.logical.startswith('class ') and py_line.is_continuation class MergeMultiLineDef(AbstractMultiLineCollector): def mark(self, py_line): if py_line.is_str_line: return False return py_line.logical.startswith('def ') and py_line.is_continuation class MergeMultiLineDecorator(AbstractMultiLineCollector): def mark(self, py_line): if py_line.is_str_line: return False return (py_line.logical.startswith(PyLineTokens.DECORATOR) and py_line.is_continuation) class MockParentClass(AbstractFilter): _PARENT_RE = re.compile('class \w*\((.*)\)\:$') def mark(self, py_line): return (py_line.logical.startswith('class ') and not py_line.is_str_line) def filter(self, py_line, py_file): if not py_file.get_line(py_line): return m = MockParentClass._PARENT_RE.match(py_line.logical) if m: py_line.logical = py_line.logical.replace( "(%s):" % m.group(1), "(%s):" % _MOCK_CLASS_NAME) class MockImports(AbstractFilter): def __init__(self): self._parser = ImportParser() def mark(self, py_line): return self._parser.is_statement(remove_brackets(py_line.logical)) def filter(self, py_line, py_file): if not py_file.contains_line(py_line) or not self.mark(py_line): return py_line.logical = remove_brackets(py_line.logical) self._parser.parse(py_line.logical) if '*' in self._parser.names: inferred_names = [] for module in self._parser.modules: if not module.startswith('.'): inferred_names.extend(module.split('.')) self._parser.names = inferred_names if not self._parser.names: py_line.comment_out() return py_line.logical = ', '.join(self._parser.names) + ' = ' + ', '.join( [_MOCK_IMPORT_CLASS_NAME + '()' for n in self._parser.names]) if '_' in self._parser.names: # TODO(boden): one off mock_translate = PyLine(py_line.ws, '_ = lambda s: str(s)', py_file) py_file.insert_after(py_line, mock_translate) class APISignature(object): class SignatureType(object): CLASS = 'class' FUNCTION = 'function' METHOD = 'method' CLASS_ATTR = 'class_attribute' MODULE_ATTR = 'module_attribute' def __init__(self, signature_type, qualified_name, member, arg_spec): self.signature_type = signature_type self.qualified_name = qualified_name self.member = member self.arg_spec = arg_spec def to_dict(self): defaults = ([json_primitive(d) for d in self.arg_spec.defaults] if self.arg_spec.defaults else None) return { 'member_type': self.signature_type, 'qualified_name': self.qualified_name, 'member_value': json_primitive(self.member), 'arg_spec': { 'args': self.arg_spec.args, 'varargs': self.arg_spec.varargs, 'keywords': self.arg_spec.keywords, 'defaults': defaults } } @staticmethod def arg_spec_from_dict(arg_spec_dict): defaults = arg_spec_dict['defaults'] if defaults is not None: defaults = tuple(defaults) return inspect.ArgSpec(arg_spec_dict['args'], arg_spec_dict['varargs'], arg_spec_dict['keywords'], defaults) @staticmethod def from_dict(api_dict): return APISignature( api_dict['member_type'], api_dict['qualified_name'], api_dict['member_value'], APISignature.arg_spec_from_dict(api_dict['arg_spec'])) @property def signature(self): return self._build_signature(self.to_dict()) @staticmethod def get_signature(signature): if isinstance(signature, dict): signature = APISignature.from_dict(signature) return signature.signature def _build_callable_signature(self, signature_dict): arg_spec = signature_dict['arg_spec'] arg_str = '' defaults = arg_spec['defaults'] or [] named_args = arg_spec['args'] or [] named_kwargs = [] if defaults: named_args = arg_spec['args'][:-len(defaults)] named_kwargs = arg_spec['args'][-len(defaults):] if named_args: arg_str += ", ".join(named_args) if named_kwargs: kw_args = [] for kw_name, kw_default in zip(named_kwargs, defaults): kw_args.append("%s=%s" % (kw_name, kw_default)) arg_str += ", %s" % ", ".join(kw_args) if arg_spec['varargs'] is not None: arg_str = "*%s%s" % (arg_spec['varargs'], '' if not arg_str else ', ' + arg_str) if arg_spec['keywords'] is not None: arg_str += "%s**%s" % (', ' if arg_str else '', arg_spec['keywords']) if arg_str.startswith(','): arg_str = arg_str[1:] return "%s(%s)" % (signature_dict['qualified_name'], arg_str.strip()) def _build_variable_signature(self, signature_dict): return "%s = %s" % (signature_dict['qualified_name'], signature_dict['member_value']) def _build_class_signature(self, signature_dict): return signature_dict['qualified_name'] def _build_signature(self, signature_dict): if (signature_dict['member_type'] in [APISignature.SignatureType.FUNCTION, APISignature.SignatureType.METHOD]): return self._build_callable_signature(signature_dict) elif signature_dict['member_type'] == APISignature.SignatureType.CLASS: return self._build_class_signature(signature_dict) else: return self._build_variable_signature(signature_dict) class ModuleParser(object): def __init__(self, listeners, abort_on_load_failure=False): self.listeners = listeners self.abort_on_load_failure = abort_on_load_failure def _notify(self, signature_type, qualified_name, member, arg_spec=None): for listener in self.listeners: notify = getattr(listener, 'parse_' + signature_type) notify(APISignature(signature_type, qualified_name, member, arg_spec or inspect.ArgSpec(None, None, None, None))) def _collect_paths(self, paths, recurse=True): inits, mods = [], [] if not paths: return inits, mods for py_path in paths: if is_py_file(py_path): if path.basename(py_path) == '__init__.py': inits.append(py_path) else: mods.append(py_path) elif is_py_dir(py_path) and recurse: c_inits, c_mods = self._collect_paths( [path.join(py_path, c) for c in os.listdir(py_path)], recurse=recurse) inits.extend(c_inits) mods.extend(c_mods) return inits, mods def _load_path(self, module_path): module_name = path.basename(path.splitext(module_path)[0]) pkg_name = '.'.join(parent_package_names(module_path) or '') defined_name = ('%s.%s' % (pkg_name, module_name) if pkg_name else module_name) if module_name == '__init__': defined_name = pkg_name search_paths = [parent_path(module_path)] f = None try: if defined_name in sys.modules: del sys.modules[defined_name] f, p, d = imp.find_module(module_name, search_paths) module = importlib.load_module(defined_name, f, p, d) if defined_name == '__init__': setattr(module, '__path__', search_paths) return module except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write("Failed to load module '%s' due to: %s" % (module_path, e)) if self.abort_on_load_failure: raise e finally: if f: f.close() def load_modules(self, init_paths, module_paths): init_mods, mods = [], [] failed_to_load = [] def _load(paths, store): for m_path in paths: module = self._load_path(m_path) if module: store.append(module) else: failed_to_load.append(m_path) _load(init_paths, init_mods) _load(module_paths, mods) return init_mods, mods, failed_to_load def _fully_qualified_name(self, parent, name): if inspect.isclass(parent): prefix = parent.__module__ + '.' + parent.__name__ else: prefix = parent.__name__ return prefix + '.' + name def parse_modules(self, modules): for module in modules: for member_name, member in inspect.getmembers( module, _member_filter): if member_name.startswith('__') and member_name.endswith('__'): continue fqn = self._fully_qualified_name(module, member_name) if inspect.isclass(member): self._notify(APISignature.SignatureType.CLASS, fqn, member) self.parse_modules([member]) elif inspect.isfunction(member): self._notify(APISignature.SignatureType.FUNCTION, fqn, member, arg_spec=inspect.getfullargspec(member)) elif inspect.ismethod(member): self._notify(APISignature.SignatureType.METHOD, fqn, member, arg_spec=inspect.getfullargspec(member)) else: event = (APISignature.SignatureType.MODULE_ATTR if inspect.ismodule(module) else APISignature.SignatureType.CLASS_ATTR) self._notify(event, fqn, member) def parse_paths(self, py_paths, recurse=True): init_paths, mod_paths = self._collect_paths( py_paths, recurse=recurse) init_mods, pkg_mods, failed_mods = self.load_modules( init_paths, mod_paths) self.parse_modules(init_mods) self.parse_modules(pkg_mods) class APIReport(object): def __init__(self, abort_on_load_failure=False): self._api = {} self._parser = ModuleParser( [self], abort_on_load_failure=abort_on_load_failure) def _add(self, event): if is_mock_import(event.member): return uuid = str(event.qualified_name) if uuid in self._api: # TODO(boden): configurable bail on duplicate flag sys.stderr.write("Duplicate API signature: %s" % uuid) return if not filter(blacklist_filter, [uuid]): return self._api[uuid] = event.to_dict() def parse_method(self, event): self._add(event) def parse_function(self, event): self._add(event) def parse_class(self, event): self._add(event) def parse_class_attribute(self, event): self._add(event) def parse_module_attribute(self, event): self._add(event) def parse_api_paths(self, api_paths, recurse=True): self._parser.parse_paths(api_paths, recurse=recurse) def parse_api_path(self, api_path, recurse=True): self.parse_api_paths([api_path], recurse=recurse) @property def api(self): return dict(self._api) def to_json(self): return jsonutils.dumps(self._api) @staticmethod def from_json(json_str): api = APIReport() api._api = jsonutils.loads(json_str) return api @staticmethod def from_json_file(file_path): with open(file_path, 'r') as json_file: data = json_file.read() return APIReport.from_json(data) @staticmethod def api_diff_files(new_api, old_api): new_api = APIReport.from_json_file(new_api) old_api = APIReport.from_json_file(old_api) return new_api.api_diff(old_api) def get_filtered_signatures(self): return filter(blacklist_filter, self.get_signatures()) def get_signatures(self): return sorted([APISignature.get_signature(s) for s in self._api.values()]) def api_diff(self, other_api): our_keys = sorted(self.api.keys()) other_keys = sorted(other_api.api.keys()) new_keys = set(our_keys) - set(other_keys) removed_keys = set(other_keys) - set(our_keys) common_keys = set(our_keys) & set(other_keys) common_key_changes = [k for k in common_keys if ordered(self.api[k]) != ordered(other_api.api[k])] for k in common_key_changes: if (not blacklist_filter(self.api[k]['member_value']) and not blacklist_filter(other_api.api[k]['member_value'])): common_key_changes.remove(k) def _build_report(new_api): apis = APIReport() apis._api = new_api return apis return { 'new': _build_report({k: self.api[k] for k in new_keys}), 'removed': _build_report({k: other_api.api[k] for k in removed_keys}), 'unchanged': _build_report({k: self.api[k] for k in set(common_keys) - set(common_key_changes)}), 'new_changed': _build_report({k: self.api[k] for k in common_key_changes}), 'old_changed': _build_report({k: other_api.api[k] for k in common_key_changes}) } class AbstractCommand(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): @abc.abstractmethod def get_parser(self): pass @abc.abstractmethod def run(self, args): pass def _add_blacklist_opt(parser): parser.add_argument( '--blacklist', help='One or more regular expressions used to filter out ' 'API paths from the report. File path segments, module ' 'names, class names, etc. are all subject to filtering. ' 'Multiple regexes can be specified using a comma in the ' '--blacklist argument.') class GenerateReportCommand(AbstractCommand): PY_LINE_FILTERS = [RemoveDocStrings(), RemoveCommentLines(), StripTrailingComments(), MergeMultiLineImports(), MergeMultiLineClass(), MergeMultiLineDef(), MergeMultiLineDecorator(), CommentOutDecorators(), PassEmptyDef(), MockParentClass(), AddMockDefinitions(), MockImports()] def __init__(self): self._parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='generate', description='Generate an interface report for python ' 'source. The paths given can be a python ' 'package or project directory, or a single ' 'python source file. The program replaces ' 'your imports with mocks, so no dependencies ' 'are needed in the python env.') _add_blacklist_opt(self._parser) self._parser.add_argument( '--debug', help='Exit parsing on failure to load a module and ' 'leave temp staging dir intact..', action='store_const', const=True) self._parser.add_argument('PATH', nargs='+', metavar='PATH') def get_parser(self): return self._parser def run(self, args): if args.blacklist: add_blacklist_from_csv_str(args.blacklist) files = PyFiles(args.PATH) with files.tmp_tree(delete_on_exit=( not args.debug)) as tmp_root: PyFiles.filter_all_py_files( tmp_root, GenerateReportCommand.PY_LINE_FILTERS) report = APIReport(abort_on_load_failure=args.debug) for child in os.listdir(tmp_root): child_path = path.join(tmp_root, child) report.parse_api_paths([child_path]) print("%s" % report.to_json()) class PrintReportCommand(AbstractCommand): def __init__(self): self._parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='print', description='Given a JSON API file, print the API signatures ' 'to STDOUT.') _add_blacklist_opt(self._parser) self._parser.add_argument('REPORT_FILE', help='Path to JSON report file.') def get_parser(self): return self._parser def run(self, args): if args.blacklist: add_blacklist_from_csv_str(args.blacklist) report = APIReport.from_json_file(args.REPORT_FILE) for signature in report.get_filtered_signatures(): print(signature) class DiffReportCommand(AbstractCommand): def __init__(self): self._parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='diff', description='Given a new and old JSON interface report ' 'files, calculate the changes between new ' 'and old and echo them to STDOUT.') _add_blacklist_opt(self._parser) self._parser.add_argument( '--unchanged', help='Used with --diff to specify that unchanged ' 'public APIs should be reported in addition to ' 'new and removed.', action='store_const', const=True) self._parser.add_argument('NEW_REPORT_FILE', help='Path to new report file.') self._parser.add_argument('OLD_REPORT_FILE', help='Path to old report file.') def get_parser(self): return self._parser def _print_row(self, heading, content_list): print(heading) print("-----------------------------------------------------") for content in content_list: print(str(content)) print("-----------------------------------------------------\n") def run(self, args): if args.blacklist: add_blacklist_from_csv_str(args.blacklist) api_diff = APIReport.api_diff_files( args.NEW_REPORT_FILE, args.OLD_REPORT_FILE) self._print_row("New API Signatures", api_diff['new'].get_filtered_signatures()) self._print_row("Removed API Signatures", api_diff['removed'].get_filtered_signatures()) new_sigs = api_diff['new_changed'].get_filtered_signatures() old_sigs = api_diff['old_changed'].get_filtered_signatures() if len(new_sigs) != len(old_sigs): new_sigs = [] old_sigs = [] new_changed = api_diff['new_changed'].api old_changed = api_diff['old_changed'].api for n, new_spec in new_changed.items(): display_old = blacklist_filter(old_changed[n]['member_value']) display_new = blacklist_filter(new_spec['member_value']) if display_old and display_new: new_sigs.append(APISignature.get_signature(new_spec)) old_sigs.append(APISignature.get_signature(old_changed[n])) elif not display_old: new_sigs.append(APISignature.get_signature(new_spec)) old_sigs.append(n) else: new_sigs.append('UNKNOWN') old_sigs.append(n) self._print_row("Changed API Signatures", ["%s [is now] %s" % (old_sigs[i], new_sigs[i]) for i in range(len(new_sigs))]) if args.unchanged: self._print_row("Unchanged API Signatures", api_diff['unchanged'].get_filtered_signatures()) class CLI(object): def __init__(self, commands): self._commands = {c.get_parser().prog: c for c in commands} self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='pyir', description='Python API report tooling.', usage="pyir <%s> [args]" % "|".join(self._commands.keys()), add_help=True) self.parser.add_argument( 'command', help='The command to run. Known commands: ' '%s . Try \'pyir --help\' for more info ' 'on a specific command. ' % ", ".join(self._commands.keys())) args = self.parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:2]) if args.command not in self._commands.keys(): print("Unknown command: %s" % args.command) self.parser.print_help() exit(1) cmd = self._commands[args.command] cmd.get_parser().prog = self.parser.prog + ' ' + cmd.get_parser().prog cmd.run(cmd.get_parser().parse_args(sys.argv[2:])) def main(): CLI([DiffReportCommand(), GenerateReportCommand(), PrintReportCommand()]) if __name__ == '__main__': main() exit(0)