Boden R 60bf1fb6e4 API extension updates and fixture
Today, extension loading consists of using the global attr map
[1] as a registry of the API resources known to neutron. Extension
modules are loaded using imp.load_source() [2] and once resolved
are allowed to extend other resource attrs (core or other extension
resources/attrs) in the map [3]. This is nothing new, for those
extensions which do extend others, they are supposed to update
the extensions attr map; our docs say it's so [4].

Using imp.load_source() [2] to load a module, causes it to reinitialize.
This includes recreating a copy of the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP
for neutron.extensions.**. The result is that the extension module object
loaded does not ref the same RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP as the
actual neutron.extensions.mymodule anymore; it's a deep copy as part
of load_source(). This is how things have been for some time it appears.

However now we are trying to use API defs from neutron-lib that
contain the actual RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP; imp.load_source()
no longer makes a copy and thus whats used is the single global
RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP from it's lib definition. While this is
fine during service runtime, some tests expect the attribute maps
to have only specific values; these values can get muddied during tests
since now the single lib map gets updated [5].

This patch adds a fixture to save/restore neutron-lib api definition
maps and can be used to modify the attribute map in testing isolation.
It also includes update_attributes_map() in the API definition class
to further solidify the implementation before we start using it in

For sample usage see [6].

[6] If2e66e06b83e15ee2851ea2bc3b64ad366e675dd

Change-Id: Iff1ea5ac381f7823a3745d3956ee6179fcd07b1e
2017-03-17 12:10:24 -06:00

13 lines
639 B

- A new fixture for testing with neutron-lib API definitions has
been added as ``neutron_lib.fixtures.APIDefinitionFixture``. This
fixture can be used anytime extension plugins are being tested
that modify resource attribute maps and ensures the single global
API definition attribute map is copied and restored.
- The ``neutron_lib.api.extensions.APIExtensionDescriptor`` class now
defines update_attributes_map that uses the API definitions attribute
map if none is given. This is the default behavior in most all
extensions today and thus is collapsed into the base class for convenience.