This patch rehomes neutron.db._model_query into neutron-lib. While our longer term goal is to use OVO rather than queries and tables, this module is provided as a stepping stone (as mentioned in release note herein). The patch also includes a few other APIs that are required for the rehome including some utils and an exception class. For more details see the spec on [1]. Also a sample consumption patch can be found on [2]. While it won't work as-is with the depends on approach (it needs to be rebased on multiple other DNMs in neutron) I tested it locally. In addition this change was tested locally with a sample vmware-nsx consumption patch [3]. [1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/473531/ [2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/557786/ [3] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/557788/ Change-Id: I3e4b38aa3b6460ce916091c020adedd4ed2c4d26
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import fixtures
import mock
from neutron_lib.api import attributes
from neutron_lib.api import definitions
from neutron_lib.callbacks import manager
from neutron_lib.callbacks import registry
from neutron_lib.db import api as db_api
from neutron_lib.db import model_base
from neutron_lib.db import model_query
from neutron_lib.plugins import directory
class PluginDirectoryFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
def __init__(self, plugin_directory=None):
super(PluginDirectoryFixture, self).__init__()
self.plugin_directory = (
plugin_directory or directory._PluginDirectory())
def _setUp(self):
self._orig_directory = directory._PLUGIN_DIRECTORY
directory._PLUGIN_DIRECTORY = self.plugin_directory
def _restore(self):
directory._PLUGIN_DIRECTORY = self._orig_directory
class CallbackRegistryFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
"""Callback registry fixture.
This class is intended to be used as a fixture within unit tests and
therefore consumers must register it using useFixture() within their
unit test class. The implementation optionally allows consumers to pass
in the CallbacksManager manager to use for your tests.
def __init__(self, callback_manager=None):
"""Creates a new RegistryFixture.
:param callback_manager: If specified, the return value to use for
_get_callback_manager(). Otherwise a new instance of CallbacksManager
is used.
super(CallbackRegistryFixture, self).__init__()
self.callback_manager = callback_manager or manager.CallbacksManager()
self.patcher = None
def _setUp(self):
self._orig_manager = registry._get_callback_manager()
self.patcher = mock.patch.object(
registry, '_get_callback_manager',
def _restore(self):
registry._CALLBACK_MANAGER = self._orig_manager
class SqlFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
# flag to indicate that the models have been loaded
def _setUp(self):
# Register all data models
engine = db_api.get_context_manager().writer.get_engine()
if not SqlFixture._TABLES_ESTABLISHED:
def clear_tables():
with engine.begin() as conn:
for table in reversed(
class APIDefinitionFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
"""Test fixture for testing neutron-lib API definitions.
Extension API definition RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP dicts get updated as
part of standard extension processing/handling. While this behavior is
fine for service runtime, it can impact testing scenarios whereby test1
updates the attribute map (globally) and test2 doesn't expect the
test1 updates.
This fixture saves and restores 1 or more neutron-lib API definitions
attribute maps. It should be used anywhere multiple tests can be run
that might update an extension attribute map.
In addition the fixture backs up and restores the global attribute
RESOURCES base on the boolean value of its backup_global_resources
def __init__(self, *api_definitions):
"""Create a new instance.
Consumers can also control if the fixture should handle the global
attribute RESOURCE map using the backup_global_resources of the
fixture instance. If True the fixture will also handle
:param api_definitions: Zero or more API definitions the fixture
should handle. If no api_definitions are passed, the default is
to handle all neutron_lib API definitions as well as the global
RESOURCES attribute map.
self.definitions = api_definitions or definitions._ALL_API_DEFINITIONS
self._orig_attr_maps = {}
self._orig_resources = {}
self.backup_global_resources = True
def _setUp(self):
for api_def in self.definitions:
self._orig_attr_maps[api_def.ALIAS] = (
api_def, {k: copy.deepcopy(v)
for k, v in api_def.RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.items()})
if self.backup_global_resources:
for resource, attrs in attributes.RESOURCES.items():
self._orig_resources[resource] = copy.deepcopy(attrs)
def _restore(self):
# clear + repopulate so consumer refs don't change
for alias, def_and_map in self._orig_attr_maps.items():
api_def, attr_map = def_and_map[0], def_and_map[1]
if self.backup_global_resources:
def all_api_definitions_fixture(cls):
"""Return a fixture that handles all neutron-lib api-defs."""
return APIDefinitionFixture(*tuple(definitions._ALL_API_DEFINITIONS))
class PlacementAPIClientFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
"""Placement API client fixture.
This class is intended to be used as a fixture within unit tests and
therefore consumers must register it using useFixture() within their
unit test class.
def __init__(self, placement_api_client):
"""Creates a new PlacementAPIClientFixture.
:param placement_api_client: Placement API client object.
super(PlacementAPIClientFixture, self).__init__()
self.placement_api_client = placement_api_client
def _setUp(self):
def mock_create_client():
self.placement_api_client.client = mock.Mock()
self._mock_create_client = mock.patch.object(
self.placement_api_client, '_create_client',
self._mock_get = mock.patch.object(self.placement_api_client, '_get')
self._mock_post = mock.patch.object(self.placement_api_client, '_post')
self._mock_put = mock.patch.object(self.placement_api_client, '_put')
self._mock_delete = mock.patch.object(self.placement_api_client,
self.mock_get = self._mock_get.start()
self.mock_post = self._mock_post.start()
self.mock_put = self._mock_put.start()
self.mock_delete = self._mock_delete.start()
def _restore(self):
class DBRetryErrorsFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
def __init__(self, **retry_kwargs):
self._retry_kwargs = retry_kwargs
self._patchers = []
def _setUp(self):
for k, v in self._retry_kwargs.items():
patcher = mock.patch.object(db_api._retry_db_errors, k, new=v)
def _restore(self):
for p in self._patchers:
class DBAPIContextManagerFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
def __init__(self, mock_context_manager=mock.ANY):
self.cxt_manager = (mock.Mock() if mock_context_manager == mock.ANY
else mock_context_manager)
self._backup_mgr = None
def _setUp(self):
self._backup_mgr = db_api._CTX_MANAGER
db_api._CTX_MANAGER = self.cxt_manager
def _restore(self):
db_api._CTX_MANAGER = self._backup_mgr
class DBQueryHooksFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
def _setUp(self, query_hooks=None):
self._backup = model_query._model_query_hooks
model_query._model_query_hooks = query_hooks or {}
def _restore(self):
model_query._model_query_hooks = self._backup