Nate Johnston 492fd109ed Migrate timecost decorator to neutron-lib
There are a few functions in neutron-lib where timecost profiling would
be beneficial, so that means it is a good time to transition this
library to neutron-lib.

Change-Id: I7c84a83a2f836493f63b220f7ff0cbcc823374f2
2020-05-27 15:09:09 -04:00

222 lines
6.8 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import collections
import decimal
import random
import weakref
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import timeutils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from neutron_lib._i18n import _
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def parse_mappings(mapping_list, unique_values=True, unique_keys=True):
"""Parse a list of mapping strings into a dictionary.
:param mapping_list: A list of strings of the form '<key>:<value>'.
:param unique_values: Values must be unique if True.
:param unique_keys: Keys must be unique if True, else implies that keys
and values are not unique.
:returns: A dict mapping keys to values or to list of values.
:raises ValueError: Upon malformed data or duplicate keys.
mappings = {}
for mapping in mapping_list:
mapping = mapping.strip()
if not mapping:
split_result = mapping.split(':')
if len(split_result) != 2:
raise ValueError(_("Invalid mapping: '%s'") % mapping)
key = split_result[0].strip()
if not key:
raise ValueError(_("Missing key in mapping: '%s'") % mapping)
value = split_result[1].strip()
if not value:
raise ValueError(_("Missing value in mapping: '%s'") % mapping)
if unique_keys:
if key in mappings:
raise ValueError(_("Key %(key)s in mapping: '%(mapping)s' not "
"unique") % {'key': key,
'mapping': mapping})
if unique_values and value in mappings.values():
raise ValueError(_("Value %(value)s in mapping: '%(mapping)s' "
"not unique") % {'value': value,
'mapping': mapping})
mappings[key] = value
mappings.setdefault(key, [])
if value not in mappings[key]:
return mappings
def compare_elements(a, b):
"""Compare elements if a and b have same elements.
This method doesn't consider ordering.
:param a: The first item to compare.
:param b: The second item to compare.
:returns: True if a and b have the same elements, False otherwise.
return set(a or []) == set(b or [])
def safe_sort_key(value):
"""Return value hash or build one for dictionaries.
:param value: The value to build a hash for.
:returns: The value sorted.
if isinstance(value, collections.Mapping):
return sorted(value.items())
return value
def dict2str(dic):
"""Build a str representation of a dict.
:param dic: The dict to build a str representation for.
:returns: The dict in str representation that is a k=v command list for
each item in dic.
return ','.join("%s=%s" % (key, val)
for key, val in sorted(dic.items()))
def str2dict(string):
"""Parse a str representation of a dict into its dict form.
This is the inverse of dict2str()
:param string: The string to parse.
:returns: A dict constructed from the str representation in string.
res_dict = {}
for keyvalue in string.split(','):
(key, value) = keyvalue.split('=', 1)
res_dict[key] = value
return res_dict
def dict2tuple(d):
"""Build a tuple from a dict.
:param d: The dict to coherence into a tuple.
:returns: The dict d in tuple form.
items = list(d.items())
return tuple(items)
def diff_list_of_dict(old_list, new_list):
"""Given 2 lists of dicts, return a tuple containing the diff.
:param old_list: The old list of dicts to diff.
:param new_list: The new list of dicts to diff.
:returns: A tuple where the first item is a list of the added dicts in
the diff and the second item is the removed dicts.
new_set = set([dict2str(i) for i in new_list])
old_set = set([dict2str(i) for i in old_list])
added = new_set - old_set
removed = old_set - new_set
return [str2dict(a) for a in added], [str2dict(r) for r in removed]
def get_random_string(length):
"""Get a random hex string of the specified length.
:param length: The length for the hex string.
:returns: A random hex string of the said length.
return "{0:0{1}x}".format(random.getrandbits(length * 4), length)
def camelize(s):
"""Camelize a str that uses _ as a camelize token.
:param s: The str to camelize that contains a _ at each index where a new
camelized word starts.
:returns: The camelized str.
return ''.join(s.replace('_', ' ').title().split())
def round_val(val):
"""Round the value.
:param val: The value to round.
:returns: The value rounded using the half round up scheme.
# we rely on decimal module since it behaves consistently across Python
# versions (2.x vs. 3.x)
return int(decimal.Decimal(val).quantize(decimal.Decimal('1'),
def safe_decode_utf8(s):
"""Safe decode a str from UTF.
:param s: The str to decode.
:returns: The decoded str.
if isinstance(s, bytes):
return s.decode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape')
return s
weak_method = weakref.WeakMethod
def make_weak_ref(f):
"""Make a weak reference to a function accounting for bound methods.
:param f: The callable to make a weak ref for.
:returns: A weak ref to f.
return weak_method(f) if hasattr(f, '__self__') else weakref.ref(f)
def resolve_ref(ref):
"""Handles dereference of weakref.
:param ref: The weak ref to resolve.
:returns: The resolved reference.
if isinstance(ref, weakref.ref):
ref = ref()
return ref
def timecost(f):
call_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
message_base = ("Time-cost: call %(call_id)s function %(fname)s ") % {
"call_id": call_id, "fname": f.__name__}
end_message = (message_base + "took %(seconds).3fs seconds to run")
@timeutils.time_it(LOG, message=end_message, min_duration=None)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
LOG.debug(message_base + "start")
ret = f(*args, **kwargs)
return ret
return wrapper