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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from webob import exc
from neutron_lib._i18n import _
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import network
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import port
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import subnet
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import subnetpool
from neutron_lib.api import validators
from neutron_lib import constants
from neutron_lib import exceptions
def _validate_privileges(context, res_dict):
if ('project_id' in res_dict and
res_dict['project_id'] != context.project_id and
not (context.is_admin or context.is_advsvc)):
msg = _("Specifying 'project_id' or 'tenant_id' other than the "
"authenticated project in request requires admin or advsvc "
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg)
def populate_project_info(attributes):
"""Ensure that both project_id and tenant_id attributes are present.
If either project_id or tenant_id is present in attributes then ensure
that both are present.
If neither are present then attributes is not updated.
:param attributes: A dictionary of resource/API attributes
or API request/response dict.
:returns: attributes (updated with project_id if applicable).
:raises: HTTPBadRequest if the attributes project_id and tenant_id
don't match.
if 'tenant_id' in attributes and 'project_id' not in attributes:
attributes['project_id'] = attributes['tenant_id']
elif 'project_id' in attributes and 'tenant_id' not in attributes:
# Backward compatibility for code still using tenant_id
attributes['tenant_id'] = attributes['project_id']
if attributes.get('project_id') != attributes.get('tenant_id'):
msg = _("'project_id' and 'tenant_id' do not match")
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg)
return attributes
def _fill_default(res_dict, attr_name, attr_spec):
# update res_dict[attr_name] record with the default value
# specified in attr_spec, taking into account default_overrides_none
if attr_spec.get('default_overrides_none'):
if res_dict.get(attr_name) is None:
res_dict[attr_name] = attr_spec.get('default')
res_dict[attr_name] = res_dict.get(attr_name,
def _dict_populate_defaults(attr_value, attr_spec):
# attr_value: dict
# attr_spec: an attribute specification dict e.g.
# {
# ...
# 'dict_populate_defaults': True,
# 'default_overrides_none': ,
# 'validate': {
# 'type:dict': {
# 'foo': {
# 'default': FOO_DEFAULT,
# 'type:values': [42, 43]
# },
# 'bar': {
# 'default': BAR_DEFAULT,
# 'convert_to': converters.convert_to_boolean
# }
# 'baz': {
# 'dict_populate_defaults': True
# 'default_overrides_none': True,
# 'type:dict': {
# 'baz_bar: {
# 'default': 77,
# 'type:boolean'
# },
# 'baz_foo': {
# 'default': 88,
# 'type:boolean'
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
if not attr_spec.get(constants.DICT_POPULATE_DEFAULTS):
return attr_value
if attr_value is None or attr_value is constants.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED:
attr_value = {}
for rule_type, rule_content in attr_spec['validate'].items():
# we only recursively apply defaults for dict rules
if 'dict' not in rule_type:
for key, key_validator in rule_content.items():
validator_name, _dummy, validator_params = (
# recurse if required:
if 'dict' in validator_name:
value = _dict_populate_defaults(
constants.DICT_POPULATE_DEFAULTS: key_validator.get(
'validate': {validator_name: validator_params}
if value is not None:
attr_value[key] = value
_fill_default(attr_value, key, key_validator)
return attr_value
class AttributeInfo(object):
"""Provides operations on a resource's attribute map.
AttributeInfo wraps an API resource's attribute dict and provides methods
for filling defaults, validating, converting, etc. based on the
underlying attributes.
def __init__(self, resource_attrs):
"""Create a new instance that wraps the given resource attributes.
:param resource_attrs: The resource's attributes that can be any
of the following types: an instance of AttributeInfo, an API
definition that contains a RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP attribute or
a dict of attributes for the resource.
if isinstance(resource_attrs, AttributeInfo):
resource_attrs = resource_attrs.attributes
elif getattr(resource_attrs,
'RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP', None) is not None:
# handle neutron_lib API definitions
resource_attrs = resource_attrs.RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP
self.attributes = resource_attrs
def fill_post_defaults(
self, res_dict,
exc_cls=lambda m: exceptions.InvalidInput(error_message=m),
"""Fill in default values for attributes in a POST request.
When a POST request is made, the attributes with default values do not
need to be specified by the user. This function fills in the values of
any unspecified attributes if they have a default value.
If an attribute is not specified and it does not have a default value,
an exception is raised.
If an attribute is specified and it is not allowed in POST requests, an
exception is raised. The caller can override this behavior by setting
check_allow_post=False (used by some internal admin operations).
:param res_dict: The resource attributes from the request.
:param exc_cls: Exception to be raised on error that must take
a single error message as it's only constructor arg.
:param check_allow_post: Raises an exception if a non-POST-able
attribute is specified.
:raises: exc_cls If check_allow_post is True and this instance of
ResourceAttributes doesn't support POST.
for attr, attr_vals in self.attributes.items():
if attr_vals['allow_post']:
value = _dict_populate_defaults(
res_dict.get(attr, constants.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED),
if value is not constants.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED:
res_dict[attr] = value
if 'default' not in attr_vals and attr not in res_dict:
msg = _("Failed to parse request. Required "
"attribute '%s' not specified") % attr
raise exc_cls(msg)
_fill_default(res_dict, attr, attr_vals)
elif check_allow_post:
if attr in res_dict:
msg = _("Attribute '%s' not allowed in POST") % attr
raise exc_cls(msg)
def convert_values(
self, res_dict,
exc_cls=lambda m: exceptions.InvalidInput(error_message=m)):
"""Convert and validate attribute values for a request.
:param res_dict: The resource attributes from the request.
:param exc_cls: Exception to be raised on error that must take
a single error message as it's only constructor arg.
:raises: exc_cls If any errors occur converting/validating the
for attr, attr_vals in self.attributes.items():
if (attr not in res_dict or
res_dict[attr] is constants.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED):
# Convert values if necessary
if 'convert_to' in attr_vals:
res_dict[attr] = attr_vals['convert_to'](res_dict[attr])
# Check that configured values are correct
if 'validate' not in attr_vals:
for rule in attr_vals['validate']:
validator = validators.get_validator(rule)
res = validator(res_dict[attr],
if res:
msg_dict = {'attr': attr, 'reason': res}
msg = _("Invalid input for %(attr)s. "
"Reason: %(reason)s.") % msg_dict
raise exc_cls(msg)
def populate_project_id(self, context, res_dict, is_create):
"""Populate the owner information in a request body.
Ensure both project_id and tenant_id attributes are present.
Validate that the requestor has the required privileges.
For a create request, copy owner info from context to request body
if needed and verify that owner is specified if required.
:param context: The request context.
:param res_dict: The resource attributes from the request.
:param attr_info: The attribute map for the resource.
:param is_create: Is this a create request?
:raises: HTTPBadRequest If neither the project_id nor tenant_id
are specified in the res_dict.
_validate_privileges(context, res_dict)
if is_create and 'project_id' not in res_dict:
if context.project_id:
res_dict['project_id'] = context.project_id
# For backward compatibility
res_dict['tenant_id'] = context.project_id
elif 'tenant_id' in self.attributes:
msg = _("Running without keystone AuthN requires "
"that tenant_id is specified")
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg)
def verify_attributes(self, attrs_to_verify):
"""Reject unknown attributes.
Consumers should ensure the project info is populated in the
attrs_to_verify before calling this method.
:param attrs_to_verify: The attributes to verify against this
resource attributes.
:raises: HTTPBadRequest: If attrs_to_verify contains any unrecognized
for this resource attributes instance.
extra_keys = set(attrs_to_verify.keys()) - set(self.attributes.keys())
if extra_keys:
msg = _("Unrecognized attribute(s) '%s'") % ', '.join(extra_keys)
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg)
def _core_resource_attributes():
resources = {}
for core_def in [network.RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP,
return resources
# populate core resources into singleton global
RESOURCES = _core_resource_attributes()
def retrieve_valid_sort_keys(attr_info):
"""Retrieve sort keys from `attr_info` dict.
Iterate the `attr_info`, filter and return the attributes that are
defined with `is_sort_key=True`.
:param attr_info: The attribute dict for common neutron resource.
:returns: Set of sort keys.
return set(attr for attr, schema in attr_info.items()
if schema.get('is_sort_key', False))