{ "comments": [ { "unresolved": false, "key": { "uuid": "76689799_4245b65b", "filename": "/PATCHSET_LEVEL", "patchSetId": 9 }, "lineNbr": 0, "author": { "id": 16688 }, "writtenOn": "2023-01-13T17:01:16Z", "side": 1, "message": "PS8 to PS9: rename the file to ovn-neutron-agent (to match the proposed solution)", "revId": "4a36779f30c7be1627f8d482b455c3d8250b4d77", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543" }, { "unresolved": true, "key": { "uuid": "5d66e8bc_97cb62e6", "filename": "specs/2023.1/ovn-neutron-agent.rst", "patchSetId": 9 }, "lineNbr": 298, "author": { "id": 8313 }, "writtenOn": "2023-01-16T08:56:24Z", "side": 1, "message": "Yeah, perhaps fullstack is viable to see if the basic functionality of the agent is ok, like status and such.", "range": { "startLine": 296, "startChar": 3, "endLine": 298, "endChar": 26 }, "revId": "4a36779f30c7be1627f8d482b455c3d8250b4d77", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543" }, { "unresolved": true, "key": { "uuid": "7758c510_fe925391", "filename": "specs/2023.1/ovn-neutron-agent.rst", "patchSetId": 9 }, "lineNbr": 298, "author": { "id": 11975 }, "writtenOn": "2023-01-16T11:36:40Z", "side": 1, "message": "Fullstack framework don\u0027t support OVN backend at all", "parentUuid": "5d66e8bc_97cb62e6", "range": { "startLine": 296, "startChar": 3, "endLine": 298, "endChar": 26 }, "revId": "4a36779f30c7be1627f8d482b455c3d8250b4d77", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543" } ] }