.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ============================== OFAgent: Simplify bridge setup ============================== https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/ofagent-bridge-setup Problem Description =================== - ofagent uses bridge name (eg. "br-int") to specify the bridge to control. it's OVS-dependent. - ofagent automatically set up the bridge on startup. (i.e. add-br, set br protocols, set-controller, etc) there are little point to perform it every time an agent starts up. one-time setup during deployment is enough. also, it's OVS-dependent. Proposed Change =============== - use datapath-id instead of bridge name. introduce a new config option to specify the bridge using datapath-id. make it an alternative of "integration_bridge" option. - remove code to set up the bridge from ofagent. document the instruction to set up the bridge instead. - adapt devstack accordingly. - retire "integration_bridge" option for ofagent later. (probably in "L" cycle.) Alternatives ------------ instead of datapath-id, OFPMP_DESC might be usable to distinguish bridge. OVS by default doesn't provide useful description though. Data Model Impact ----------------- none REST API Impact --------------- none Security Impact --------------- none Notifications Impact -------------------- none Other End User Impact --------------------- none Performance Impact ------------------ none IPv6 Impact ----------- none Other Deployer Impact --------------------- a deployer needs to update his config. Developer Impact ---------------- none Community Impact ---------------- none Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: yamamoto Other contributors: kakuma Work Items ---------- see "Proposed Change" section. Dependencies ============ none Testing ======= update the existing tests if necessary. Tempest Tests ------------- none Functional Tests ---------------- none API Tests --------- none Documentation Impact ==================== User Documentation ------------------ the new option and upgrade instruction need to be documented. Developer Documentation ----------------------- none References ========== none