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from neutron_lib.api.definitions import auto_allocated_topology
from oslo_config import cfg
from tempest.lib import decorators

from neutron_tempest_plugin.api import base

class TestAutoAllocatedTopology(base.BaseAdminNetworkTest):
    """Tests Get-Me-A-Network

    Tests the Get-Me-A-Network operations in the Neutron API
    using the REST client for Neutron.
    # NOTE(armax): this is a precaution to avoid interference
    # from other tests exercising this extension. So long as
    # all tests are added under TestAutoAllocatedTopology,
    # nothing bad should happen.
    force_tenant_isolation = True
    required_extensions = [auto_allocated_topology.ALIAS]

    def resource_setup(cls):
        super(TestAutoAllocatedTopology, cls).resource_setup()

        # The deployment must contain a default subnetpool
        body = cls.client.list_subnetpools(is_default=True)
        # The deployment may contain one or two default subnetpools:
        # one ipv4 pool, or one ipv6 pool, or one of each.
        # This run-time dependency should be revisited if the test is
        # moved over to tempest.
        cls.num_subnetpools = len(body['subnetpools'])
        if cls.num_subnetpools == 0:
            raise cls.skipException("No default subnetpool")

        # Ensure the public external network is the default external network
        public_net_id = cfg.CONF.network.public_network_id
        cls.admin_client.update_network(public_net_id, is_default=True)
        # Ensure that is_default does not accidentally flip back to False
        # because of network_update requests that do not contain is_default.
        cls.admin_client.update_network(public_net_id, description="gman")

    def _count_topology_resources(self):
        '''Count the resources whose names begin with 'auto_allocated_'.'''

        def _count(resources):
            return len([resource['id'] for resource in resources
                        if resource['name'].startswith('auto_allocated_')])

        up = {'admin_state_up': True}
        networks = _count(self.client.list_networks(**up)['networks'])
        subnets = _count(self.client.list_subnets()['subnets'])
        routers = _count(self.client.list_routers(**up)['routers'])
        return networks, subnets, routers

    def _add_topology_cleanup(self, client):
        '''Add the auto-allocated resources to the cleanup lists.'''

        body = client.list_routers(name='auto_allocated_router')
        body = client.list_subnets(name='auto_allocated_subnet_v4')
        body = client.list_subnets(name='auto_allocated_subnet_v6')
        body = client.list_networks(name='auto_allocated_network')

    def test_check_requirements_for_auto_allocate_net_topology(self):
        body = self.client.validate_auto_allocated_topology_requirements()
        topology = body['auto_allocated_topology']
        self.assertIn('dry-run', topology['id'])
        self.assertIn('tenant_id', topology)
        self.assertIn('project_id', topology)

    def test_get_allocated_net_topology_as_tenant(self):
        resources_before = self._count_topology_resources()
        self.assertEqual((0, 0, 0), resources_before)

        body = self.client.get_auto_allocated_topology()
        topology = body[auto_allocated_topology.RESOURCE_NAME]

        network_id1 = topology['id']
        network = self.client.show_network(topology['id'])['network']
        resources_after1 = self._count_topology_resources()
        # One network, two subnets (v4 and v6) and one router
        self.assertEqual((1, self.num_subnetpools, 1), resources_after1)

        body = self.client.get_auto_allocated_topology()
        topology = body[auto_allocated_topology.RESOURCE_NAME]
        network_id2 = topology['id']
        resources_after2 = self._count_topology_resources()
        # After the initial GET, the API should be idempotent
        self.assertEqual(network_id1, network_id2)
        self.assertEqual(resources_after1, resources_after2)

    def test_delete_allocated_net_topology_as_tenant(self):
        resources_before = self._count_topology_resources()
        self.assertEqual((0, 0, 0), resources_before)
        body = self.client.get_auto_allocated_topology()
        topology = body[auto_allocated_topology.RESOURCE_NAME]
        resources_after = self._count_topology_resources()
        self.assertEqual((0, 0, 0), resources_after)