# Copyright 2011, VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Borrowed from nova code base, more utilities will be added/borrowed as and # when needed. """Utilities and helper functions.""" import threading import time try: import urlparse except ImportError: from urllib import parse as urlparse import eventlet from oslo_log import log from tempest.lib import exceptions from neutron_tempest_plugin import config SCHEMA_PORT_MAPPING = { "http": 80, "https": 443, } CONF = config.CONF LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) class classproperty(object): def __init__(self, f): self.func = f def __get__(self, obj, owner): return self.func(owner) class WaitTimeout(Exception): """Default exception coming from wait_until_true() function.""" class LockWithTimer(object): def __init__(self, threshold): self._threshold = threshold self.timestamp = 0 self._lock = threading.Lock() def acquire(self): return self._lock.acquire(False) def release(self): return self._lock.release() def time_to_wait(self): return self.timestamp - time.time() + self._threshold def wait_until_true(predicate, timeout=60, sleep=1, exception=None): """Wait until callable predicate is evaluated as True :param predicate: Callable deciding whether waiting should continue. Best practice is to instantiate predicate with functools.partial() :param timeout: Timeout in seconds how long should function wait. :param sleep: Polling interval for results in seconds. :param exception: Exception instance to raise on timeout. If None is passed (default) then WaitTimeout exception is raised. """ try: with eventlet.Timeout(timeout): while not predicate(): eventlet.sleep(sleep) except eventlet.Timeout: if exception is not None: # pylint: disable=raising-bad-type raise exception raise WaitTimeout("Timed out after %d seconds" % timeout) def override_class(overriden_class, overrider_class): """Override class definition with a MixIn class If overriden_class is not a subclass of overrider_class then it creates a new class that has as bases overrider_class and overriden_class. """ if not issubclass(overriden_class, overrider_class): name = overriden_class.__name__ bases = (overrider_class, overriden_class) overriden_class = type(name, bases, {}) return overriden_class def normalize_url(url): """Normalize url without port with schema default port """ parse_result = urlparse.urlparse(url) (scheme, netloc, url, params, query, fragment) = parse_result port = parse_result.port if scheme in SCHEMA_PORT_MAPPING and not port: netloc = netloc + ":" + str(SCHEMA_PORT_MAPPING[scheme]) return urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, netloc, url, params, query, fragment)) def kill_nc_process(ssh_client): cmd = "killall -q nc" try: ssh_client.exec_command(cmd) except exceptions.SSHExecCommandFailed: pass def process_is_running(ssh_client, process_name): try: ssh_client.exec_command("pidof %s" % process_name) return True except exceptions.SSHExecCommandFailed: return False def spawn_http_server(ssh_client, port, message): cmd = ("(echo -e 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n'; echo '%(msg)s') " "| sudo nc -lp %(port)d &" % {'msg': message, 'port': port}) ssh_client.exec_command(cmd) def call_url_remote(ssh_client, url): cmd = "curl %s --retry 3 --connect-timeout 2" % url return ssh_client.exec_command(cmd) class StatefulConnection: """Class to test connection that should remain opened Can be used to perform some actions while the initiated connection remain opened """ def __init__(self, client_ssh, server_ssh, target_ip, target_port): self.client_ssh = client_ssh self.server_ssh = server_ssh self.ip = target_ip self.port = target_port self.connection_started = False self.test_attempt = 0 self.test_timeout = 10 self.test_sleep = 1 def __enter__(self): return self @property def test_str(self): return 'attempt_{}'.format(str(self.test_attempt).zfill(3)) def _start_connection(self): if CONF.neutron_plugin_options.default_image_is_advanced: server_exec_method = self.server_ssh.execute_script client_exec_method = self.client_ssh.execute_script else: server_exec_method = self.server_ssh.exec_command client_exec_method = self.client_ssh.exec_command self.server_ssh.exec_command( 'echo "{}" > input.txt'.format(self.test_str)) server_exec_method('tail -f input.txt | sudo nc -lp ' '{} &> output.txt &'.format(self.port)) self.client_ssh.exec_command( 'echo "{}" > input.txt'.format(self.test_str)) client_exec_method('tail -f input.txt | sudo nc {} {} &>' 'output.txt &'.format(self.ip, self.port)) def _nc_is_running(self): server = process_is_running(self.server_ssh, 'nc') client = process_is_running(self.client_ssh, 'nc') if client and server: return True else: return False def _test_connection(self): if not self.connection_started: self._start_connection() else: self.server_ssh.exec_command( 'echo "{}" >> input.txt'.format(self.test_str)) self.client_ssh.exec_command( 'echo "{}" >> input.txt & sleep 1'.format(self.test_str)) wait_until_true(self._nc_is_running, timeout=self.test_timeout, sleep=self.test_sleep) try: LOG.info("Checking connectivity between server and client -" " attempt {}".format(self.test_attempt)) self.server_ssh.exec_command( 'grep {} output.txt'.format(self.test_str)) self.client_ssh.exec_command( 'grep {} output.txt'.format(self.test_str)) if not self.should_pass: LOG.warning("attempt {} succeed while it should fail".format( self.test_attempt)) return False else: if not self.connection_started: self.connection_started = True LOG.info("attempt {} succeed as it expected".format( self.test_attempt)) return True except exceptions.SSHExecCommandFailed: if self.should_pass: LOG.warning("attempt {} failed while it should pass".format( self.test_attempt)) return False else: LOG.info("attempt {} failed as it expected".format( self.test_attempt)) return True finally: self.test_attempt += 1 def test_connection(self, should_pass=True, timeout=10, sleep_timer=1): self.should_pass = should_pass self.test_timeout = timeout self.test_sleep = sleep_timer wait_until_true(self._test_connection, timeout=self.test_timeout, sleep=self.test_sleep) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.server_ssh.exec_command('sudo killall nc || killall nc || ' 'echo "True"') self.server_ssh.exec_command( 'sudo killall tail || killall tail || echo "True"') self.client_ssh.exec_command('sudo killall nc || killall nc || ' 'echo "True"') self.client_ssh.exec_command( 'sudo killall tail || killall tail || echo "True"')