# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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from tempest.lib import exceptions

from neutron_tempest_plugin.api import base

class BaseRouterTest(base.BaseAdminNetworkTest):
    # NOTE(salv-orlando): This class inherits from BaseAdminNetworkTest
    # as some router operations, such as enabling or disabling SNAT
    # require admin credentials by default

    def _cleanup_router(self, router, client=None):
            self.delete_router(router, client)
        except exceptions.NotFound:

    def _create_router(self, name, admin_state_up=False,
                       external_network_id=None, enable_snat=None, **kwargs):
        # associate a cleanup with created routers to avoid quota limits
        router = self.create_router(name, admin_state_up,
                                    external_network_id, enable_snat, **kwargs)
        self.addCleanup(self._cleanup_router, router)
        return router

    def _create_admin_router(self, *args, **kwargs):
        router = self.create_admin_router(*args, **kwargs)
            self._cleanup_router, router, self.os_admin.network_client)
        return router

    def _delete_router(self, router_id, network_client=None):
        client = network_client or self.client
        # Asserting that the router is not found in the list
        # after deletion
        list_body = self.client.list_routers()
        routers_list = list()
        for router in list_body['routers']:
        self.assertNotIn(router_id, routers_list)