From 3b42ff35f7241bf1d3e239c094fc9604af7fb0a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: armando-migliaccio <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2015 16:46:17 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Register provider configuration with ServiceTypeManager

Instead of hard-coding advanced services, like vpnaas, with the ServiceTypeManager,
this change makes the registration explicit by leveraging the newly introduced API
Some unit testing refactoring was required to reduce code duplication and to deal
with the new way service providers are processed.

Related-bug: #1473110

Change-Id: I8924234aadf786801ffc100d7daa27acc145a195
 neutron_vpnaas/services/vpn/         | 15 ++++++++++
 .../tests/unit/db/vpn/          | 24 +++++++++++----
 .../vpn/service_drivers/   | 29 ++++++++++++++-----
 .../vpn/service_drivers/         | 24 +++++++++++----
 4 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/neutron_vpnaas/services/vpn/ b/neutron_vpnaas/services/vpn/
index bcf8191f6..b2d54fe54 100644
--- a/neutron_vpnaas/services/vpn/
+++ b/neutron_vpnaas/services/vpn/
@@ -14,8 +14,10 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+from neutron.db import servicetype_db as st_db
 from neutron.i18n import _LI
 from neutron.plugins.common import constants
+from import provider_configuration as pconf
 from import service_base
 from oslo_log import log as logging
@@ -24,6 +26,17 @@ from neutron_vpnaas.db.vpn import vpn_db
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def add_provider_configuration(type_manager, service_type):
+    try:
+        type_manager.add_provider_configuration(
+            service_type,
+            pconf.ProviderConfiguration('neutron_vpnaas'))
+    except AttributeError:
+        # TODO(armax): remove this try catch once the API
+        # add_provider_configuration becomes available
+        LOG.debug('add_provider_configuration API is not available')
 class VPNPlugin(vpn_db.VPNPluginDb):
     """Implementation of the VPN Service Plugin.
@@ -41,6 +54,8 @@ class VPNDriverPlugin(VPNPlugin, vpn_db.VPNPluginRpcDbMixin):
     #TODO(nati) handle ikepolicy and ipsecpolicy update usecase
     def __init__(self):
         super(VPNDriverPlugin, self).__init__()
+        self.service_type_manager = st_db.ServiceTypeManager.get_instance()
+        add_provider_configuration(self.service_type_manager, constants.VPN)
         # Load the service driver from neutron.conf.
         drivers, default_provider = service_base.load_drivers(
             constants.VPN, self)
diff --git a/neutron_vpnaas/tests/unit/db/vpn/ b/neutron_vpnaas/tests/unit/db/vpn/
index dbf8e141d..98dde8424 100644
--- a/neutron_vpnaas/tests/unit/db/vpn/
+++ b/neutron_vpnaas/tests/unit/db/vpn/
@@ -422,13 +422,27 @@ class VPNPluginDbTestCase(VPNTestMixin,
                 constants.VPN +
-        cfg.CONF.set_override('service_provider',
-                              [vpnaas_provider],
-                              'service_providers')
+        # TODO(armax): remove this if branch as soon as the ServiceTypeManager
+        # API for adding provider configurations becomes available
+        if not hasattr(sdb.ServiceTypeManager, 'add_provider_configuration'):
+            cfg.CONF.set_override(
+                'service_provider', [vpnaas_provider], 'service_providers')
+        else:
+            bits = vpnaas_provider.split(':')
+            vpnaas_provider = {
+                'service_type': bits[0],
+                'name': bits[1],
+                'driver': bits[2]
+            }
+            if len(bits) == 4:
+                vpnaas_provider['default'] = True
+            # override the default service provider
+            self.service_providers = (
+                mock.patch.object(sdb.ServiceTypeManager,
+                                  'get_service_providers').start())
+            self.service_providers.return_value = [vpnaas_provider]
         # force service type manager to reload configuration:
         sdb.ServiceTypeManager._instance = None
         service_plugins = {'vpnaas_plugin': vpnaas_plugin}
         plugin_str = ('neutron_vpnaas.tests.unit.db.vpn.'
diff --git a/neutron_vpnaas/tests/unit/services/vpn/service_drivers/ b/neutron_vpnaas/tests/unit/services/vpn/service_drivers/
index 4c6a28be1..aa0a470d1 100644
--- a/neutron_vpnaas/tests/unit/services/vpn/service_drivers/
+++ b/neutron_vpnaas/tests/unit/services/vpn/service_drivers/
@@ -58,14 +58,27 @@ class TestCiscoValidatorSelection(base.BaseTestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestCiscoValidatorSelection, self).setUp()
-        vpnaas_provider = (constants.VPN + ':vpnaas:' +
-                           CISCO_IPSEC_SERVICE_DRIVER + ':default')
-        cfg.CONF.set_override('service_provider',
-                              [vpnaas_provider],
-                              'service_providers')
-        stm = st_db.ServiceTypeManager()
-        mock.patch('neutron.db.servicetype_db.ServiceTypeManager.get_instance',
-                   return_value=stm).start()
+        # TODO(armax): remove this if branch as soon as the ServiceTypeManager
+        # API for adding provider configurations becomes available
+        if not hasattr(st_db.ServiceTypeManager, 'add_provider_configuration'):
+            vpnaas_provider = (constants.VPN +
+                               ':vpnaas:' +
+                               CISCO_IPSEC_SERVICE_DRIVER + ':default')
+            cfg.CONF.set_override(
+                'service_provider', [vpnaas_provider], 'service_providers')
+        else:
+            vpnaas_provider = [{
+                'service_type': constants.VPN,
+                'name': 'vpnaas',
+                'driver': CISCO_IPSEC_SERVICE_DRIVER,
+                'default': True
+            }]
+            # override the default service provider
+            self.service_providers = (
+                mock.patch.object(st_db.ServiceTypeManager,
+                                  'get_service_providers').start())
+            self.service_providers.return_value = vpnaas_provider
+        st_db.ServiceTypeManager._instance = None
         self.vpn_plugin = vpn_plugin.VPNDriverPlugin()
diff --git a/neutron_vpnaas/tests/unit/services/vpn/service_drivers/ b/neutron_vpnaas/tests/unit/services/vpn/service_drivers/
index 7c51f3e11..7c285affa 100644
--- a/neutron_vpnaas/tests/unit/services/vpn/service_drivers/
+++ b/neutron_vpnaas/tests/unit/services/vpn/service_drivers/
@@ -54,11 +54,25 @@ class TestValidatorSelection(base.BaseTestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestValidatorSelection, self).setUp()
-        vpnaas_provider = (constants.VPN + ':vpnaas:' +
-                           IPSEC_SERVICE_DRIVER + ':default')
-        cfg.CONF.set_override('service_provider',
-                              [vpnaas_provider],
-                              'service_providers')
+        # TODO(armax): remove this if branch as soon as the ServiceTypeManager
+        # API for adding provider configurations becomes available
+        if not hasattr(st_db.ServiceTypeManager, 'add_provider_configuration'):
+            vpnaas_provider = (constants.VPN + ':vpnaas:' +
+                               IPSEC_SERVICE_DRIVER + ':default')
+            cfg.CONF.set_override(
+                'service_provider', [vpnaas_provider], 'service_providers')
+        else:
+            vpnaas_provider = [{
+                'service_type': constants.VPN,
+                'name': 'vpnaas',
+                'driver': IPSEC_SERVICE_DRIVER,
+                'default': True
+            }]
+            # override the default service provider
+            self.service_providers = (
+                mock.patch.object(st_db.ServiceTypeManager,
+                                  'get_service_providers').start())
+            self.service_providers.return_value = vpnaas_provider
         stm = st_db.ServiceTypeManager()