# Copyright (c) 2015 Canonical, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from neutron.agent.linux import ip_lib from neutron.agent.linux import utils from neutron_lib import constants from neutron_vpnaas._i18n import _ from neutron_vpnaas.services.vpn.device_drivers import ipsec LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) TEMPLATE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) strongswan_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt( 'ipsec_config_template', default=os.path.join( TEMPLATE_PATH, 'template/strongswan/ipsec.conf.template'), help=_('Template file for ipsec configuration.')), cfg.StrOpt( 'strongswan_config_template', default=os.path.join( TEMPLATE_PATH, 'template/strongswan/strongswan.conf.template'), help=_('Template file for strongswan configuration.')), cfg.StrOpt( 'ipsec_secret_template', default=os.path.join( TEMPLATE_PATH, 'template/strongswan/ipsec.secret.template'), help=_('Template file for ipsec secret configuration.')), cfg.StrOpt( 'default_config_area', default=os.path.join( TEMPLATE_PATH, '/etc/strongswan.d'), help=_('The area where default StrongSwan configuration ' 'files are located.')) ] cfg.CONF.register_opts(strongswan_opts, 'strongswan') NS_WRAPPER = 'neutron-vpn-netns-wrapper' class StrongSwanProcess(ipsec.BaseSwanProcess): # ROUTED means route created. (only for auto=route mode) # CONNECTING means route created, connection tunnel is negotiating. # INSTALLED means route created, # also connection tunnel installed. (traffic can pass) DIALECT_MAP = dict(ipsec.BaseSwanProcess.DIALECT_MAP) STATUS_DICT = { 'ROUTED': constants.DOWN, 'CONNECTING': constants.DOWN, 'INSTALLED': constants.ACTIVE } STATUS_RE = '([a-f0-9\-]+).* (ROUTED|CONNECTING|INSTALLED)' STATUS_NOT_RUNNING_RE = 'Command:.*ipsec.*status.*Exit code: [1|3] ' def __init__(self, conf, process_id, vpnservice, namespace): self.DIALECT_MAP['v1'] = 'ikev1' self.DIALECT_MAP['v2'] = 'ikev2' self.DIALECT_MAP['sha256'] = 'sha256' self._strongswan_piddir = self._get_strongswan_piddir() LOG.debug("strongswan piddir is '%s'", (self._strongswan_piddir)) super(StrongSwanProcess, self).__init__(conf, process_id, vpnservice, namespace) def _get_strongswan_piddir(self): return utils.execute( cmd=[self.binary, "--piddir"], run_as_root=True).strip() def _check_status_line(self, line): """Parse a line and search for status information. If a given line contains status information for a connection, extract the status and mark the connection as ACTIVE or DOWN according to the STATUS_MAP. """ m = self.STATUS_PATTERN.search(line) if m: connection_id = m.group(1) status = self.STATUS_MAP[m.group(2)] return connection_id, status return None, None def _execute(self, cmd, check_exit_code=True, extra_ok_codes=None): """Execute command on namespace. This execute is wrapped by namespace wrapper. The namespace wrapper will bind /etc/ and /var/run """ ip_wrapper = ip_lib.IPWrapper(namespace=self.namespace) return ip_wrapper.netns.execute( [NS_WRAPPER, '--mount_paths=/etc:%s/etc,%s:%s/var/run' % ( self.config_dir, self._strongswan_piddir, self.config_dir), '--cmd=%s' % ','.join(cmd)], check_exit_code=check_exit_code, extra_ok_codes=extra_ok_codes) def copy_and_overwrite(self, from_path, to_path): # NOTE(toabctl): the agent may run as non-root user, so rm/copy as root if os.path.exists(to_path): utils.execute( cmd=["rm", "-rf", to_path], run_as_root=True) utils.execute( cmd=["cp", "-a", from_path, to_path], run_as_root=True) def ensure_configs(self): """Generate config files which are needed for StrongSwan. If there is no directory, this function will create dirs. """ self.ensure_config_dir(self.vpnservice) self.ensure_config_file( 'ipsec.conf', cfg.CONF.strongswan.ipsec_config_template, self.vpnservice) self.ensure_config_file( 'strongswan.conf', cfg.CONF.strongswan.strongswan_config_template, self.vpnservice) self.ensure_config_file( 'ipsec.secrets', cfg.CONF.strongswan.ipsec_secret_template, self.vpnservice, 0o600) self.copy_and_overwrite(cfg.CONF.strongswan.default_config_area, self._get_config_filename('strongswan.d')) def get_status(self): return self._execute([self.binary, 'status'], extra_ok_codes=[1, 3]) def restart(self): """Restart the process.""" self.reload() def reload(self): """Reload the process. Sends a USR1 signal to ipsec starter which in turn reloads the whole configuration on the running IKE daemon charon based on the actual ipsec.conf. Currently established connections are not affected by configuration changes. """ self._execute([self.binary, 'reload']) def start(self): """Start the process for only auto=route mode now. Note: if there is no namespace yet, just do nothing, and wait next event. """ if not self.namespace: return self._execute([self.binary, 'start']) # initiate ipsec connection for ipsec_site_conn in self.vpnservice['ipsec_site_connections']: self._execute([self.binary, 'stroke', 'up-nb', ipsec_site_conn['id']]) def stop(self): self._execute([self.binary, 'stop']) self.connection_status = {} class StrongSwanDriver(ipsec.IPsecDriver): def create_process(self, process_id, vpnservice, namespace): return StrongSwanProcess( self.conf, process_id, vpnservice, namespace)