# Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc. # Copyright 2023 SysEleven GmbH # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import typing as ty import uuid from neutron.agent.linux import external_process from neutron.common.ovn import utils as ovn_utils from neutron.conf.plugins.ml2.drivers.ovn import ovn_conf as config from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_service import service from ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl import event as row_event from ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl import vlog from neutron_vpnaas.agent.ovn.vpn import ovsdb from neutron_vpnaas.services.vpn.common import constants from neutron_vpnaas.services.vpn import vpn_service LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) OVN_VPNAGENT_UUID_NAMESPACE = uuid.UUID('e1ce3b12-b1e0-4c81-ba27-07c0fec9c12b') class SbGlobalUpdateEvent(row_event.RowEvent): """Row update event on SB_Global table.""" def __init__(self, vpn_agent): self.agent = vpn_agent table = 'SB_Global' events = (self.ROW_UPDATE,) super().__init__(events, table, None) self.event_name = self.__class__.__name__ def run(self, event, row, old): table = ('Chassis_Private' if self.agent.has_chassis_private else 'Chassis') external_ids = {constants.OVN_AGENT_VPN_SB_CFG_KEY: str(row.nb_cfg)} self.agent.sb_idl.db_set( table, self.agent.chassis, ('external_ids', external_ids)).execute() class OvnVpnAgent(service.Service): def __init__(self, conf: cfg.ConfigOpts): super().__init__() self.conf = conf vlog.use_python_logger(max_level=config.get_ovn_ovsdb_log_level()) self._process_monitor = external_process.ProcessMonitor( config=self.conf, resource_type='ipsec') self.service = vpn_service.VPNService(self) self.device_drivers = self.service.load_device_drivers(self.conf.host) def _load_config(self): self.chassis: ty.Optional[str] = self._get_own_chassis_name() try: self.chassis_id = uuid.UUID(self.chassis) except ValueError: # OVS system-id could be a non UUID formatted string. self.chassis_id = uuid.uuid5(OVN_VPNAGENT_UUID_NAMESPACE, self.chassis) LOG.debug("Loaded chassis name %s (UUID: %s).", self.chassis, self.chassis_id) def start(self): super().start() self.ovs_idl = ovsdb.VPNAgentOvsIdl().start() self._load_config() tables = ('SB_Global', 'Chassis') events = (SbGlobalUpdateEvent(self), ) # TODO(lucasagomes): Remove this in the future. Try to register # the Chassis_Private table, if not present, fallback to the normal # Chassis table. # Open the connection to OVN SB database. self.has_chassis_private = False try: self.sb_idl = ovsdb.VPNAgentOvnSbIdl( chassis=self.chassis, tables=tables + ('Chassis_Private', ), events=events + (ChassisPrivateCreateEvent(self), )).start() self.has_chassis_private = True except AssertionError: self.sb_idl = ovsdb.VPNAgentOvnSbIdl( chassis=self.chassis, tables=tables, events=events + (ChassisCreateEvent(self), )).start() # Register the agent with its corresponding Chassis self.register_vpn_agent() # Do the initial sync. self.sync() def sync(self): for driver in self.device_drivers: driver.sync(driver.context, []) @ovn_utils.retry() def register_vpn_agent(self): # NOTE(lucasagomes): db_add() will not overwrite the UUID if # it's already set. table = ('Chassis_Private' if self.has_chassis_private else 'Chassis') # Generate unique, but consistent vpn agent id for chassis name agent_id = uuid.uuid5(self.chassis_id, 'vpn_agent') ext_ids = {constants.OVN_AGENT_VPN_ID_KEY: str(agent_id)} self.sb_idl.db_add(table, self.chassis, 'external_ids', ext_ids).execute(check_error=True) def _get_own_chassis_name(self) -> ty.Optional[str]: """Return the external_ids:system-id value of the Open_vSwitch table. As long as ovn-controller is running on this node, the key is guaranteed to exist and will include the chassis name. """ ext_ids: ty.Optional[ty.Dict[str, str]] = self.ovs_idl.db_get( 'Open_vSwitch', '.', 'external_ids').execute() return ext_ids['system-id'] if ext_ids else None class ChassisCreateEventBase(row_event.RowEvent): """Row create event - Chassis name == our_chassis. On connection, we get a dump of all chassis so if we catch a creation of our own chassis it has to be a reconnection. In this case, we need to do a full sync to make sure that we capture all changes while the connection to OVSDB was down. """ table = None def __init__(self, vpn_agent: OvnVpnAgent): self.agent = vpn_agent self.first_time: bool = True events: ty.Tuple[str] = (self.ROW_CREATE,) super().__init__(events, self.table, (('name', '=', self.agent.chassis),)) self.event_name = self.__class__.__name__ def run(self, event, row, old): if self.first_time: self.first_time = False else: # NOTE(lucasagomes): Re-register the ovn vpn agent # with the local chassis in case its entry was re-created # (happens when restarting the ovn-controller) self.agent.register_vpn_agent() LOG.info("Connection to OVSDB established, doing a full sync") self.agent.sync() class ChassisCreateEvent(ChassisCreateEventBase): table = "Chassis" class ChassisPrivateCreateEvent(ChassisCreateEventBase): table = "Chassis_Private"