The latest pip resolver started to check requirements strictly
and it detects many inconsistencies in neutron-vpnaas requirements.
Also applies the practices discussed in the mailing list [1][2].
* Drop pyflakes from requirements.txt as it is not used.
* Move document dependencies to doc/requirements.txt [1]
and drop them from lower-constriants.txt.
* Bump MarkupSafe lower-constraint to 1.1.1
to make it work with newer setuptools.
* Bump the minimum neutron requirement to 17.0.0 (victoria release)
as the previous min version is too old.
Wallaby and Victoria neutron are not different much, so I think
it is no problem to use the latest released version here.
* Dependenicy related to neutron min version bump are updated
in requirements and lower-constraints.
Note that eventlet 0.22.0 is used as lower-constraints as 0.21.0
(the min requirement in neutron 17.0.0) is blocked in several libs.
* Move linter dependencies to tox.ini and drop them from
lower-constraints.txt (pylint, pyflakes, astroid, isort)
* Drop psutil from neutron_vpnaas/tests/functional/requirements.txt
as the specified version of psutil is too old and psutil is a dependency
of neutron so we don't need to install it explicitly here.
In addition, hacking version is updated as hacking 0.12.0 is not compatible
with python 3.8. W504 and I202 are ignored as we do in the neutron repo.
Other new flake8 violations are fixed.
Change-Id: I47f6d39379b68c4d71fc4d85ebb06d97cb5a6ce2