diff --git a/neutron/db/ipam_backend_mixin.py b/neutron/db/ipam_backend_mixin.py
index 562dfc90954..5990b06b9e9 100644
--- a/neutron/db/ipam_backend_mixin.py
+++ b/neutron/db/ipam_backend_mixin.py
@@ -657,14 +657,15 @@ class IpamBackendMixin(db_base_plugin_common.DbBasePluginCommon):
         # implementations.
         return host and validators.is_attr_set(host)
-    def _ipam_get_subnets(self, context, network_id, host, service_type=None):
+    def _ipam_get_subnets(self, context, network_id, host, service_type=None,
+                          fixed_configured=False):
         """Return eligible subnets
         If no eligible subnets are found, determine why and potentially raise
         an appropriate error.
-        subnets = self._find_candidate_subnets(
-            context, network_id, host, service_type)
+        subnets = self._find_candidate_subnets(context, network_id, host,
+                                               service_type, fixed_configured)
         if subnets:
             subnet_dicts = [self._make_subnet_dict(subnet, context=context)
                             for subnet in subnets]
@@ -697,13 +698,20 @@ class IpamBackendMixin(db_base_plugin_common.DbBasePluginCommon):
         raise ipam_exceptions.IpAddressGenerationFailureNoMatchingSubnet()
-    def _find_candidate_subnets(self, context, network_id, host, service_type):
+    def _find_candidate_subnets(self, context, network_id, host, service_type,
+                                fixed_configured):
         """Find canditate subnets for the network, host, and service_type"""
         query = self._query_subnets_on_network(context, network_id)
         query = self._query_filter_service_subnets(query, service_type)
         # Select candidate subnets and return them
         if not self.is_host_set(host):
+            if fixed_configured:
+                # If fixed_ips in request and host is not known all subnets on
+                # the network are candidates. Host/Segment will be validated
+                # on port update with binding:host_id set. Allocation _cannot_
+                # be deferred as requested fixed_ips would then be lost.
+                return query.all()
             # If the host isn't known, we can't allocate on a routed network.
             # So, exclude any subnets attached to segments.
             return self._query_exclude_subnets_on_segments(query).all()
diff --git a/neutron/db/ipam_pluggable_backend.py b/neutron/db/ipam_pluggable_backend.py
index a8bd5ccfe77..dc26346bd60 100644
--- a/neutron/db/ipam_pluggable_backend.py
+++ b/neutron/db/ipam_pluggable_backend.py
@@ -200,15 +200,16 @@ class IpamPluggableBackend(ipam_backend_mixin.IpamBackendMixin):
         a subnet_id then allocate an IP address accordingly.
         p = port['port']
+        fixed_configured = p['fixed_ips'] is not constants.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED
         subnets = self._ipam_get_subnets(context,
-                                         service_type=p.get('device_owner'))
+                                         service_type=p.get('device_owner'),
+                                         fixed_configured=fixed_configured)
         v4, v6_stateful, v6_stateless = self._classify_subnets(
             context, subnets)
-        fixed_configured = p['fixed_ips'] is not constants.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED
         if fixed_configured:
             ips = self._test_fixed_ips_for_port(context,
diff --git a/neutron/tests/unit/extensions/test_segment.py b/neutron/tests/unit/extensions/test_segment.py
index 878f883b542..900fba4fa24 100644
--- a/neutron/tests/unit/extensions/test_segment.py
+++ b/neutron/tests/unit/extensions/test_segment.py
@@ -880,6 +880,19 @@ class TestSegmentAwareIpam(SegmentAwareIpamTestCase):
         # Don't allocate IPs in this case because we didn't give binding info
         self.assertEqual(0, len(res['port']['fixed_ips']))
+    def test_port_create_fixed_ips_with_segment_subnets_no_binding_info(self):
+        """Fixed IP provided and no binding info, do not defer IP allocation"""
+        network, segment, subnet = self._create_test_segment_with_subnet()
+        response = self._create_port(self.fmt,
+                                     net_id=network['network']['id'],
+                                     tenant_id=network['network']['tenant_id'],
+                                     fixed_ips=[
+                                         {'subnet_id': subnet['subnet']['id']}
+                                     ])
+        res = self.deserialize(self.fmt, response)
+        # We gave fixed_ips, allocate IPs in this case despite no binding info
+        self._validate_immediate_ip_allocation(res['port']['id'])
     def _assert_one_ip_in_subnet(self, response, cidr):
         res = self.deserialize(self.fmt, response)
         self.assertEqual(1, len(res['port']['fixed_ips']))