Merge "[devref] db_layer: expand on how new migration scripts look like"

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Jenkins 2015-07-23 10:10:44 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit 3cc16ad377

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@ -64,6 +64,111 @@ It will apply all the rules from both the expand and the contract branches, in
proper order. proper order.
Expand and Contract Scripts
The obsolete "branchless" design of a migration script included that it
indicates a specific "version" of the schema, and includes directives that
apply all necessary changes to the database at once. If we look for example at
the script ````, we will see::
# .../alembic_migrations/versions/
def upgrade():
# .. inspection code ...
sa.Column('port_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
sa.Column('host', sa.String(length=255), nullable=False),
# ... more columns ...
for table in port_binding_tables:
"INSERT INTO ml2_port_binding_levels "
"SELECT port_id, host, 0 AS level, driver, segment AS segment_id "
"FROM %s "
"WHERE host <> '' "
"AND driver <> '';"
) % table)
op.drop_constraint(fk_name_dvr[0], 'ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'foreignkey')
op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'cap_port_filter')
op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'segment')
op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'driver')
# ... more DROP instructions ...
The above script contains directives that are both under the "expand"
and "contract" categories, as well as some data migrations. the ``op.create_table``
directive is an "expand"; it may be run safely while the old version of the
application still runs, as the old code simply doesn't look for this table.
The ``op.drop_constraint`` and ``op.drop_column`` directives are
"contract" directives (the drop column moreso than the drop constraint); running
at least the ``op.drop_column`` directives means that the old version of the
application will fail, as it will attempt to access these columns which no longer
The data migrations in this script are adding new
rows to the newly added ``ml2_port_binding_levels`` table.
Under the new migration script directory structure, the above script would be
stated as two scripts; an "expand" and a "contract" script::
# expansion operations
# .../alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/expand/
def upgrade():
sa.Column('port_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
sa.Column('host', sa.String(length=255), nullable=False),
# ... more columns ...
# contraction operations
# .../alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/contract/
def upgrade():
for table in port_binding_tables:
"INSERT INTO ml2_port_binding_levels "
"SELECT port_id, host, 0 AS level, driver, segment AS segment_id "
"FROM %s "
"WHERE host <> '' "
"AND driver <> '';"
) % table)
op.drop_constraint(fk_name_dvr[0], 'ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'foreignkey')
op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'cap_port_filter')
op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'segment')
op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'driver')
# ... more DROP instructions ...
The two scripts would be present in different subdirectories and also part of
entirely separate versioning streams. The "expand" operations are in the
"expand" script, and the "contract" operations are in the "contract" script.
For the time being, data migration rules also belong to contract branch. There
is expectation that eventually live data migrations move into middleware that
will be aware about different database schema elements to converge on, but
Neutron is still not there.
Scripts that contain only expansion or contraction rules do not require a split
into two parts.
If a contraction script depends on a script from expansion stream, the
following directive should be added in the contraction script::
depends_on = ('<expansion-revision>',)
Tests to verify that database migrations and models are in sync Tests to verify that database migrations and models are in sync
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