More instructions for neutron-db-manage revision --autogenerate
More detailed instructions for --autogenerate, including how to rely less on devstack. Also some tweaks to scripts and requirements to simplify the process. Closes-Bug: #1197570 Change-Id: I97043b30a8df7408a73af38c6a015fc0dcf82571
This commit is contained in:
@ -161,10 +161,109 @@ complete. The operations in the template are those supported by the Alembic
migration library.
.. _neutron-db-manage-without-devstack:
Running neutron-db-manage without devstack
When, as a developer, you want to work with the Neutron DB schema and alembic
migrations only, it can be rather tedious to rely on devstack just to get an
up-to-date neutron-db-manage installed. This section describes how to work on
the schema and migration scripts with just the unit test virtualenv and
mysql. You can also operate on a separate test database so you don't mess up
the installed Neutron database.
Setting up the environment
Install mysql service
This only needs to be done once since it is a system install. If you have run
devstack on your system before, then the mysql service is already installed and
you can skip this step.
Mysql must be configured as installed by devstack, and the following script
accomplishes this without actually running devstack::
INSTALL_MYSQL_ONLY=True ./tools/ ../devstack
Run this from the root of the neutron repo. It assumes an up-to-date clone of
the devstack repo is in ``../devstack``.
Note that you must know the mysql root password. It is derived from (in order
of precedence):
- ``$MYSQL_PASSWORD`` in your environment
- ``$MYSQL_PASSWORD`` in ``../devstack/local.conf``
- ``$MYSQL_PASSWORD`` in ``../devstack/localrc``
- default of 'secretmysql' from ``tools/``
Work on a test database
Rather than using the neutron database when working on schema and alembic
migration script changes, we can work on a test database. In the examples
below, we use a database named ``testdb``.
To create the database::
mysql -e "create database testdb;"
You will often need to clear it to re-run operations from a blank database::
mysql -e "drop database testdb; create database testdb;"
To work on the test database instead of the neutron database, point to it with
the ``--database-connection`` option::
neutron-db-manage --database-connection mysql+pymysql://root:secretmysql@
You may find it convenient to set up an alias (in your .bashrc) for this::
alias test-db-manage='neutron-db-manage --database-connection mysql+pymysql://root:secretmysql@'
Create and activate the virtualenv
From the root of the neutron (or sub-project) repo directory, run::
tox --notest -r -e py27
source .tox/py27/bin/activate
Now you can use the ``test-db-manage`` alias in place of ``neutron-db-manage``
in the script auto-generation instructions below.
When you are done, exit the virtualenv::
Script Auto-generation
This section describes how to auto-generate an alembic migration script for a
model change. You may either use the system installed devstack environment, or
a virtualenv + testdb environment as described in
Stop the neutron service. Work from the base directory of the neutron (or
sub-project) repo. Check out the master branch and and do ``git pull`` to
ensure it is fully up to date. Check out your development branch and rebase to
**NOTE:** Make sure you have not updated the ``CONTRACT_HEAD`` or
``EXPAND_HEAD`` yet at this point.
Start with an empty database and upgrade to heads::
mysql -e "drop database neutron; create database neutron;"
neutron-db-manage upgrade heads
The database schema is now created without your model changes. The alembic
``revision --autogenerate`` command will look for differences between the
schema generated by the upgrade command and the schema defined by the models,
including your model updates::
neutron-db-manage revision -m "description of revision" --autogenerate
@ -195,6 +294,12 @@ blank file for a branch via::
in a directory that is named as current release. If not, please raise the issue
with the development team (IRC, mailing list, launchpad bug).
**NOTE:** The "description of revision" text should be a simple English
sentence. The first 30 characters of the description will be used in the file
name for the script, with underscores substituted for spaces. If the truncation
occurs at an awkward point in the description, you can modify the script file
name manually before committing.
The timeline on each alembic branch should remain linear and not interleave
with other branches, so that there is a clear path when upgrading. To verify
that alembic branches maintain linear timelines, you can run this command::
@ -6,4 +6,3 @@
PyMySQL>=0.6.2 # MIT License
@ -22,3 +22,5 @@ tempest-lib>=0.10.0
pylint==1.4.4 # GNU GPL v2
reno>=0.1.1 # Apache2
# Needed to run DB commands in virtualenvs
PyMySQL>=0.6.2 # MIT License
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ VENV=${VENV:-dsvm-functional}
REPO_BASE=${GATE_DEST:-$(cd $(dirname "$0")/../.. && pwd)}
# The gate should automatically install dependencies.
@ -109,7 +110,10 @@ function _install_rpc_backend {
# _install_databases [install_pg]
function _install_databases {
local install_pg=${1:-True}
echo_summary "Installing databases"
# Avoid attempting to configure the db if it appears to already
@ -129,10 +133,12 @@ function _install_databases {
if [[ "$install_pg" == "True" ]]; then
enable_service postgresql
# Set up the 'openstack_citest' user and database in each backend
tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
@ -148,6 +154,7 @@ FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
/usr/bin/mysql -u root < $tmp_dir/mysql.sql
if [[ "$install_pg" == "True" ]]; then
cat << EOF > $tmp_dir/postgresql.sql
CREATE USER openstack_citest WITH CREATEDB LOGIN PASSWORD 'openstack_citest';
CREATE DATABASE openstack_citest WITH OWNER openstack_citest;
@ -156,6 +163,7 @@ EOF
# User/group postgres needs to be given access to tmp_dir
setfacl -m g:postgres:rwx $tmp_dir
sudo -u postgres /usr/bin/psql --file=$tmp_dir/postgresql.sql
@ -250,5 +258,9 @@ _init
if [[ "$IS_GATE" != "True" ]]; then
if [[ "$INSTALL_MYSQL_ONLY" == "True" ]]; then
_install_databases nopg
Reference in New Issue
Block a user