Fix "_sync_metadata_ports" with no DHCP subnets

When a subnet does not have DHCP configured, the metadata port does
not have an IP address on this CIDR. The method
"OvnNbSynchronizer.sync_networks_ports_and_dhcp_opts", was always
setting an IP address for the metadata ports, regardless of the subnet
configuration (with or without DHCP).

The method "_sync_metadata_ports", in charge of synchronizing the
metadata ports, now filters the subnets by the parameter "enable_dhcp".

In case of having a subnet with DHCP enabled, if the metadata port is
missing the subnet IP addresses, the method adds them.

In case of having a subnet without DHCP enabled, if the metadata port
has an IP address on the subnet, the method removes it.

Closes-Bug: #1939726
Change-Id: I09cc14dff6933aae63cbd43a29f9221f405ecede
This commit is contained in:
Rodolfo Alonso Hernandez 2021-09-30 16:28:19 +00:00
parent bd7b40b4f8
commit 5e32dddc11
2 changed files with 46 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -2186,12 +2186,15 @@ class OVNClient(object):
This function will allocate an IP address for the metadata port of
the given network in all its IPv4 subnets or the given subnet.
def update_metadata_port_fixed_ips(metadata_port, subnet_ids):
def update_metadata_port_fixed_ips(metadata_port, add_subnet_ids,
wanted_fixed_ips = [
{'subnet_id': fixed_ip['subnet_id'],
'ip_address': fixed_ip['ip_address']} for fixed_ip in
wanted_fixed_ips.extend({'subnet_id': s_id} for s_id in subnet_ids)
metadata_port['fixed_ips'] if
fixed_ip['subnet_id'] not in del_subnet_ids]
wanted_fixed_ips.extend({'subnet_id': s_id} for s_id in
port = {'id': metadata_port['id'],
'port': {'network_id': network_id,
'fixed_ips': wanted_fixed_ips}}
@ -2216,12 +2219,13 @@ class OVNClient(object):
# metadata port.
if subnet_id:
if subnet_id not in port_subnet_ids:
update_metadata_port_fixed_ips(metadata_port, [subnet_id])
update_metadata_port_fixed_ips(metadata_port, [subnet_id], [])
# Retrieve all subnets in this network
subnets = self._plugin.get_subnets(context, filters=dict(
network_id=[network_id], ip_version=[const.IP_VERSION_4]))
network_id=[network_id], ip_version=[const.IP_VERSION_4],
subnet_ids = set(s['id'] for s in subnets)
@ -2229,7 +2233,8 @@ class OVNClient(object):
# allocate one.
if subnet_ids != port_subnet_ids:
subnet_ids - port_subnet_ids)
subnet_ids - port_subnet_ids,
port_subnet_ids - subnet_ids)
def get_parent_port(self, port_id):
return self._nb_idl.get_parent_port(port_id)

View File

@ -1700,22 +1700,49 @@ class TestOVNMechanismDriver(TestOVNMechanismDriverBase):
def test_update_metadata_port_no_subnet(self):
ovn_conf.cfg.CONF.set_override('ovn_metadata_enabled', True,
fixed_ips = [{'subnet_id': 'subnet1', 'ip_address': 'ip_add1'}]
with mock.patch.object(
self.mech_driver._ovn_client, '_find_metadata_port',
return_value={'fixed_ips': fixed_ips, 'id': 'metadata_id'}), \
mock.patch.object(self.mech_driver._plugin, 'get_subnets',
return_value=[{'id': 'subnet1'},
{'id': 'subnet2'}]), \
self.mech_driver._ovn_client, '_find_metadata_port') as \
mock_metaport, \
mock.patch.object(self.mech_driver._plugin, 'get_subnets') as \
mock_get_subnets, \
mock.patch.object(self.mech_driver._plugin, 'update_port') as \
# Port with IP in subnet1; subnet1 and subnet2 with DHCP.
mock_get_subnets.return_value = [{'id': 'subnet1'},
{'id': 'subnet2'}]
fixed_ips = [{'subnet_id': 'subnet1', 'ip_address': 'ip_add1'}]
mock_metaport.return_value = {'fixed_ips': fixed_ips,
'id': 'metadata_id'}
port = {'id': 'metadata_id',
'port': {'network_id': 'net_id', 'fixed_ips': fixed_ips}}
fixed_ips.append({'subnet_id': 'subnet2'})
port = {'id': 'metadata_id', 'port': {
'network_id': 'net_id', 'fixed_ips': fixed_ips}}
mock.ANY, 'metadata_id', port)
# Port with IP in subnet1; subnet1 with DHCP, subnet2 without DHCP.
mock_get_subnets.return_value = [{'id': 'subnet1'}]
fixed_ips = [{'subnet_id': 'subnet1', 'ip_address': 'ip_add1'}]
mock_metaport.return_value = {'fixed_ips': fixed_ips,
'id': 'metadata_id'}
# Port with IP in subnet1; subnet1 without DHCP.
mock_get_subnets.return_value = []
fixed_ips = [{'subnet_id': 'subnet1', 'ip_address': 'ip_add1'}]
mock_metaport.return_value = {'fixed_ips': fixed_ips,
'id': 'metadata_id'}
port = {'id': 'metadata_id',
'port': {'network_id': 'net_id', 'fixed_ips': []}}
mock.ANY, 'metadata_id', port)
@mock.patch.object(provisioning_blocks, 'is_object_blocked')
@mock.patch.object(provisioning_blocks, 'provisioning_complete')