diff --git a/neutron/cmd/sanity/checks.py b/neutron/cmd/sanity/checks.py
index 5998a043c3e..b111c1c2f4e 100644
--- a/neutron/cmd/sanity/checks.py
+++ b/neutron/cmd/sanity/checks.py
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ DNSMASQ_VERSION_HOST_ADDR6_LIST = '2.81'
 CONNTRACK_GRE_MODULE = 'nf_conntrack_proto_gre'
@@ -642,3 +643,17 @@ def ovn_sb_db_schema_virtual_port_supported():
                   'Exception: %s', e)
         return False
     return True
+def ovn_nb_db_schema_gateway_chassis_supported():
+    try:
+        ver = _get_ovn_version(OVNCheckType.nb_db_schema)
+        minver = versionutils.convert_version_to_tuple(
+        if ver < minver:
+            return False
+    except (OSError, RuntimeError, ValueError) as e:
+        LOG.debug('Exception while checking OVN DB schema version. '
+                  'Exception: %s', e)
+        return False
+    return True
diff --git a/neutron/cmd/sanity_check.py b/neutron/cmd/sanity_check.py
index e4ecd8f02a6..903b49db0d3 100644
--- a/neutron/cmd/sanity_check.py
+++ b/neutron/cmd/sanity_check.py
@@ -339,6 +339,14 @@ def check_ovn_sb_db_schema_virtual_port():
     return result
+def check_ovn_nb_db_schema_gateway_chassis():
+    result = checks.ovn_nb_db_schema_gateway_chassis_supported()
+    if not result:
+        LOG.warning('OVN NB DB schema does not support "Chassis_Gateway" '
+                    'table. This support was added in DB schema version 5.7.')
+    return result
 # Define CLI opts to test specific features, with a callback for the test
 OPTS = [
     BoolOptCallback('ovs_vxlan', check_ovs_vxlan, default=False,
@@ -419,6 +427,10 @@ OPTS = [
                     help=_('Check OVN SB DB schema support virtual ports'),
+    BoolOptCallback('ovn_nb_db_schema_gateway_chassis_support',
+                    check_ovn_nb_db_schema_gateway_chassis,
+                    help=_('Check OVN NB DB schema support Gateway_Chassis'),
+                    default=False),
@@ -469,6 +481,7 @@ def enable_tests_from_config():
         cfg.CONF.set_default('ovn_nb_db_schema_port_group_support', True)
         cfg.CONF.set_default('ovn_nb_db_schema_stateless_nat_support', True)
         cfg.CONF.set_default('ovn_sb_db_schema_virtual_port_support', True)
+        cfg.CONF.set_default('ovn_nb_db_schema_gateway_chassis_support', True)
 def all_tests_passed():
diff --git a/neutron/tests/functional/services/ovn_l3/test_plugin.py b/neutron/tests/functional/services/ovn_l3/test_plugin.py
index 64f67d0ed06..91859c02efb 100644
--- a/neutron/tests/functional/services/ovn_l3/test_plugin.py
+++ b/neutron/tests/functional/services/ovn_l3/test_plugin.py
@@ -87,12 +87,8 @@ class TestRouter(base.TestOVNFunctionalBase):
         for row in self.nb_api.tables[
-            if self._l3_ha_supported():
-                chassis = [gwc.chassis_name for gwc in row.gateway_chassis]
-                self.assertCountEqual(expected, chassis)
-            else:
-                rc = row.options.get(ovn_const.OVN_GATEWAY_CHASSIS_KEY)
-                self.assertIn(rc, expected)
+            chassis = [gwc.chassis_name for gwc in row.gateway_chassis]
+            self.assertCountEqual(expected, chassis)
     def _check_gateway_chassis_candidates(self, candidates,
@@ -217,11 +213,6 @@ class TestRouter(base.TestOVNFunctionalBase):
         # Test if chassis1 is selected as candidate or not.
-    def _l3_ha_supported(self):
-        # If the Gateway_Chassis table exists in SB database, then it
-        # means that L3 HA is supported.
-        return self.nb_api.tables.get('Gateway_Chassis')
     def test_gateway_chassis_least_loaded_scheduler(self):
         # This test will create 4 routers each with its own gateway.
         # Using the least loaded policy for scheduling gateway ports, we
@@ -241,26 +232,17 @@ class TestRouter(base.TestOVNFunctionalBase):
         # At this point we expect two gateways to be present in chassis1
         # and two in chassis2. If schema supports L3 HA, we expect each
         # chassis to host 2 priority 2 gateways and 2 priority 1 ones.
-        if self._l3_ha_supported():
-            # Each chassis contains a dict of (priority, # of ports hosted).
-            # {1: 2, 2: 2} means that this chassis hosts 2 ports of prio 1
-            # and two ports of prio 2.
-            expected = {self.chassis1: {1: 2, 2: 2},
-                        self.chassis2: {1: 2, 2: 2}}
-        else:
-            # For non L3 HA, each chassis should contain two gateway ports.
-            expected = {self.chassis1: 2,
-                        self.chassis2: 2}
+        # Each chassis contains a dict of (priority, # of ports hosted).
+        # {1: 2, 2: 2} means that this chassis hosts 2 ports of prio 1
+        # and two ports of prio 2.
+        expected = {self.chassis1: {1: 2, 2: 2},
+                    self.chassis2: {1: 2, 2: 2}}
         sched_info = {}
         for row in self.nb_api.tables[
-            if self._l3_ha_supported():
-                for gwc in row.gateway_chassis:
-                    chassis = sched_info.setdefault(gwc.chassis_name, {})
-                    chassis[gwc.priority] = chassis.get(gwc.priority, 0) + 1
-            else:
-                rc = row.options.get(ovn_const.OVN_GATEWAY_CHASSIS_KEY)
-                sched_info[rc] = sched_info.get(rc, 0) + 1
+            for gwc in row.gateway_chassis:
+                chassis = sched_info.setdefault(gwc.chassis_name, {})
+                chassis[gwc.priority] = chassis.get(gwc.priority, 0) + 1
         self.assertEqual(expected, sched_info)
     def _get_gw_port(self, router_id):
@@ -531,8 +513,6 @@ class TestRouter(base.TestOVNFunctionalBase):
                     chassis[gwc.priority] = chassis.get(gwc.priority, 0) + 1
             return sched_info
-        if not self._l3_ha_supported():
-            self.skipTest('L3 HA not supported')
         ovn_client = self.l3_plugin._ovn_client
         chassis4 = self.add_fake_chassis(
             'ovs-host4', physical_nets=['physnet4'], other_config={