diff --git a/neutron/plugins/ml2/ovo_rpc.py b/neutron/plugins/ml2/ovo_rpc.py
index 95e944f6256..6354fae3a29 100644
--- a/neutron/plugins/ml2/ovo_rpc.py
+++ b/neutron/plugins/ml2/ovo_rpc.py
@@ -11,11 +11,7 @@
 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-import atexit
-import queue
-import threading
 import traceback
-import weakref
 from neutron_lib.callbacks import events
 from neutron_lib.callbacks import registry
@@ -23,7 +19,6 @@ from neutron_lib.callbacks import resources
 from neutron_lib import context as n_ctx
 from neutron_lib.db import api as db_api
 from oslo_log import log as logging
-from oslo_service import service
 from neutron.api.rpc.callbacks import events as rpc_events
 from neutron.api.rpc.handlers import resources_rpc
@@ -36,42 +31,22 @@ from neutron.objects import subnet
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def _setup_change_handlers_cleanup():
-    atexit.register(_ObjectChangeHandler.clean_up)
-    sh = service.SignalHandler()
-    sh.add_handler("SIGINT", _ObjectChangeHandler.clean_up)
-    sh.add_handler("SIGTERM", _ObjectChangeHandler.clean_up)
+# TODO(ralonsoh): in [1], the ``_ObjectChangeHandler`` was changed to send the
+# RPC resource update in the same thread of the API call. Once ``eventlet`` is
+# deprecated, it could be possible to revert to the previous architecture using
+# preemptive threads.
+# [1] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/926922
 class _ObjectChangeHandler(object):
-    MAX_IDLE_FOR = 1
-    _TO_CLEAN = weakref.WeakSet()
     def __init__(self, resource, object_class, resource_push_api):
         self._resource = resource
         self._obj_class = object_class
         self._resource_push_api = resource_push_api
-        self._resources_to_push = queue.Queue()
         self._semantic_warned = False
         for event in (events.AFTER_CREATE, events.AFTER_UPDATE,
             registry.subscribe(self.handle_event, resource, event)
-        self._stop = threading.Event()
-        self._worker = threading.Thread(
-            target=self.dispatch_events,
-            name='ObjectChangeHandler[%s]' % self._resource,
-            daemon=True)
-        self._worker.start()
-        self._TO_CLEAN.add(self)
-    def stop(self):
-        self._stop.set()
-    def wait(self):
-        """Waits for all outstanding events to be dispatched."""
-        self._resources_to_push.join()
     def _is_session_semantic_violated(self, context, resource, event):
         """Return True and print an ugly error on transaction violation.
@@ -104,49 +79,30 @@ class _ObjectChangeHandler(object):
         resource_id = payload.resource_id
         # we preserve the context so we can trace a receive on the agent back
         # to the server-side event that triggered it
-        self._resources_to_push.put((resource_id, payload.context.to_dict()))
+        self.dispatch_event(resource_id, payload.context.to_dict())
-    def dispatch_events(self):
-        # TODO(kevinbenton): now that we are batching these, convert to a
-        # single get_objects call for all of them
-        LOG.debug('Thread %(name)s started', {'name': self._worker.name})
-        while not self._stop.is_set():
-            try:
-                resource_id, context_dict = self._resources_to_push.get(
-                    timeout=self.MAX_IDLE_FOR)
-                context = n_ctx.Context.from_dict(context_dict)
-                # attempt to get regardless of event type so concurrent delete
-                # after create/update is the same code-path as a delete event
-                with db_api.get_context_manager().independent.reader.using(
-                        context):
-                    obj = self._obj_class.get_object(context, id=resource_id)
-                # CREATE events are always treated as UPDATE events to ensure
-                # listeners are written to handle out-of-order messages
-                if obj is None:
-                    rpc_event = rpc_events.DELETED
-                    # construct a fake object with the right ID so we can
-                    # have a payload for the delete message.
-                    obj = self._obj_class(id=resource_id)
-                else:
-                    rpc_event = rpc_events.UPDATED
-                self._resource_push_api.push(context, [obj], rpc_event)
-                self._resources_to_push.task_done()
-            except queue.Empty:
-                pass
-            except Exception as e:
-                LOG.exception(
-                    "Exception while dispatching %(res)s events: %(e)s",
-                    {'res': self._resource, 'e': e})
-        LOG.debug('Thread %(name)s finished with %(msgs)s unsent messages',
-                  {'name': self._worker.name,
-                   'msgs': self._resources_to_push.unfinished_tasks})
-    @classmethod
-    def clean_up(cls, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Ensure all threads that were created were destroyed cleanly."""
-        while cls._TO_CLEAN:
-            worker = cls._TO_CLEAN.pop()
-            worker.stop()
+    def dispatch_event(self, resource_id, context_dict):
+        try:
+            context = n_ctx.Context.from_dict(context_dict)
+            # attempt to get regardless of event type so concurrent delete
+            # after create/update is the same code-path as a delete event
+            with db_api.get_context_manager().independent.reader.using(
+                    context):
+                obj = self._obj_class.get_object(context, id=resource_id)
+            # CREATE events are always treated as UPDATE events to ensure
+            # listeners are written to handle out-of-order messages
+            if obj is None:
+                rpc_event = rpc_events.DELETED
+                # construct a fake object with the right ID so we can
+                # have a payload for the delete message.
+                obj = self._obj_class(id=resource_id)
+            else:
+                rpc_event = rpc_events.UPDATED
+            self._resource_push_api.push(context, [obj], rpc_event)
+        except Exception as e:
+            LOG.exception(
+                "Exception while dispatching %(res)s events: %(e)s",
+                {'res': self._resource, 'e': e})
 class OVOServerRpcInterface(object):
@@ -158,10 +114,6 @@ class OVOServerRpcInterface(object):
     def __init__(self, enable_signals=True):
         self._rpc_pusher = resources_rpc.ResourcesPushRpcApi()
-        # When running behind wsgi server (like apache2/mod_wsgi)
-        # we should not register signals
-        if enable_signals:
-            _setup_change_handlers_cleanup()
         LOG.debug("ML2 OVO RPC backend initialized.")
     def _setup_change_handlers(self):
@@ -178,8 +130,3 @@ class OVOServerRpcInterface(object):
             res: _ObjectChangeHandler(res, obj_class, self._rpc_pusher)
             for res, obj_class in resource_objclass_map.items()
-    def wait(self):
-        """Wait for all handlers to finish processing async events."""
-        for handler in self._resource_handlers.values():
-            handler.wait()
diff --git a/neutron/tests/unit/plugins/ml2/test_ovo_rpc.py b/neutron/tests/unit/plugins/ml2/test_ovo_rpc.py
index b984e61a1ac..673c589c09d 100644
--- a/neutron/tests/unit/plugins/ml2/test_ovo_rpc.py
+++ b/neutron/tests/unit/plugins/ml2/test_ovo_rpc.py
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ class OVOServerRpcInterfaceTestCase(test_plugin.Ml2PluginV2TestCase):
     def _assert_object_received(self, ovotype, oid=None, event=None,
-        self.plugin.ovo_notifier.wait()
         match = 0
         for obj, evt in self.received:
             if isinstance(obj, ovotype):