Update the quota guide examples

The quota guide was using the old 'neutron quota-list' style
commands, update to use the 'openstack quota' ones. Removed
wording on adding L2/L3 ones as they are all in neutron.conf.


Change-Id: I1cb19ff93e617d19338b0ddfd7eb496eb1ae3572
This commit is contained in:
Brian Haley 2023-03-27 17:38:26 -04:00
parent 09d1465534
commit b777aa57b2

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@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ more resources than the quota allows, an error occurs:
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack network create test_net
Quota exceeded for resources: ['network']
Error while executing command: ConflictException: 409, Quota exceeded for resources: ['network'].
Per-project quota configuration is also supported by the quota
extension API. See :ref:`cfg_quotas_per_tenant` for details.
extension API. See :ref:`cfg_quotas_per_project` for details.
Basic quota configuration
@ -28,75 +28,87 @@ default quota values:
.. code-block:: ini
# number of networks allowed per tenant, and minus means unlimited
quota_network = 10
# Default number of resources allowed per project. A negative value means
# unlimited. (integer value)
#default_quota = -1
# number of subnets allowed per tenant, and minus means unlimited
quota_subnet = 10
# Number of networks allowed per project. A negative value means unlimited.
# (integer value)
quota_network = 100
# number of ports allowed per tenant, and minus means unlimited
quota_port = 50
# Number of subnets allowed per project, A negative value means unlimited.
# (integer value)
quota_subnet = 100
# Number of ports allowed per project. A negative value means unlimited.
# (integer value)
quota_port = 500
# default driver to use for quota checks
quota_driver = neutron.quota.DbQuotaNoLockDriver
quota_driver = neutron.db.quota.driver_nolock.DbQuotaNoLockDriver
OpenStack Networking also supports quotas for L3 resources:
router and floating IP. Add these lines to the
``quotas`` section in the ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` file:
# When set to True, quota usage will be tracked in the Neutron database
# for each resource, by directly mapping to a data model class, for
# example, networks, subnets, ports, etc. When set to False, quota usage
# will be tracked by the quota engine as a count of the object type
# directly. For more information, see the Quota Management and
# Enforcement guide.
# (boolean value)
track_quota_usage = true
.. code-block:: ini
# From neutron.extensions
# number of routers allowed per tenant, and minus means unlimited
# Number of routers allowed per project. A negative value means unlimited.
# (integer value)
quota_router = 10
# number of floating IPs allowed per tenant, and minus means unlimited
# Number of floating IPs allowed per project. A negative value means
# unlimited.
# (integer value)
quota_floatingip = 50
OpenStack Networking also supports quotas for security group
resources: number of security groups and number of rules.
Add these lines to the ``quotas`` section in the
``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` file:
.. code-block:: ini
# number of security groups per tenant, and minus means unlimited
# Number of security groups allowed per project. A negative value means
# unlimited.
# (integer value)
quota_security_group = 10
# number of security rules allowed per tenant, and minus means unlimited
# Number of security group rules allowed per project. A negative value means
# unlimited.
# (integer value)
quota_security_group_rule = 100
.. _cfg_quotas_per_tenant:
.. _cfg_quotas_per_project:
Configure per-project quotas
OpenStack Networking also supports per-project quota limit by
quota extension API.
.. todo:: This document needs to be migrated to using ``openstack`` commands
rather than the deprecated ``neutron`` commands.
Use these commands to manage per-project quotas:
neutron quota-delete
openstack quota delete
Delete defined quotas for a specified project
neutron quota-list
Lists defined quotas for all projects
openstack quota list
Lists defined quotas for all projects with non-default quota values
neutron quota-show
openstack quota show
Shows defined quotas for all projects
openstack quota show <project>
Shows quotas for a specified project
neutron quota-default-show
Show default quotas for a specified tenant
openstack quota show --default <project>
Show default quotas for a specified project
neutron quota-update
openstack quota set --<resource> <value> <project>
Updates quotas for a specified project
Only users with the ``admin`` role can change a quota value. By default,
the default set of quotas are enforced for all projects, so no
:command:`quota-create` command exists.
:command:`opentack quota create` command exists.
#. Configure Networking to show per-project quotas
@ -104,7 +116,7 @@ the default set of quotas are enforced for all projects, so no
.. code-block:: ini
quota_driver = neutron.db.quota_db.DbQuotaDriver
quota_driver = neutron.db.quota.driver.DbQuotaDriver
When you set this option, the output for Networking commands shows ``quotas``.
@ -119,10 +131,6 @@ the default set of quotas are enforced for all projects, so no
The command shows the ``quotas`` extension, which provides
per-project quota management support.
.. note::
Many of the extensions shown below are supported in the Mitaka release and later.
.. code-block:: console
@ -131,7 +139,7 @@ the default set of quotas are enforced for all projects, so no
| ... | ... | ... |
| Quota management | quotas | Expose functions for |
| support | | quotas management per |
| | | tenant |
| | | project |
| ... | ... | ... |
@ -141,215 +149,144 @@ the default set of quotas are enforced for all projects, so no
.. code-block:: console
$ neutron ext-show quotas
| Field | Value |
| alias | quotas |
| description | Expose functions for quotas management per tenant |
| links | |
| name | Quota management support |
| namespace | https://docs.openstack.org/network/ext/quotas-sets/api/v2.0 |
| updated | 2012-07-29T10:00:00-00:00 |
$ openstack extension show quotas
| Field | Value |
| alias | quotas |
| description | Expose functions for quotas management per project |
| id | quotas |
| links | [] |
| location | Munch({'cloud': '', 'region_name': 'RegionOne', 'zone': None, 'project': Munch({'id': 'afc55714081b4ef29f99ec128cb1fa30', 'name': 'demo', 'domain_id': 'default', 'domain_name': None})}) |
| name | Quota management support |
| updated | 2012-07-29T10:00:00-00:00 |
.. note::
Only some plug-ins support per-project quotas.
Specifically, Open vSwitch, Linux Bridge, and VMware NSX
Specifically, OVN, Open vSwitch, Linux Bridge, and VMware NSX
support them, but new versions of other plug-ins might
bring additional functionality. See the documentation for
each plug-in.
#. List projects who have per-project quota support.
The :command:`neutron quota-list` command lists projects for which the
The :command:`openstack quota list` command lists projects for which the
per-project quota is enabled. The command does not list projects with
default quota support. You must be an administrative user to run this
.. code-block:: console
$ neutron quota-list
| floatingip | network | port | router | subnet | tenant_id |
| 20 | 5 | 20 | 10 | 5 | 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723 |
| 25 | 10 | 30 | 10 | 10 | bff5c9455ee24231b5bc713c1b96d422 |
$ openstack quota list --network
| Project ID | Floating IPs | Networks | Ports | RBAC Policies | Routers | Security Groups | Security Group Rules | Subnets | Subnet Pools |
| 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723 | 50 | 100 | 500 | 10 | 20 | 10 | 100 | 100 | -1 |
| bff5c9455ee24231b5bc713c1b96d422 | 100 | 100 | 500 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 100 | 100 | -1 |
#. Show per-project quota values.
The :command:`neutron quota-show` command reports the current
The :command:`openstack quota show` command reports the current
set of quota limits for the specified project.
Non-administrative users can run this command without the
``--tenant_id`` parameter. If per-project quota limits are
``<project>`` argument. If per-project quota limits are
not enabled for the project, the command shows the default
set of quotas.
.. note::
Additional quotas added in the Mitaka release include ``security_group``,
``security_group_rule``, ``subnet``, and ``subnetpool``.
.. code-block:: console
$ neutron quota-show --tenant_id 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723
| Field | Value |
| floatingip | 50 |
| network | 10 |
| port | 50 |
| rbac_policy | 10 |
| router | 10 |
| security_group | 10 |
| security_group_rule | 100 |
| subnet | 10 |
| subnetpool | -1 |
$ openstack quota show 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723
| Resource | Limit |
| networks | 100 |
| ports | 500 |
| rbac_policies | 10 |
| routers | 20 |
| subnets | 100 |
| subnet_pools | -1 |
| floating-ips | 50 |
| secgroup-rules | 100 |
| secgroups | 10 |
The following command shows the command output for a
non-administrative user.
.. code-block:: console
$ neutron quota-show
| Field | Value |
| floatingip | 50 |
| network | 10 |
| port | 50 |
| rbac_policy | 10 |
| router | 10 |
| security_group | 10 |
| security_group_rule | 100 |
| subnet | 10 |
| subnetpool | -1 |
$ openstack quota show
| Resource | Limit |
| networks | 100 |
| ports | 500 |
| rbac_policies | 10 |
| routers | 20 |
| subnets | 100 |
| subnet_pools | -1 |
| floating-ips | 50 |
| secgroup-rules | 100 |
| secgroups | 10 |
#. Update quota values for a specified project.
Use the :command:`neutron quota-update` command to
Use the :command:`openstack quota set` command to
update a quota for a specified project.
.. code-block:: console
$ neutron quota-update --tenant_id 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723 --network 5
| Field | Value |
| floatingip | 50 |
| network | 5 |
| port | 50 |
| rbac_policy | 10 |
| router | 10 |
| security_group | 10 |
| security_group_rule | 100 |
| subnet | 10 |
| subnetpool | -1 |
$ openstack quota set --routers 20 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723
You can update quotas for multiple resources through one
.. code-block:: console
$ neutron quota-update --tenant_id 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723 --subnet 5 --port 20
| Field | Value |
| floatingip | 50 |
| network | 5 |
| port | 20 |
| rbac_policy | 10 |
| router | 10 |
| security_group | 10 |
| security_group_rule | 100 |
| subnet | 5 |
| subnetpool | -1 |
$ openstack quota set --subnets 50 --ports 100 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723
To update the limits for an L3 resource such as, router
or floating IP, you must define new values for the quotas
after the ``--`` directive.
This example updates the limit of the number of floating
IPs for the specified project.
You can update the limits of multiple resources through
one command:
.. code-block:: console
$ neutron quota-update --tenant_id 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723 --floatingip 20
| Field | Value |
| floatingip | 20 |
| network | 5 |
| port | 20 |
| rbac_policy | 10 |
| router | 10 |
| security_group | 10 |
| security_group_rule | 100 |
| subnet | 5 |
| subnetpool | -1 |
You can update the limits of multiple resources by
including L2 resources and L3 resource through one
.. code-block:: console
$ neutron quota-update --tenant_id 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723 \
--network 3 --subnet 3 --port 3 --floatingip 3 --router 3
| Field | Value |
| floatingip | 3 |
| network | 3 |
| port | 3 |
| rbac_policy | 10 |
| router | 3 |
| security_group | 10 |
| security_group_rule | 100 |
| subnet | 3 |
| subnetpool | -1 |
$ openstack quota set --networks 50 --subnets 50 --ports 100 \
--floating-ips 20 --routers 5 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723
#. Delete per-project quota values.
To clear per-project quota limits, use the
:command:`neutron quota-delete` command.
:command:`openstack quota delete` command.
.. code-block:: console
$ neutron quota-delete --tenant_id 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723
Deleted quota: 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723
$ openstack quota delete 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723
After you run this command, you can see that quota
values for the project are reset to the default values.
.. code-block:: console
$ openstack quota show 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723
| Field | Value |
| floatingip | 50 |
| network | 10 |
| port | 50 |
| rbac_policy | 10 |
| router | 10 |
| security_group | 10 |
| security_group_rule | 100 |
| subnet | 10 |
| subnetpool | -1 |
$ openstack quota show --network 6f88036c45344d9999a1f971e4882723
| Resource | Limit |
| networks | 100 |
| ports | 500 |
| rbac_policies | 10 |
| routers | 20 |
| subnets | 100 |
| subnet_pools | -1 |
| floating-ips | 50 |
| secgroup-rules | 100 |
| secgroups | 10 |
.. note::
Listing default quotas with the OpenStack command line client will
provide all quotas for networking and other services. Previously,
the :command:`neutron quota-show --tenant_id` would list only networking
provide all quotas for networking and other services.