functional: fix OVSFW failure with native OVSDB api

A bunch of functional tests fail because of non implemented
x != [] operation in idlutils.condition_match() and
wrong condition passed to db_find() in OVSFW test.
This patch addresses the issue by implementing lists
comparison in native.idlutils and fixing the call to
db_find() in OVSFW test.

A functional test for OVSDB API's db_find() has been
added to ensure that querying a list column gives the same
result both with vsctl and native ovsdb_interface; unit
test for idlutils.condition_match() with corner cases has
been added as well.

Change-Id: Ia93fb925b8814210975904a453249f15f3646855
Closes-bug: #1578233
This commit is contained in:
Inessa Vasilevskaya 2016-05-04 17:36:47 +03:00
parent bb87e58dab
commit bffc5f062c
5 changed files with 176 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -258,6 +258,8 @@ class API(object):
:type table: string
:param conditions:The conditions to satisfy the query
:type conditions: 3-tuples containing (column, operation, match)
Type of 'match' parameter MUST be identical to column
atomic: ('tag', '=', 7)
map: ('external_ids' '=', {'iface-id': 'xxx'})

View File

@ -126,6 +126,11 @@ def wait_for_change(_idl, timeout, seqno=None):
def get_column_value(row, col):
"""Retrieve column value from the given row.
If column's type is optional, the value will be returned as a single
element instead of a list of length 1.
if col == '_uuid':
val = row.uuid
@ -135,8 +140,9 @@ def get_column_value(row, col):
if isinstance(val, list) and len(val):
if isinstance(val[0], idl.Row):
val = [v.uuid for v in val]
col_type = row._table.columns[col].type
# ovs-vsctl treats lists of 1 as single results
if len(val) == 1:
if col_type.is_optional():
val = val[0]
return val
@ -147,9 +153,28 @@ def condition_match(row, condition):
:param row: An OVSDB Row
:param condition: A 3-tuple containing (column, operation, match)
col, op, match = condition
val = get_column_value(row, col)
# both match and val are primitive types, so type can be used for type
# equality here.
if type(match) is not type(val):
# Types of 'val' and 'match' arguments MUST match in all cases with 2
# exceptions:
# - 'match' is an empty list and column's type is optional;
# - 'value' is an empty and column's type is optional
if (not all([match, val]) and
# utilize the single elements comparison logic
if match == []:
match = None
elif val == []:
val = None
# no need to process any further
raise ValueError(
_("Column type and condition operand do not match"))
matched = True
# TODO(twilson) Implement other operators and type comparisons
@ -167,7 +192,25 @@ def condition_match(row, condition):
raise NotImplementedError()
elif isinstance(match, list):
raise NotImplementedError()
# According to rfc7047, lists support '=' and '!='
# (both strict and relaxed). Will follow twilson's dict comparison
# and implement relaxed version (excludes/includes as per standart)
if op == "=":
if not all([val, match]):
return val == match
for elem in set(match):
if elem not in val:
matched = False
elif op == '!=':
if not all([val, match]):
return val != match
for elem in set(match):
if elem in val:
matched = False
raise NotImplementedError()
if op == '=':
if val != match:

View File

@ -140,9 +140,8 @@ class BaseFirewallTestCase(base.BaseSudoTestCase):
def get_not_used_vlan(self):
port_vlans =
'Port', ('tag', '!=', '[]'), columns=['tag']).execute()
# TODO(jlibosva): Remove 'if val' once bug/1578233 is solved
used_vlan_tags = {val['tag'] for val in port_vlans if val['tag']}
'Port', ('tag', '!=', []), columns=['tag']).execute()
used_vlan_tags = {val['tag'] for val in port_vlans}
available_vlans = self.vlan_range - used_vlan_tags
return random.choice(list(available_vlans))

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@ -367,3 +367,29 @@ class OVSLibTestCase(base.BaseOVSLinuxTestCase):
def test_db_find_column_type_list(self):
"""Fixate output for vsctl/native ovsdb_interface.
Makes sure that db_find search queries give the same result for both
bridge_name = base.get_rand_name(prefix=net_helpers.BR_PREFIX)
self.addCleanup(self.ovs.delete_bridge, bridge_name)
br = self.ovs.add_bridge(bridge_name)
port_name = base.get_rand_name(prefix=net_helpers.PORT_PREFIX)
self.ovs.set_db_attribute('Port', port_name, 'tag', 42)
tags = self.ovs.ovsdb.db_list('Port', columns=['tag']).execute()
# Make sure that there is data to query.
# It should be, but let's be a little paranoid here as otherwise
# the test has no sense
tags_present = [t for t in tags if t['tag'] != []]
tags_42 = [t for t in tags_present if t['tag'] == 42]
single_value = self.ovs.ovsdb.db_find(
'Port', ('tag', '=', 42), columns=['tag']).execute()
self.assertEqual(tags_42, single_value)
len_0_list = self.ovs.ovsdb.db_find(
'Port', ('tag', '!=', []), columns=['tag']).execute()
self.assertEqual(tags_present, len_0_list)

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@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
# Copyright 2016, Mirantis Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import mock
from neutron.agent.ovsdb.native import idlutils
from neutron.tests import base
class MockColumn(object):
def __init__(self, name, type, is_optional=False, test_value=None): = name
self.type = mock.MagicMock(
**{"": type,
"is_optional": mock.Mock(return_value=is_optional),
# for test purposes only to operate with some values in condition_match
# testcase
self.test_value = test_value
class MockTable(object):
def __init__(self, name, *columns):
# columns is a list of tuples (col_name, col_type) = name
self.columns = { c for c in columns}
class MockRow(object):
def __init__(self, table):
self._table = table
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr in self._table.columns:
return self._table.columns[attr].test_value
return super(MockRow, self).__getattr__(attr)
class TestIdlUtils(base.BaseTestCase):
def test_condition_match(self):
Make sure that the function respects the following:
* if column type is_optional and value is a single element, value is
transformed to a length-1-list
* any other value is returned as it is, no type convertions
table = MockTable("SomeTable",
MockColumn("tag", "integer", is_optional=True,
MockColumn("num", "integer", is_optional=True,
MockColumn("ids", "integer", is_optional=False,
MockColumn("comments", "string",
test_value=["a", "b", "c"]),
MockColumn("status", "string",
test_value="sorry for inconvenience"))
row = MockRow(table=table)
self.assertTrue(idlutils.condition_match(row, ("tag", "=", 42)))
# optional types can be compared only as single elements
idlutils.condition_match, row, ("tag", "!=", [42]))
# empty list comparison is ok for optional types though
self.assertTrue(idlutils.condition_match(row, ("tag", "!=", [])))
self.assertTrue(idlutils.condition_match(row, ("num", "=", [])))
# value = [] may be compared to a single elem if optional column type
self.assertTrue(idlutils.condition_match(row, ("num", "!=", 42)))
# no type conversion for non optional types
self.assertTrue(idlutils.condition_match(row, ("ids", "=", 42)))
row, ("status", "=", "sorry for inconvenience")))
row, ("status", "=", "sorry")))
# bad types
idlutils.condition_match, row, ("ids", "=", "42"))
idlutils.condition_match, row, ("ids", "!=", "42"))
idlutils.condition_match, row,
("ids", "!=", {"a": "b"}))
# non optional list types are kept as they are
row, ("comments", "=", ["c", "b", "a"])))
# also true because list comparison is relaxed
row, ("comments", "=", ["c", "b"])))
row, ("comments", "!=", ["d"])))