#!/usr/bin/env python # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import argparse import sys from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad def is_milestone_valid(project, name): milestone_names = [] for s in project.active_milestones: milestone_names.append(s.name) if name == s.name: return True print("No active milestone found") print("List of active milestones %s" % milestone_names) return False def get_current_milestone(project): series = project.get_timeline()['entries'] current_milestone = "" for s in series: if s['is_development_focus']: for landmark in s['landmarks']: #landmark with a date set are past milestones if not landmark['date']: if (landmark['name'] < current_milestone or not current_milestone): current_milestone = landmark['name'] return current_milestone def _search_task(project, **kwargs): bugs = project.searchTasks(**kwargs) if not bugs: return gerrit_query = "(" for b in bugs: gerrit_query += ("message:%d OR " % b.bug.id) gerrit_query = gerrit_query[:-4] gerrit_query += ")\n\n" return gerrit_query def get_approved_rfe_query(project): return _search_task(project, **{'tags': ['rfe-approved']}) def get_critical_bugs_query(project): return _search_task(project, **{'status': ["In Progress"], 'importance': ["Critical"]}) def get_high_bugs_query(project): return _search_task(project, **{'status': ["In Progress"], 'importance': ["High"]}) def get_specs_query(project, milestone): query = "(" for s in project.valid_specifications: if s.milestone is not None: if s.milestone.name == milestone: query += ("topic:bp/%s OR " % s.name) if query == "(": # no blueprint was found return query = query[:-4] query += ")\n" return query def write_section(f, section_name, query): print(section_name) if query: f.write("[section \"") f.write(section_name) f.write("\"]\n") f.write("query = ") f.write(query) print(query) else: print("No result found\n") def write_queries_for_project(f, project, milestone): query = get_approved_rfe_query(project) section_name = "Approved RFE %s" % project.name write_section(f, section_name, query) query = get_critical_bugs_query(project) section_name = "Critical Bugs %s" % project.name write_section(f, section_name, query) query = get_high_bugs_query(project) section_name = "High Bugs %s" % project.name write_section(f, section_name, query) query = get_specs_query(project, milestone) section_name = "Blueprints %s" % project.name write_section(f, section_name, query) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Create dashboard for critical/high bugs, approved rfe and' ' blueprints. A .dash file will be created in the current' ' folder that you can serve as input for gerrit-dash-creator.' ' The output of the script can be used to query Gerrit' ' directly.') parser.add_argument('-m', '--milestone', type=str, help='The release milestone') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, help='Output file') cachedir = "~/.launchpadlib/cache/" launchpad = Launchpad.login_anonymously('just testing', 'production', cachedir, version="devel") neutron = launchpad.projects['neutron'] neutron_client = launchpad.projects['python-neutronclient'] args = parser.parse_args() if args.milestone: milestone = args.milestone if not is_milestone_valid(neutron, milestone): sys.exit() else: milestone = get_current_milestone(neutron) if args.output: file_name = args.output else: file_name = milestone + '.dash' with open(file_name, 'w') as f: title = "[dashboard]\ntitle = Neutron %s Review Inbox\n" % milestone f.write(title) f.write("description = Review Inbox\n") f.write("foreach = (project:openstack/neutron OR " "project:openstack/python-neutronclient OR " "project:openstack/neutron-specs OR " "project:openstack/neutron-fwaas OR " "project:openstack/neutron-lbaas OR " "project:openstack/neutron-vpnaas) status:open NOT owner:self " "NOT label:Workflow<=-1 " "NOT label:Code-Review>=-2,self branch:master\n") f.write("\n") print("Querying Launchpad, this might take a while...") write_queries_for_project(f, neutron, milestone) write_queries_for_project(f, neutron_client, milestone)