# Copyright (c) 2015 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import copy import netaddr from neutron_lib import constants as lib_constants from neutron_lib.services.qos import constants as qos_consts from oslo_utils import uuidutils from six import moves from neutron.common import ipv6_utils _uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid class FakeDev(object): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def get_ha_interface(ip='', mac='12:34:56:78:2b:5d'): subnet_id = _uuid() return {'admin_state_up': True, 'device_id': _uuid(), 'device_owner': lib_constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_HA_INTF, 'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': ip, 'prefixlen': 18, 'subnet_id': subnet_id}], 'id': _uuid(), 'mac_address': mac, 'name': u'L3 HA Admin port 0', 'mtu': 1500, 'network_id': _uuid(), 'status': u'ACTIVE', 'subnets': [{'cidr': '', 'gateway_ip': '', 'id': subnet_id}], 'tenant_id': '', 'agent_id': _uuid(), 'agent_host': 'aaa', 'priority': 1} def prepare_router_data(ip_version=lib_constants.IP_VERSION_4, enable_snat=None, num_internal_ports=1, enable_floating_ip=False, enable_ha=False, extra_routes=False, dual_stack=False, enable_gw=True, v6_ext_gw_with_sub=True, snat_bound_fip=False, enable_pf_floating_ip=False, vrrp_id=None, **kwargs): fixed_ips = [] subnets = [] gateway_mac = kwargs.get('gateway_mac', 'ca:fe:de:ad:be:ee') extra_subnets = [] for loop_version in (lib_constants.IP_VERSION_4, lib_constants.IP_VERSION_6): if (loop_version == lib_constants.IP_VERSION_4 and (ip_version == lib_constants.IP_VERSION_4 or dual_stack)): ip_address = kwargs.get('ip_address', '') prefixlen = 24 subnet_cidr = kwargs.get('subnet_cidr', '') gateway_ip = kwargs.get('gateway_ip', '') _extra_subnet = {'cidr': ''} elif (loop_version == lib_constants.IP_VERSION_6 and (ip_version == lib_constants.IP_VERSION_6 or dual_stack) and v6_ext_gw_with_sub): ip_address = kwargs.get('ip_address', 'fd00::4') prefixlen = 64 subnet_cidr = kwargs.get('subnet_cidr', 'fd00::/64') gateway_ip = kwargs.get('gateway_ip', 'fd00::1') _extra_subnet = {'cidr': 'fd01::/64'} else: continue subnet_id = _uuid() fixed_ips.append({'ip_address': ip_address, 'subnet_id': subnet_id, 'prefixlen': prefixlen}) subnets.append({'id': subnet_id, 'cidr': subnet_cidr, 'gateway_ip': gateway_ip}) extra_subnets.append(_extra_subnet) if not fixed_ips and v6_ext_gw_with_sub: raise ValueError("Invalid ip_version: %s" % ip_version) router_id = _uuid() ex_gw_port = {} if enable_gw: ex_gw_port = {'id': _uuid(), 'mac_address': gateway_mac, 'mtu': 1500, 'network_id': _uuid(), 'fixed_ips': fixed_ips, 'subnets': subnets, 'extra_subnets': extra_subnets} external_gateway_info = {"qos_policy_id": kwargs.get('qos_policy_id')} routes = [] if extra_routes: routes = [{'destination': '', 'nexthop': ''}] router = { 'id': router_id, 'distributed': False, lib_constants.INTERFACE_KEY: [], 'routes': routes, 'gw_port': ex_gw_port, 'external_gateway_info': external_gateway_info} router_fips = router.get(lib_constants.FLOATINGIP_KEY, []) if enable_floating_ip: fip = {'id': _uuid(), 'port_id': _uuid(), 'status': 'DOWN', 'floating_ip_address': '', 'fixed_ip_address': ''} qos_policy_id = kwargs.get(qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID) if qos_policy_id: fip[qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID] = qos_policy_id router_fips.append(fip) if snat_bound_fip: fip = {'id': _uuid(), 'port_id': _uuid(), 'status': 'DOWN', 'floating_ip_address': '', 'fixed_ip_address': ''} qos_policy_id = kwargs.get(qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID) if qos_policy_id: fip[qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID] = qos_policy_id router_fips.append(fip) router[lib_constants.FLOATINGIP_KEY] = router_fips pf_fips = [] if enable_pf_floating_ip: fip = {'id': _uuid(), 'port_id': _uuid(), 'status': 'DOWN', 'floating_ip_address': '', 'fixed_ip_address': ''} qos_policy_id = kwargs.get(qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID) if qos_policy_id: fip[qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID] = qos_policy_id pf_fips.append(fip) router['_pf_floatingips'] = pf_fips router_append_interface(router, count=num_internal_ports, ip_version=ip_version, dual_stack=dual_stack) if enable_ha: ha_port_ip = kwargs.get('ha_port_ip', '') ha_port_mac = kwargs.get('ha_port_mac', '12:34:56:78:2b:aa') router['ha'] = True router['ha_vr_id'] = vrrp_id or 1 router[lib_constants.HA_INTERFACE_KEY] = ( get_ha_interface(ip=ha_port_ip, mac=ha_port_mac)) if enable_snat is not None: router['enable_snat'] = enable_snat return router def get_subnet_id(port): return port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] def router_append_interface(router, count=1, ip_version=lib_constants.IP_VERSION_4, ra_mode=None, addr_mode=None, dual_stack=False, same_port=False): interfaces = router[lib_constants.INTERFACE_KEY] current = sum( [netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet['cidr']).version == ip_version for p in interfaces for subnet in p['subnets']]) # If dual_stack=True, create IPv4 and IPv6 subnets on each port # If same_port=True, create ip_version number of subnets on a single port # Else create just an ip_version subnet on each port if dual_stack: ip_versions = [lib_constants.IP_VERSION_4, lib_constants.IP_VERSION_6] elif same_port: ip_versions = [ip_version] * count count = 1 else: ip_versions = [ip_version] mac_address = netaddr.EUI('ca:fe:de:ad:be:ef') mac_address.dialect = netaddr.mac_unix for i in range(current, current + count): fixed_ips = [] subnets = [] for loop_version in ip_versions: if (loop_version == lib_constants.IP_VERSION_4 and (ip_version == lib_constants.IP_VERSION_4 or dual_stack)): ip_pool = '35.4.%i.4' cidr_pool = '35.4.%i.0/24' prefixlen = 24 gw_pool = '35.4.%i.1' elif (loop_version == lib_constants.IP_VERSION_6 and (ip_version == lib_constants.IP_VERSION_6 or dual_stack)): ip_pool = 'fd01:%x:1::6' cidr_pool = 'fd01:%x:1::/64' prefixlen = 64 gw_pool = 'fd01:%x:1::1' else: continue subnet_id = _uuid() fixed_ips.append({'ip_address': ip_pool % i, 'subnet_id': subnet_id, 'prefixlen': prefixlen}) subnets.append({'id': subnet_id, 'cidr': cidr_pool % i, 'gateway_ip': gw_pool % i, 'ipv6_ra_mode': ra_mode, 'ipv6_address_mode': addr_mode}) if not fixed_ips: raise ValueError("Invalid ip_version: %s" % ip_version) interfaces.append( {'id': _uuid(), 'mtu': 1500, 'network_id': _uuid(), 'admin_state_up': True, 'fixed_ips': fixed_ips, 'mac_address': str(mac_address), 'subnets': subnets}) mac_address.value += 1 def router_append_subnet(router, count=1, ip_version=lib_constants.IP_VERSION_4, ipv6_subnet_modes=None, interface_id=None, dns_nameservers=None, network_mtu=0): if ip_version == lib_constants.IP_VERSION_6: subnet_mode_none = {'ra_mode': None, 'address_mode': None} if not ipv6_subnet_modes: ipv6_subnet_modes = [subnet_mode_none] * count elif len(ipv6_subnet_modes) != count: ipv6_subnet_modes.extend([subnet_mode_none for i in moves.range(len(ipv6_subnet_modes), count)]) if ip_version == lib_constants.IP_VERSION_4: ip_pool = '35.4.%i.4' cidr_pool = '35.4.%i.0/24' prefixlen = 24 gw_pool = '35.4.%i.1' elif ip_version == lib_constants.IP_VERSION_6: ip_pool = 'fd01:%x::6' cidr_pool = 'fd01:%x::/64' prefixlen = 64 gw_pool = 'fd01:%x::1' else: raise ValueError("Invalid ip_version: %s" % ip_version) interfaces = copy.deepcopy(router.get(lib_constants.INTERFACE_KEY, [])) if interface_id: try: interface = next(i for i in interfaces if i['id'] == interface_id) except StopIteration: raise ValueError("interface_id not found") fixed_ips, subnets = interface['fixed_ips'], interface['subnets'] else: interface = None fixed_ips, subnets = [], [] num_existing_subnets = len(subnets) for i in moves.range(count): subnet_id = _uuid() fixed_ips.append( {'ip_address': ip_pool % (i + num_existing_subnets), 'subnet_id': subnet_id, 'prefixlen': prefixlen}) subnets.append( {'id': subnet_id, 'cidr': cidr_pool % (i + num_existing_subnets), 'gateway_ip': gw_pool % (i + num_existing_subnets), 'dns_nameservers': dns_nameservers, 'ipv6_ra_mode': ipv6_subnet_modes[i]['ra_mode'], 'ipv6_address_mode': ipv6_subnet_modes[i]['address_mode']}) if interface: # Update old interface index = interfaces.index(interface) interfaces[index].update({'fixed_ips': fixed_ips, 'subnets': subnets}) else: # New interface appended to interfaces list mac_address = netaddr.EUI('ca:fe:de:ad:be:ef') mac_address.dialect = netaddr.mac_unix interfaces.append( {'id': _uuid(), 'mtu': network_mtu, 'network_id': _uuid(), 'admin_state_up': True, 'mac_address': str(mac_address), 'fixed_ips': fixed_ips, 'subnets': subnets}) router[lib_constants.INTERFACE_KEY] = interfaces def router_append_pd_enabled_subnet(router, count=1, prefix=None): if not prefix: prefix = lib_constants.PROVISIONAL_IPV6_PD_PREFIX interfaces = router[lib_constants.INTERFACE_KEY] current = sum(netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet['cidr']).version == 6 for p in interfaces for subnet in p['subnets']) mac_address = netaddr.EUI('ca:fe:de:ad:be:ef') mac_address.dialect = netaddr.mac_unix pd_intfs = [] for i in range(current, current + count): subnet_id = _uuid() intf = {'id': _uuid(), 'mtu': 1500, 'network_id': _uuid(), 'admin_state_up': True, 'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': '::1', 'prefixlen': 64, 'subnet_id': subnet_id}], 'mac_address': str(mac_address), 'subnets': [{'id': subnet_id, 'cidr': prefix, 'gateway_ip': '::1', 'ipv6_ra_mode': lib_constants.IPV6_SLAAC, 'subnetpool_id': lib_constants.IPV6_PD_POOL_ID}]} interfaces.append(intf) pd_intfs.append(intf) mac_address.value += 1 def get_unassigned_pd_interfaces(router): pd_intfs = [] for intf in router[lib_constants.INTERFACE_KEY]: for subnet in intf['subnets']: if (ipv6_utils.is_ipv6_pd_enabled(subnet) and subnet['cidr'] == lib_constants.PROVISIONAL_IPV6_PD_PREFIX): pd_intfs.append(intf) return pd_intfs def get_assigned_pd_interfaces(router): pd_intfs = [] for intf in router[lib_constants.INTERFACE_KEY]: for subnet in intf['subnets']: if (ipv6_utils.is_ipv6_pd_enabled(subnet) and subnet['cidr'] != lib_constants.PROVISIONAL_IPV6_PD_PREFIX): pd_intfs.append(intf) return pd_intfs def assign_prefix_for_pd_interfaces(router): pd_intfs = [] for ifno, intf in enumerate(router[lib_constants.INTERFACE_KEY]): for subnet in intf['subnets']: if (ipv6_utils.is_ipv6_pd_enabled(subnet) and subnet['cidr'] == lib_constants.PROVISIONAL_IPV6_PD_PREFIX): subnet['cidr'] = "2001:db8:%d::/64" % ifno pd_intfs.append(intf) return pd_intfs def prepare_ext_gw_test(context, ri, dual_stack=False): subnet_id = _uuid() fixed_ips = [{'subnet_id': subnet_id, 'ip_address': '', 'prefixlen': 24}] subnets = [{'id': subnet_id, 'cidr': '', 'gateway_ip': ''}] if dual_stack: subnet_id_v6 = _uuid() fixed_ips.append({'subnet_id': subnet_id_v6, 'ip_address': '2001:192:168:100::2', 'prefixlen': 64}) subnets.append({'id': subnet_id_v6, 'cidr': '2001:192:168:100::/64', 'gateway_ip': '2001:192:168:100::1'}) ex_gw_port = {'fixed_ips': fixed_ips, 'subnets': subnets, 'extra_subnets': [{'cidr': ''}], 'id': _uuid(), 'mtu': 1500, 'network_id': _uuid(), 'mac_address': 'ca:fe:de:ad:be:ef'} interface_name = ri.get_external_device_name(ex_gw_port['id']) context.device_exists.return_value = True return interface_name, ex_gw_port