# Copyright (C) 2014 eNovance SAS # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import functools import netaddr from neutron_lib.api.definitions import port as port_def from neutron_lib.api.definitions import portbindings from neutron_lib.api.definitions import provider_net as providernet from neutron_lib.api import validators from neutron_lib.callbacks import events from neutron_lib.callbacks import registry from neutron_lib.callbacks import resources from neutron_lib import constants from neutron_lib import exceptions as n_exc from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_db import exception as db_exc from oslo_log import helpers as log_helpers from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import excutils import six import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy import exc as sql_exc from sqlalchemy import orm from neutron._i18n import _ from neutron.common import constants as n_const from neutron.common import utils as n_utils from neutron.db import _utils as db_utils from neutron.db import api as db_api from neutron.db.availability_zone import router as router_az_db from neutron.db import l3_dvr_db from neutron.db.l3_dvr_db import is_distributed_router from neutron.db.models import agent as agent_model from neutron.db.models import l3ha as l3ha_model from neutron.extensions import l3 from neutron.extensions import l3_ext_ha_mode as l3_ha from neutron.objects import router as l3_obj from neutron.plugins.common import utils as p_utils VR_ID_RANGE = set(range(1, 255)) MAX_ALLOCATION_TRIES = 10 UNLIMITED_AGENTS_PER_ROUTER = 0 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) L3_HA_OPTS = [ cfg.BoolOpt('l3_ha', default=False, help=_('Enable HA mode for virtual routers.')), cfg.IntOpt('max_l3_agents_per_router', default=3, help=_("Maximum number of L3 agents which a HA router will be " "scheduled on. If it is set to 0 then the router will " "be scheduled on every agent.")), cfg.StrOpt('l3_ha_net_cidr', default=n_const.L3_HA_NET_CIDR, help=_('Subnet used for the l3 HA admin network.')), cfg.StrOpt('l3_ha_network_type', default='', help=_("The network type to use when creating the HA network " "for an HA router. By default or if empty, the first " "'tenant_network_types' is used. This is helpful when " "the VRRP traffic should use a specific network which " "is not the default one.")), cfg.StrOpt('l3_ha_network_physical_name', default='', help=_("The physical network name with which the HA network " "can be created.")) ] cfg.CONF.register_opts(L3_HA_OPTS) @registry.has_registry_receivers class L3_HA_NAT_db_mixin(l3_dvr_db.L3_NAT_with_dvr_db_mixin, router_az_db.RouterAvailabilityZoneMixin): """Mixin class to add high availability capability to routers.""" def _verify_configuration(self): self.ha_cidr = cfg.CONF.l3_ha_net_cidr try: net = netaddr.IPNetwork(self.ha_cidr) except netaddr.AddrFormatError: raise l3_ha.HANetworkCIDRNotValid(cidr=self.ha_cidr) if ('/' not in self.ha_cidr or net.network != net.ip): raise l3_ha.HANetworkCIDRNotValid(cidr=self.ha_cidr) self._check_num_agents_per_router() def _check_num_agents_per_router(self): max_agents = cfg.CONF.max_l3_agents_per_router if max_agents != UNLIMITED_AGENTS_PER_ROUTER and max_agents < 1: raise l3_ha.HAMaximumAgentsNumberNotValid(max_agents=max_agents) def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): inst = super(L3_HA_NAT_db_mixin, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) inst._verify_configuration() return inst def get_ha_network(self, context, tenant_id): return (context.session.query(l3ha_model.L3HARouterNetwork). filter(l3ha_model.L3HARouterNetwork.tenant_id == tenant_id). first()) def _get_allocated_vr_id(self, context, network_id): with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): query = (context.session.query( l3ha_model.L3HARouterVRIdAllocation). filter(l3ha_model.L3HARouterVRIdAllocation.network_id == network_id)) allocated_vr_ids = set(a.vr_id for a in query) - set([0]) return allocated_vr_ids @db_api.retry_if_session_inactive() def _ensure_vr_id(self, context, router_db, ha_network): router_id = router_db.id network_id = ha_network.network_id # TODO(kevinbenton): let decorator handle duplicate retry # like in review.openstack.org/#/c/367179/1/neutron/db/l3_hamode_db.py for count in range(MAX_ALLOCATION_TRIES): try: # NOTE(kevinbenton): we disallow subtransactions because the # retry logic will bust any parent transactions with context.session.begin(): if router_db.extra_attributes.ha_vr_id: LOG.debug( "Router %(router_id)s has already been " "allocated a ha_vr_id %(ha_vr_id)d!", {'router_id': router_id, 'ha_vr_id': router_db.extra_attributes.ha_vr_id}) return allocated_vr_ids = self._get_allocated_vr_id(context, network_id) available_vr_ids = VR_ID_RANGE - allocated_vr_ids if not available_vr_ids: raise l3_ha.NoVRIDAvailable(router_id=router_id) allocation = l3ha_model.L3HARouterVRIdAllocation() allocation.network_id = network_id allocation.vr_id = available_vr_ids.pop() context.session.add(allocation) router_db.extra_attributes.ha_vr_id = allocation.vr_id LOG.debug( "Router %(router_id)s has been allocated a ha_vr_id " "%(ha_vr_id)d.", {'router_id': router_id, 'ha_vr_id': allocation.vr_id}) return allocation.vr_id except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry: LOG.info("Attempt %(count)s to allocate a VRID in the " "network %(network)s for the router %(router)s", {'count': count, 'network': network_id, 'router': router_id}) raise l3_ha.MaxVRIDAllocationTriesReached( network_id=network_id, router_id=router_id, max_tries=MAX_ALLOCATION_TRIES) @db_api.retry_if_session_inactive() def _delete_vr_id_allocation(self, context, ha_network, vr_id): with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): context.session.query( l3ha_model.L3HARouterVRIdAllocation).filter_by( network_id=ha_network.network_id, vr_id=vr_id).delete() def _create_ha_subnet(self, context, network_id, tenant_id): args = {'network_id': network_id, 'tenant_id': '', 'name': n_const.HA_SUBNET_NAME % tenant_id, 'ip_version': 4, 'cidr': cfg.CONF.l3_ha_net_cidr, 'enable_dhcp': False, 'gateway_ip': None} return p_utils.create_subnet(self._core_plugin, context, {'subnet': args}) def _create_ha_network_tenant_binding(self, context, tenant_id, network_id): with context.session.begin(): ha_network = l3ha_model.L3HARouterNetwork( tenant_id=tenant_id, network_id=network_id) context.session.add(ha_network) # we need to check if someone else just inserted at exactly the # same time as us because there is no constrain in L3HARouterNetwork # that prevents multiple networks per tenant with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): items = (context.session.query(l3ha_model.L3HARouterNetwork). filter_by(tenant_id=tenant_id).all()) if len(items) > 1: # we need to throw an error so our network is deleted # and the process is started over where the existing # network will be selected. raise db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry(columns=['tenant_id']) return ha_network def _add_ha_network_settings(self, network): if cfg.CONF.l3_ha_network_type: network[providernet.NETWORK_TYPE] = cfg.CONF.l3_ha_network_type if cfg.CONF.l3_ha_network_physical_name: network[providernet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK] = ( cfg.CONF.l3_ha_network_physical_name) def _create_ha_network(self, context, tenant_id): admin_ctx = context.elevated() args = {'network': {'name': n_const.HA_NETWORK_NAME % tenant_id, 'tenant_id': '', 'shared': False, 'admin_state_up': True}} self._add_ha_network_settings(args['network']) creation = functools.partial(p_utils.create_network, self._core_plugin, admin_ctx, args) content = functools.partial(self._create_ha_network_tenant_binding, admin_ctx, tenant_id) deletion = functools.partial(self._core_plugin.delete_network, admin_ctx) network, ha_network = db_utils.safe_creation( context, creation, deletion, content, transaction=False) try: self._create_ha_subnet(admin_ctx, network['id'], tenant_id) except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): self._core_plugin.delete_network(admin_ctx, network['id']) return ha_network def get_number_of_agents_for_scheduling(self, context): """Return number of agents on which the router will be scheduled.""" num_agents = len(self.get_l3_agents(context, active=True, filters={'agent_modes': [constants.L3_AGENT_MODE_LEGACY, constants.L3_AGENT_MODE_DVR_SNAT]})) max_agents = cfg.CONF.max_l3_agents_per_router if max_agents: if max_agents > num_agents: LOG.info("Number of active agents lower than " "max_l3_agents_per_router. L3 agents " "available: %s", num_agents) else: num_agents = max_agents return num_agents @db_api.retry_if_session_inactive() def _create_ha_port_binding(self, context, router_id, port_id): try: with context.session.begin(): l3_obj.RouterPort( context, port_id=port_id, router_id=router_id, port_type=constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_HA_INTF).create() portbinding = l3ha_model.L3HARouterAgentPortBinding( port_id=port_id, router_id=router_id) context.session.add(portbinding) return portbinding except db_exc.DBReferenceError as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt: if isinstance(e.inner_exception, sql_exc.IntegrityError): ctxt.reraise = False LOG.debug( 'Failed to create HA router agent PortBinding, ' 'Router %s has already been removed ' 'by concurrent operation', router_id) raise l3.RouterNotFound(router_id=router_id) def add_ha_port(self, context, router_id, network_id, tenant_id): # NOTE(kevinbenton): we have to block any ongoing transactions because # our exception handling will try to delete the port using the normal # core plugin API. If this function is called inside of a transaction # the exception will mangle the state, cause the delete call to fail, # and end up relying on the DB rollback to remove the port instead of # proper delete_port call. if context.session.is_active: raise RuntimeError(_('add_ha_port cannot be called inside of a ' 'transaction.')) args = {'tenant_id': '', 'network_id': network_id, 'admin_state_up': True, 'device_id': router_id, 'device_owner': constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_HA_INTF, 'name': n_const.HA_PORT_NAME % tenant_id} creation = functools.partial(p_utils.create_port, self._core_plugin, context, {'port': args}) content = functools.partial(self._create_ha_port_binding, context, router_id) deletion = functools.partial(self._core_plugin.delete_port, context, l3_port_check=False) port, bindings = db_utils.safe_creation(context, creation, deletion, content, transaction=False) return bindings def _delete_ha_interfaces(self, context, router_id): admin_ctx = context.elevated() device_filter = {'device_id': [router_id], 'device_owner': [constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_HA_INTF]} ports = self._core_plugin.get_ports(admin_ctx, filters=device_filter) for port in ports: self._core_plugin.delete_port(admin_ctx, port['id'], l3_port_check=False) def delete_ha_interfaces_on_host(self, context, router_id, host): admin_ctx = context.elevated() port_ids = (binding.port_id for binding in self.get_ha_router_port_bindings(admin_ctx, [router_id], host)) for port_id in port_ids: self._core_plugin.delete_port(admin_ctx, port_id, l3_port_check=False) def _notify_router_updated(self, context, router_id): self.l3_rpc_notifier.routers_updated( context, [router_id], shuffle_agents=True) @classmethod def _is_ha(cls, router): ha = router.get('ha') if not validators.is_attr_set(ha): ha = cfg.CONF.l3_ha return ha def _get_device_owner(self, context, router=None): """Get device_owner for the specified router.""" router_is_uuid = isinstance(router, six.string_types) if router_is_uuid: router = self._get_router(context, router) if is_ha_router(router) and not is_distributed_router(router): return constants.DEVICE_OWNER_HA_REPLICATED_INT return super(L3_HA_NAT_db_mixin, self)._get_device_owner(context, router) @n_utils.transaction_guard def _ensure_vr_id_and_network(self, context, router_db): """Attach vr_id to router while tolerating network deletes.""" creator = functools.partial(self._ensure_vr_id, context, router_db) dep_getter = functools.partial(self.get_ha_network, context, router_db.tenant_id) dep_creator = functools.partial(self._create_ha_network, context, router_db.tenant_id) dep_deleter = functools.partial(self._delete_ha_network, context) dep_id_attr = 'network_id' return n_utils.create_object_with_dependency( creator, dep_getter, dep_creator, dep_id_attr, dep_deleter)[1] @registry.receives(resources.ROUTER, [events.BEFORE_CREATE]) @db_api.retry_if_session_inactive() def _before_router_create(self, resource, event, trigger, context, router, **kwargs): """Event handler to create HA resources before router creation.""" if not self._is_ha(router): return # ensure the HA network exists before we start router creation so # we can provide meaningful errors back to the user if no network # can be allocated if not self.get_ha_network(context, router['tenant_id']): self._create_ha_network(context, router['tenant_id']) @registry.receives(resources.ROUTER, [events.PRECOMMIT_CREATE]) def _precommit_router_create(self, resource, event, trigger, context, router, router_db, **kwargs): """Event handler to set ha flag and status on creation.""" is_ha = self._is_ha(router) router['ha'] = is_ha self.set_extra_attr_value(context, router_db, 'ha', is_ha) if not is_ha: return # This will throw an exception if there aren't enough agents to # handle this HA router self.get_number_of_agents_for_scheduling(context) ha_net = self.get_ha_network(context, router['tenant_id']) if not ha_net: # net was deleted, throw a retry to start over to create another raise db_exc.RetryRequest( l3_ha.HANetworkConcurrentDeletion( tenant_id=router['tenant_id'])) @registry.receives(resources.ROUTER, [events.AFTER_CREATE]) def _after_router_create(self, resource, event, trigger, context, router_id, router, router_db, **kwargs): if not router['ha']: return try: self.schedule_router(context, router_id) router['ha_vr_id'] = router_db.extra_attributes.ha_vr_id self._notify_router_updated(context, router_id) except Exception as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctx: if isinstance(e, l3_ha.NoVRIDAvailable): ctx.reraise = False LOG.warning("No more VRIDs for router: %s", e) else: LOG.exception("Failed to schedule HA router %s.", router_id) router['status'] = self._update_router_db( context, router_id, {'status': n_const.ROUTER_STATUS_ERROR})['status'] @registry.receives(resources.ROUTER, [events.PRECOMMIT_UPDATE]) def _validate_migration(self, resource, event, trigger, context, router_id, router, router_db, old_router, **kwargs): """Event handler on precommit update to validate migration.""" original_ha_state = old_router['ha'] requested_ha_state = router.get('ha') ha_changed = (requested_ha_state is not None and requested_ha_state != original_ha_state) if not ha_changed: return if router_db.admin_state_up: msg = _('Cannot change HA attribute of active routers. Please ' 'set router admin_state_up to False prior to upgrade') raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='router', msg=msg) if requested_ha_state: # This will throw HANotEnoughAvailableAgents if there aren't # enough l3 agents to handle this router. self.get_number_of_agents_for_scheduling(context) else: ha_network = self.get_ha_network(context, router_db.tenant_id) self._delete_vr_id_allocation( context, ha_network, router_db.extra_attributes.ha_vr_id) router_db.extra_attributes.ha_vr_id = None self.set_extra_attr_value(context, router_db, 'ha', requested_ha_state) @registry.receives(resources.ROUTER, [events.AFTER_UPDATE]) def _reconfigure_ha_resources(self, resource, event, trigger, context, router_id, old_router, router, router_db, **kwargs): """Event handler to react to changes after HA flag has been updated.""" ha_changed = old_router['ha'] != router['ha'] if not ha_changed: return requested_ha_state = router['ha'] # The HA attribute has changed. First unbind the router from agents # to force a proper re-scheduling to agents. # TODO(jschwarz): This will have to be more selective to get HA + DVR # working (Only unbind from dvr_snat nodes). self._unbind_ha_router(context, router_id) if not requested_ha_state: self._delete_ha_interfaces(context, router_db.id) # always attempt to cleanup the network as the router is # deleted. the core plugin will stop us if its in use ha_network = self.get_ha_network(context, router_db.tenant_id) if ha_network: self.safe_delete_ha_network(context, ha_network, router_db.tenant_id) self._migrate_router_ports( context, router_db, old_owner=constants.DEVICE_OWNER_HA_REPLICATED_INT, new_owner=constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF) else: self._migrate_router_ports( context, router_db, old_owner=constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF, new_owner=constants.DEVICE_OWNER_HA_REPLICATED_INT) self.schedule_router(context, router_id) self._notify_router_updated(context, router_db.id) def _delete_ha_network(self, context, net): admin_ctx = context.elevated() self._core_plugin.delete_network(admin_ctx, net.network_id) def safe_delete_ha_network(self, context, ha_network, tenant_id): try: # reference the attr inside the try block before we attempt # to delete the network and potentially invalidate the # relationship net_id = ha_network.network_id self._delete_ha_network(context, ha_network) except (n_exc.NetworkNotFound, orm.exc.ObjectDeletedError): LOG.debug( "HA network for tenant %s was already deleted.", tenant_id) except sa.exc.InvalidRequestError: LOG.info("HA network %s can not be deleted.", net_id) except n_exc.NetworkInUse: # network is still in use, this is normal so we don't # log anything pass else: LOG.info("HA network %(network)s was deleted as " "no HA routers are present in tenant " "%(tenant)s.", {'network': net_id, 'tenant': tenant_id}) @registry.receives(resources.ROUTER, [events.PRECOMMIT_DELETE]) def _release_router_vr_id(self, resource, event, trigger, context, router_db, **kwargs): """Event handler for removal of VRID during router delete.""" if router_db.extra_attributes.ha: ha_network = self.get_ha_network(context, router_db.tenant_id) if ha_network: self._delete_vr_id_allocation( context, ha_network, router_db.extra_attributes.ha_vr_id) @registry.receives(resources.ROUTER, [events.AFTER_DELETE]) @db_api.retry_if_session_inactive() def _cleanup_ha_network(self, resource, event, trigger, context, router_id, original, **kwargs): """Event handler to attempt HA network deletion after router delete.""" if not original['ha']: return ha_network = self.get_ha_network(context, original['tenant_id']) if not ha_network: return # always attempt to cleanup the network as the router is # deleted. the core plugin will stop us if its in use self.safe_delete_ha_network(context, ha_network, original['tenant_id']) def _unbind_ha_router(self, context, router_id): for agent in self.get_l3_agents_hosting_routers(context, [router_id]): self.remove_router_from_l3_agent(context, agent['id'], router_id) def get_ha_router_port_bindings(self, context, router_ids, host=None): if not router_ids: return [] query = context.session.query(l3ha_model.L3HARouterAgentPortBinding) if host: query = query.join(agent_model.Agent).filter( agent_model.Agent.host == host) query = query.filter( l3ha_model.L3HARouterAgentPortBinding.router_id.in_(router_ids)) return query.all() @staticmethod def _check_router_agent_ha_binding(context, router_id, agent_id): query = context.session.query(l3ha_model.L3HARouterAgentPortBinding) query = query.filter( l3ha_model.L3HARouterAgentPortBinding.router_id == router_id, l3ha_model.L3HARouterAgentPortBinding.l3_agent_id == agent_id) return query.first() is not None def _get_bindings_and_update_router_state_for_dead_agents(self, context, router_id): """Return bindings. In case if dead agents were detected update router states on this agent. """ with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): bindings = self.get_ha_router_port_bindings(context, [router_id]) dead_agents = [] active = [binding for binding in bindings if binding.state == n_const.HA_ROUTER_STATE_ACTIVE] # Check dead agents only if we have more then one active agent if len(active) > 1: dead_agents = [binding.agent for binding in active if not (binding.agent.is_active and binding.agent.admin_state_up)] for dead_agent in dead_agents: self.update_routers_states( context, {router_id: n_const.HA_ROUTER_STATE_STANDBY}, dead_agent.host) if dead_agents: return self.get_ha_router_port_bindings(context, [router_id]) return bindings def get_l3_bindings_hosting_router_with_ha_states( self, context, router_id): """Return a list of [(agent, ha_state), ...].""" bindings = self._get_bindings_and_update_router_state_for_dead_agents( context, router_id) return [(binding.agent, binding.state) for binding in bindings if binding.agent is not None] def get_active_host_for_ha_router(self, context, router_id): bindings = self.get_l3_bindings_hosting_router_with_ha_states( context, router_id) # TODO(amuller): In case we have two or more actives, this method # needs to return the last agent to become active. This requires # timestamps for state changes. Otherwise, if a host goes down # and another takes over, we'll have two actives. In this case, # if an interface is added to a router, its binding might be wrong # and l2pop would not work correctly. return next( (agent.host for agent, state in bindings if state == n_const.HA_ROUTER_STATE_ACTIVE), None) @log_helpers.log_method_call def _process_sync_ha_data(self, context, routers, host, is_any_dvr_agent): routers_dict = dict((router['id'], router) for router in routers) bindings = self.get_ha_router_port_bindings(context, routers_dict.keys(), host) for binding in bindings: port = binding.port if not port: # Filter the HA router has no ha port here LOG.info("HA router %s is missing HA router port " "bindings. Skipping it.", binding.router_id) routers_dict.pop(binding.router_id) continue port_dict = self._core_plugin._make_port_dict(port) router = routers_dict.get(binding.router_id) router[constants.HA_INTERFACE_KEY] = port_dict router[n_const.HA_ROUTER_STATE_KEY] = binding.state interfaces = [] for router in routers_dict.values(): interface = router.get(constants.HA_INTERFACE_KEY) if interface: interfaces.append(interface) self._populate_mtu_and_subnets_for_ports(context, interfaces) # If this is a DVR+HA router, then we want to always return it even # though it's missing the '_ha_interface' key. The agent will have # to figure out what kind of router setup is needed. return [r for r in list(routers_dict.values()) if (is_any_dvr_agent or not r.get('ha') or r.get(constants.HA_INTERFACE_KEY))] @log_helpers.log_method_call def get_ha_sync_data_for_host(self, context, host, agent, router_ids=None, active=None): agent_mode = self._get_agent_mode(agent) dvr_agent_mode = ( agent_mode in [constants.L3_AGENT_MODE_DVR_SNAT, constants.L3_AGENT_MODE_DVR, n_const.L3_AGENT_MODE_DVR_NO_EXTERNAL]) if (dvr_agent_mode and n_utils.is_extension_supported( self, constants.L3_DISTRIBUTED_EXT_ALIAS)): # DVR has to be handled differently sync_data = self._get_dvr_sync_data(context, host, agent, router_ids, active) else: sync_data = super(L3_HA_NAT_db_mixin, self).get_sync_data(context, router_ids, active) return self._process_sync_ha_data( context, sync_data, host, dvr_agent_mode) @classmethod def _set_router_states(cls, context, bindings, states): for binding in bindings: try: with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): binding.state = states[binding.router_id] except (orm.exc.StaleDataError, orm.exc.ObjectDeletedError): # Take concurrently deleted routers in to account pass @db_api.retry_if_session_inactive() def update_routers_states(self, context, states, host): """Receive dict of router ID to state and update them all.""" bindings = self.get_ha_router_port_bindings( context, router_ids=states.keys(), host=host) self._set_router_states(context, bindings, states) self._update_router_port_bindings(context, states, host) def _update_router_port_bindings(self, context, states, host): admin_ctx = context.elevated() device_filter = {'device_id': list(states.keys()), 'device_owner': [constants.DEVICE_OWNER_HA_REPLICATED_INT, constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_SNAT, constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW]} ports = self._core_plugin.get_ports(admin_ctx, filters=device_filter) active_ports = (port for port in ports if states[port['device_id']] == n_const.HA_ROUTER_STATE_ACTIVE) for port in active_ports: try: self._core_plugin.update_port( admin_ctx, port['id'], {port_def.RESOURCE_NAME: {portbindings.HOST_ID: host}}) except (orm.exc.StaleDataError, orm.exc.ObjectDeletedError, n_exc.PortNotFound): # Take concurrently deleted interfaces in to account pass def is_ha_router(router): """Return True if router to be handled is ha.""" try: # See if router is a DB object first requested_router_type = router.extra_attributes.ha except AttributeError: # if not, try to see if it is a request body requested_router_type = router.get('ha') if validators.is_attr_set(requested_router_type): return requested_router_type return cfg.CONF.l3_ha def is_ha_router_port(context, device_owner, router_id): if device_owner == constants.DEVICE_OWNER_HA_REPLICATED_INT: return True elif device_owner == constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_SNAT: return l3_obj.RouterExtraAttributes.objects_exist( context, router_id=router_id, ha=True) else: return False