# Copyright 2018 Ericsson # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from keystoneauth1 import exceptions as ks_exc from neutron_lib.agent import constants as agent_const from neutron_lib.api.definitions import agent_resources_synced from neutron_lib.callbacks import events from neutron_lib.callbacks import registry from neutron_lib.callbacks import resources from neutron_lib.placement import client as place_client from neutron_lib.plugins import directory from neutron_lib.services import base as service_base from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from neutron.agent.common import placement_report from neutron.notifiers import batch_notifier LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) PLUGIN_TYPE = "placement_report" @registry.has_registry_receivers class PlacementReportPlugin(service_base.ServicePluginBase): supported_extension_aliases = [] # A service plugin without claiming support for filter validation would # disable filter validation for all other plugins, so we report support # although this plugin doesn't have filters. __filter_validation_support = True @classmethod def get_plugin_type(cls): return PLUGIN_TYPE def get_plugin_description(self): return "Sync placement info from agent to server to placement." def __init__(self): self._core_plugin = directory.get_plugin() # NOTE(bence romsics): The following bug and fix may be relevant here. # https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1697825 # https://review.opendev.org/493536 self._placement_client = place_client.PlacementAPIClient(cfg.CONF) self._agents = PlacementReporterAgents(self._core_plugin) self._batch_notifier = batch_notifier.BatchNotifier( cfg.CONF.send_events_interval, self._execute_deferred) def _execute_deferred(self, deferred_batch): for deferred in deferred_batch: deferred() def _get_rp_by_name(self, name): rps = self._placement_client.list_resource_providers( name=name)['resource_providers'] # RP names are unique, therefore we can get 0 or 1. But not many. return rps[0] def _sync_placement_state(self, agent, agent_db): configurations = agent['configurations'] mech_driver = self._agents.mechanism_driver_by_agent_type( agent['agent_type']) uuid_ns = mech_driver.resource_provider_uuid5_namespace supported_vnic_types = mech_driver.supported_vnic_types device_mappings = mech_driver.get_standard_device_mappings(agent) if 'resource_provider_hypervisors' in configurations: # When the agent has the fix for # https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1853840 # it sends us hypervisor names (compute nodes in nova terminology). hypervisors = configurations['resource_provider_hypervisors'] else: # For older agents without the fix we have to assume the old # buggy behavior. There we assumed DEFAULT.host is the same as the # hypervisor name, which is true in many deployments, but not # always. (In nova terminology: The compute host's DEFAULT.host is # not neccessarily the same as the compute node name. We may even # have multiple compute nodes behind a compute host.) # TODO(bence romsics): This else branch can be removed when we no # longer want to support pre-Ussuri agents. hypervisors = { device: agent['host'] for device in configurations['resource_provider_bandwidths'].keys() } log_msg = ( 'Synchronization of resources ' 'of agent type %(type)s ' 'at host %(host)s ' 'to placement %(result)s.') try: name2uuid = {} for name in hypervisors.values(): name2uuid[name] = self._get_rp_by_name(name=name)['uuid'] hypervisor_rps = {} for device, hypervisor in hypervisors.items(): hypervisor_rps[device] = { 'name': hypervisor, 'uuid': name2uuid[hypervisor], } except (IndexError, ks_exc.HttpError, ks_exc.ClientException): agent_db.resources_synced = False agent_db.update() LOG.warning( log_msg, {'type': agent['agent_type'], 'host': agent['host'], 'result': 'failed'}) return state = placement_report.PlacementState( rp_bandwidths=configurations[ 'resource_provider_bandwidths'], rp_inventory_defaults=configurations[ 'resource_provider_inventory_defaults'], driver_uuid_namespace=uuid_ns, agent_type=agent['agent_type'], hypervisor_rps=hypervisor_rps, device_mappings=device_mappings, supported_vnic_types=supported_vnic_types, client=self._placement_client) deferred_batch = state.deferred_sync() # NOTE(bence romsics): Some client calls depend on earlier # ones, but not all. There are calls in a batch that can succeed # independently of earlier calls. Therefore even if a call fails # we have to suppress its failure so the later independent calls # have a chance to succeed. If we queue up the deferred client # calls one by one then we cannot handle errors at the end of # a batch. So instead we should wrap the deferred client calls # in a single deferred batch which executes the client calls, # continuing to the next client call even if there was an error # but remembering if an error happened. Then at the end of the # batch (also having access to the agent object) set the agent's # resources_synced attribute according to the success/failure # of the batch. Since each client call does monkey patched I/O # we'll yield to other eventlet threads in each call therefore # the performance should not be affected by the wrapping. def batch(): errors = False for deferred in deferred_batch: try: LOG.debug('placement client: {}'.format(deferred)) deferred.execute() except Exception as e: errors = True placement_error_str = \ 're-parenting a provider is not currently allowed' if (placement_error_str in str(e)): msg = ( 'placement client call failed' ' (this may be due to bug' ' https://launchpad.net/bugs/1921150): %s' ) else: msg = 'placement client call failed: %s' LOG.exception(msg, str(deferred)) resources_synced = not errors agent_db.resources_synced = resources_synced agent_db.update() if resources_synced: LOG.debug( log_msg, {'type': agent['agent_type'], 'host': agent['host'], 'result': 'succeeded'}) else: LOG.warning( log_msg, {'type': agent['agent_type'], 'host': agent['host'], 'result': 'failed'}) self._batch_notifier.queue_event(batch) @registry.receives(resources.AGENT, [events.AFTER_CREATE, events.AFTER_UPDATE]) def handle_placement_config(self, resource, event, trigger, payload): # NOTE(bence romsics): This method gets called a lot, keep it quick. agent = payload.desired_state status = payload.metadata.get('status') context = payload.context if agent['agent_type'] not in self._agents.supported_agent_types: return if 'resource_provider_bandwidths' not in agent['configurations']: LOG.warning( "The mechanism driver claims agent type supports " "placement reports, but the agent does not report " "'resoure_provider_bandwidths' in its configurations. " "host: %(host)s, type: %(type)s", {'host': agent['agent_type'], 'type': agent['host']}) return # We need to get the same agent as in # neutron.db.agents_db.AgentDbMixin.create_or_update_agent() agent_db = self._core_plugin._get_agent_by_type_and_host( context, agent['agent_type'], agent['host']) # sync the state known by us to placement if ( # agent object in API (re-)created status == agent_const.AGENT_NEW or # agent (re-)started (even without config change) 'start_flag' in agent or # never tried to sync yet or last sync failed not agent_db[agent_resources_synced.RESOURCES_SYNCED]): LOG.debug( 'placement: syncing state for agent type %s on host %s', agent['agent_type'], agent['host']) self._sync_placement_state(agent, agent_db) else: LOG.debug( 'placement: nothing to sync for agent type %s on host %s', agent['agent_type'], agent['host']) class PlacementReporterAgents(object): # Yep, this is meant to depend on ML2. def __init__(self, ml2_plugin): try: self._mechanism_drivers = ml2_plugin.mechanism_manager.\ ordered_mech_drivers except AttributeError: LOG.error( "Invalid plugin configuration: " "The placement service plugin depends on the ML2 core plugin. " "You likely want to remove 'placement' from " "neutron.conf: DEFAULT.service_plugins") raise self._supported_agent_types = [] self._agent_type_to_mech_driver = {} @property def supported_agent_types(self): if not self._supported_agent_types: # NOTE(bence romsics): We treat the presence of the # RP uuid namespace a proxy for supporting placement reports from # the driver's agent type. But we could introduce a property/logic # explicitly describing the agent types supporting placement # reports any time if this proved to be insufficient. self._supported_agent_types = [ driver.obj.agent_type for driver in self._mechanism_drivers if driver.obj.resource_provider_uuid5_namespace is not None] LOG.debug('agent types supporting placement reports: %s', ', '.join(self._supported_agent_types)) return self._supported_agent_types def mechanism_driver_by_agent_type(self, agent_type): if agent_type not in self._agent_type_to_mech_driver: for driver in self._mechanism_drivers: if (hasattr(driver.obj, 'agent_type') and agent_type == driver.obj.agent_type): self._agent_type_to_mech_driver[agent_type] = driver.obj break return self._agent_type_to_mech_driver[agent_type]