# Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from keystoneauth1 import exceptions as ks_exc from neutron_lib.api.definitions import port as port_def from neutron_lib.api.definitions import port_resource_request from neutron_lib.api.definitions import portbindings from neutron_lib.api.definitions import qos as qos_apidef from neutron_lib.api.definitions import qos_bw_limit_direction from neutron_lib.api.definitions import qos_bw_minimum_ingress from neutron_lib.api.definitions import qos_default from neutron_lib.api.definitions import qos_port_network_policy from neutron_lib.api.definitions import qos_rule_type_details from neutron_lib.api.definitions import qos_rules_alias from neutron_lib.callbacks import events as callbacks_events from neutron_lib.callbacks import registry as callbacks_registry from neutron_lib.callbacks import resources as callbacks_resources from neutron_lib import constants as nl_constants from neutron_lib import context from neutron_lib.db import api as db_api from neutron_lib.db import resource_extend from neutron_lib import exceptions as lib_exc from neutron_lib.exceptions import qos as qos_exc from neutron_lib.placement import client as pl_client from neutron_lib.placement import utils as pl_utils from neutron_lib.services.qos import constants as qos_consts import os_resource_classes as orc from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from neutron._i18n import _ from neutron.db import db_base_plugin_common from neutron.extensions import qos from neutron.objects import base as base_obj from neutron.objects import network as network_object from neutron.objects import ports as ports_object from neutron.objects.qos import policy as policy_object from neutron.objects.qos import qos_policy_validator as checker from neutron.objects.qos import rule as rule_object from neutron.objects.qos import rule_type as rule_type_object from neutron.services.qos.drivers import manager LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) @resource_extend.has_resource_extenders class QoSPlugin(qos.QoSPluginBase): """Implementation of the Neutron QoS Service Plugin. This class implements a Quality of Service plugin that provides quality of service parameters over ports and networks. """ supported_extension_aliases = [qos_apidef.ALIAS, qos_bw_limit_direction.ALIAS, qos_default.ALIAS, qos_rule_type_details.ALIAS, port_resource_request.ALIAS, qos_bw_minimum_ingress.ALIAS, qos_rules_alias.ALIAS, qos_port_network_policy.ALIAS] __native_pagination_support = True __native_sorting_support = True __filter_validation_support = True def __init__(self): super(QoSPlugin, self).__init__() self.driver_manager = manager.QosServiceDriverManager() self._placement_client = pl_client.PlacementAPIClient(cfg.CONF) callbacks_registry.subscribe( self._validate_create_port_callback, callbacks_resources.PORT, callbacks_events.PRECOMMIT_CREATE) callbacks_registry.subscribe( self._check_port_for_placement_allocation_change, callbacks_resources.PORT, callbacks_events.BEFORE_UPDATE) callbacks_registry.subscribe( self._validate_update_port_callback, callbacks_resources.PORT, callbacks_events.PRECOMMIT_UPDATE) callbacks_registry.subscribe( self._validate_update_network_callback, callbacks_resources.NETWORK, callbacks_events.PRECOMMIT_UPDATE) callbacks_registry.subscribe( self._validate_create_network_callback, callbacks_resources.NETWORK, callbacks_events.PRECOMMIT_CREATE) @staticmethod @resource_extend.extends([port_def.COLLECTION_NAME]) def _extend_port_resource_request(port_res, port_db): """Add resource request to a port.""" if isinstance(port_db, ports_object.Port): qos_id = port_db.qos_policy_id or port_db.qos_network_policy_id else: qos_id = None if port_db.get('qos_policy_binding'): qos_id = port_db.qos_policy_binding.policy_id elif port_db.get('qos_network_policy_binding'): qos_id = port_db.qos_network_policy_binding.policy_id port_res['resource_request'] = None if not qos_id: return port_res if port_res.get('bulk'): port_res['resource_request'] = { 'qos_id': qos_id, 'network_id': port_db.network_id, 'vnic_type': port_res[portbindings.VNIC_TYPE]} return port_res min_bw_rules = rule_object.QosMinimumBandwidthRule.get_objects( context.get_admin_context(), qos_policy_id=qos_id) resources = QoSPlugin._get_resources(min_bw_rules) if not resources: return port_res segments = network_object.NetworkSegment.get_objects( context.get_admin_context(), network_id=port_db.network_id) traits = QoSPlugin._get_traits(port_res[portbindings.VNIC_TYPE], segments) if not traits: return port_res port_res['resource_request'] = { 'required': traits, 'resources': resources} return port_res @staticmethod def _get_resources(min_bw_rules): resources = {} # NOTE(ralonsoh): we should move this translation dict to n-lib. rule_direction_class = { nl_constants.INGRESS_DIRECTION: orc.NET_BW_IGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC, nl_constants.EGRESS_DIRECTION: orc.NET_BW_EGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC } for rule in min_bw_rules: resources[rule_direction_class[rule.direction]] = rule.min_kbps return resources @staticmethod def _get_traits(vnic_type, segments): # TODO(lajoskatona): Change to handle all segments when any traits # support will be available. See Placement spec: # https://review.opendev.org/565730 first_segment = segments[0] if not first_segment or not first_segment.physical_network: return [] physnet_trait = pl_utils.physnet_trait( first_segment.physical_network) # NOTE(ralonsoh): we should not rely on the current execution order of # the port extending functions. Although here we have # port_res[VNIC_TYPE], we should retrieve this value from the port DB # object instead. vnic_trait = pl_utils.vnic_type_trait(vnic_type) return [physnet_trait, vnic_trait] @staticmethod @resource_extend.extends([port_def.COLLECTION_NAME_BULK]) def _extend_port_resource_request_bulk(ports_res, noop): """Add resource request to a list of ports.""" min_bw_rules = dict() net_segments = dict() for port_res in ports_res: if port_res.get('resource_request') is None: continue qos_id = port_res['resource_request'].pop('qos_id', None) if not qos_id: port_res['resource_request'] = None continue net_id = port_res['resource_request'].pop('network_id') vnic_type = port_res['resource_request'].pop('vnic_type') if qos_id not in min_bw_rules: rules = rule_object.QosMinimumBandwidthRule.get_objects( context.get_admin_context(), qos_policy_id=qos_id) min_bw_rules[qos_id] = rules resources = QoSPlugin._get_resources(min_bw_rules[qos_id]) if not resources: continue if net_id not in net_segments: segments = network_object.NetworkSegment.get_objects( context.get_admin_context(), network_id=net_id) net_segments[net_id] = segments traits = QoSPlugin._get_traits(vnic_type, net_segments[net_id]) if not traits: continue port_res['resource_request'] = { 'required': traits, 'resources': resources} return ports_res def _get_ports_with_policy(self, context, policy): networks_ids = policy.get_bound_networks() ports_with_net_policy = ports_object.Port.get_objects( context, network_id=networks_ids) # Filter only this ports which don't have overwritten policy ports_with_net_policy = [ port for port in ports_with_net_policy if port.qos_policy_id is None ] ports_ids = policy.get_bound_ports() ports_with_policy = ports_object.Port.get_objects( context, id=ports_ids) return list(set(ports_with_policy + ports_with_net_policy)) def _validate_create_port_callback(self, resource, event, trigger, payload=None): context = payload.context port_id = payload.resource_id port = ports_object.Port.get_object(context, id=port_id) policy_id = port.qos_policy_id or port.qos_network_policy_id if policy_id is None: return policy = policy_object.QosPolicy.get_object( context.elevated(), id=policy_id) self.validate_policy_for_port(context, policy, port) def _check_port_for_placement_allocation_change(self, resource, event, trigger, payload): context = payload.context orig_port = payload.states[0] port = payload.latest_state original_policy_id = orig_port.get(qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID) if qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID not in port: return policy_id = port.get(qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID) if policy_id == original_policy_id: return # Do this only for compute bound ports if (nl_constants.DEVICE_OWNER_COMPUTE_PREFIX in orig_port['device_owner']): original_policy = policy_object.QosPolicy.get_object( context.elevated(), id=original_policy_id) policy = policy_object.QosPolicy.get_object( context.elevated(), id=policy_id) self._change_placement_allocation(original_policy, policy, orig_port) def _prepare_allocation_needs(self, original_rule, desired_rule): if (isinstance(desired_rule, rule_object.QosMinimumBandwidthRule) or isinstance(desired_rule, dict)): o_dir = original_rule.get('direction') o_minkbps = original_rule.get('min_kbps') d_minkbps = desired_rule.get('min_kbps') d_dir = desired_rule.get('direction') if o_dir == d_dir and o_minkbps != d_minkbps: diff = d_minkbps - o_minkbps # TODO(lajoskatona): move this to neutron-lib, see similar # dict @l125. if d_dir == 'egress': drctn = orc.NET_BW_EGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC else: drctn = orc.NET_BW_IGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC return {drctn: diff} return {} def _change_placement_allocation(self, original_policy, desired_policy, orig_port): alloc_diff = {} original_rules = [] rp_uuid = orig_port['binding:profile'].get('allocation') device_id = orig_port['device_id'] if original_policy: original_rules = original_policy.get('rules') if desired_policy: desired_rules = desired_policy.get('rules') else: desired_rules = [{'direction': 'egress', 'min_kbps': 0}, {'direction': 'ingress', 'min_kbps': 0}] any_rules_minbw = any( [isinstance(r, rule_object.QosMinimumBandwidthRule) for r in desired_rules]) if (not original_rules and any_rules_minbw) or not rp_uuid: LOG.warning("There was no QoS policy with minimum_bandwidth rule " "attached to the port %s, there is no allocation " "record in placement for it, only the dataplane " "enforcement will happen!", orig_port['id']) return for o_rule in original_rules: if isinstance(o_rule, rule_object.QosMinimumBandwidthRule): for d_rule in desired_rules: alloc_diff.update( self._prepare_allocation_needs(o_rule, d_rule)) if alloc_diff: try: self._placement_client.update_qos_minbw_allocation( consumer_uuid=device_id, minbw_alloc_diff=alloc_diff, rp_uuid=rp_uuid) except ks_exc.Conflict: raise qos_exc.QosPlacementAllocationConflict( consumer=device_id, rp=rp_uuid) def _validate_update_port_callback(self, resource, event, trigger, payload=None): context = payload.context original_policy_id = payload.states[0].get( qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID) policy_id = payload.desired_state.get(qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID) if policy_id is None or policy_id == original_policy_id: return updated_port = ports_object.Port.get_object( context, id=payload.desired_state['id']) policy = policy_object.QosPolicy.get_object( context.elevated(), id=policy_id) self.validate_policy_for_port(context, policy, updated_port) def _validate_create_network_callback(self, resource, event, trigger, payload=None): context = payload.context network_id = payload.resource_id network = network_object.Network.get_object(context, id=network_id) policy_id = network.qos_policy_id if policy_id is None: return policy = policy_object.QosPolicy.get_object( context.elevated(), id=policy_id) self.validate_policy_for_network(context, policy, network_id) def _validate_update_network_callback(self, resource, event, trigger, payload=None): context = payload.context original_network = payload.states[0] updated_network = payload.desired_state original_policy_id = original_network.get(qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID) policy_id = updated_network.get(qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID) if policy_id is None or policy_id == original_policy_id: return policy = policy_object.QosPolicy.get_object( context.elevated(), id=policy_id) self.validate_policy_for_network( context, policy, network_id=updated_network['id']) ports = ports_object.Port.get_objects( context, network_id=updated_network['id']) # Filter only this ports which don't have overwritten policy ports = [ port for port in ports if port.qos_policy_id is None ] self.validate_policy_for_ports(context, policy, ports) def validate_policy(self, context, policy): ports = self._get_ports_with_policy(context, policy) self.validate_policy_for_ports(context, policy, ports) def validate_policy_for_ports(self, context, policy, ports): for port in ports: self.validate_policy_for_port(context, policy, port) def validate_policy_for_port(self, context, policy, port): for rule in policy.rules: if not self.driver_manager.validate_rule_for_port( context, rule, port): raise qos_exc.QosRuleNotSupported(rule_type=rule.rule_type, port_id=port['id']) def validate_policy_for_network(self, context, policy, network_id): for rule in policy.rules: if not self.driver_manager.validate_rule_for_network( context, rule, network_id): raise qos_exc.QosRuleNotSupportedByNetwork( rule_type=rule.rule_type, network_id=network_id) def reject_min_bw_rule_updates(self, context, policy): ports = self._get_ports_with_policy(context, policy) for port in ports: # NOTE(bence romsics): In some cases the presence of # 'binding:profile.allocation' is a more precise marker than # 'device_owner' about when we have to reject min-bw related # policy/rule updates. However 'binding:profile.allocation' cannot # be used in a generic way here. Consider the case when the first # min-bw rule is added to a policy having ports in-use. Those ports # will not have 'binding:profile.allocation', but this policy # update must be rejected. if (port.device_owner is not None and port.device_owner.startswith( nl_constants.DEVICE_OWNER_COMPUTE_PREFIX)): raise NotImplementedError(_( 'Cannot update QoS policies/rules backed by resources ' 'tracked in Placement')) @db_base_plugin_common.convert_result_to_dict def create_policy(self, context, policy): """Create a QoS policy. :param context: neutron api request context :type context: neutron_lib.context.Context :param policy: policy data to be applied :type policy: dict :returns: a QosPolicy object """ # NOTE(dasm): body 'policy' contains both tenant_id and project_id # but only latter needs to be used to create QosPolicy object. # We need to remove redundant keyword. # This cannot be done in other place of stacktrace, because neutron # needs to be backward compatible. tenant_id = policy['policy'].pop('tenant_id', None) if not policy['policy'].get('project_id'): policy['policy']['project_id'] = tenant_id policy_obj = policy_object.QosPolicy(context, **policy['policy']) with db_api.CONTEXT_WRITER.using(context): policy_obj.create() self.driver_manager.call(qos_consts.CREATE_POLICY_PRECOMMIT, context, policy_obj) self.driver_manager.call(qos_consts.CREATE_POLICY, context, policy_obj) return policy_obj @db_base_plugin_common.convert_result_to_dict def update_policy(self, context, policy_id, policy): """Update a QoS policy. :param context: neutron api request context :type context: neutron.context.Context :param policy_id: the id of the QosPolicy to update :param policy_id: str uuid :param policy: new policy data to be applied :type policy: dict :returns: a QosPolicy object """ policy_data = policy['policy'] with db_api.CONTEXT_WRITER.using(context): policy_obj = policy_object.QosPolicy.get_policy_obj( context, policy_id) policy_obj.update_fields(policy_data, reset_changes=True) policy_obj.update() self.driver_manager.call(qos_consts.UPDATE_POLICY_PRECOMMIT, context, policy_obj) self.driver_manager.call(qos_consts.UPDATE_POLICY, context, policy_obj) return policy_obj def delete_policy(self, context, policy_id): """Delete a QoS policy. :param context: neutron api request context :type context: neutron.context.Context :param policy_id: the id of the QosPolicy to delete :type policy_id: str uuid :returns: None """ with db_api.CONTEXT_WRITER.using(context): policy = policy_object.QosPolicy(context) policy.id = policy_id policy.delete() self.driver_manager.call(qos_consts.DELETE_POLICY_PRECOMMIT, context, policy) self.driver_manager.call(qos_consts.DELETE_POLICY, context, policy) @db_base_plugin_common.filter_fields @db_base_plugin_common.convert_result_to_dict def get_policy(self, context, policy_id, fields=None): """Get a QoS policy. :param context: neutron api request context :type context: neutron.context.Context :param policy_id: the id of the QosPolicy to update :type policy_id: str uuid :returns: a QosPolicy object """ return policy_object.QosPolicy.get_policy_obj(context, policy_id) @db_base_plugin_common.filter_fields @db_base_plugin_common.convert_result_to_dict def get_policies(self, context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): """Get QoS policies. :param context: neutron api request context :type context: neutron.context.Context :param filters: search criteria :type filters: dict :returns: QosPolicy objects meeting the search criteria """ filters = filters or dict() pager = base_obj.Pager(sorts, limit, page_reverse, marker) return policy_object.QosPolicy.get_objects(context, _pager=pager, **filters) @db_base_plugin_common.filter_fields @db_base_plugin_common.convert_result_to_dict def get_rule_type(self, context, rule_type_name, fields=None): if not context.is_admin: raise lib_exc.NotAuthorized() return rule_type_object.QosRuleType.get_object(rule_type_name) @db_base_plugin_common.filter_fields @db_base_plugin_common.convert_result_to_dict def get_rule_types(self, context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): if not filters: filters = {} return rule_type_object.QosRuleType.get_objects(**filters) def supported_rule_type_details(self, rule_type_name): return self.driver_manager.supported_rule_type_details(rule_type_name) @property def supported_rule_types(self): return self.driver_manager.supported_rule_types @db_base_plugin_common.convert_result_to_dict def create_policy_rule(self, context, rule_cls, policy_id, rule_data): """Create a QoS policy rule. :param context: neutron api request context :type context: neutron.context.Context :param rule_cls: the rule object class :type rule_cls: a class from the rule_object (qos.objects.rule) module :param policy_id: the id of the QosPolicy for which to create the rule :type policy_id: str uuid :param rule_data: the rule data to be applied :type rule_data: dict :returns: a QoS policy rule object """ rule_type = rule_cls.rule_type rule_data = rule_data[rule_type + '_rule'] with db_api.CONTEXT_WRITER.using(context): # Ensure that we have access to the policy. policy = policy_object.QosPolicy.get_policy_obj(context, policy_id) checker.check_bandwidth_rule_conflict(policy, rule_data) rule = rule_cls(context, qos_policy_id=policy_id, **rule_data) checker.check_rules_conflict(policy, rule) rule.create() policy.obj_load_attr('rules') self.validate_policy(context, policy) if rule.rule_type == qos_consts.RULE_TYPE_MINIMUM_BANDWIDTH: self.reject_min_bw_rule_updates(context, policy) self.driver_manager.call(qos_consts.UPDATE_POLICY_PRECOMMIT, context, policy) self.driver_manager.call(qos_consts.UPDATE_POLICY, context, policy) return rule @db_base_plugin_common.convert_result_to_dict def update_policy_rule(self, context, rule_cls, rule_id, policy_id, rule_data): """Update a QoS policy rule. :param context: neutron api request context :type context: neutron.context.Context :param rule_cls: the rule object class :type rule_cls: a class from the rule_object (qos.objects.rule) module :param rule_id: the id of the QoS policy rule to update :type rule_id: str uuid :param policy_id: the id of the rule's policy :type policy_id: str uuid :param rule_data: the new rule data to update :type rule_data: dict :returns: a QoS policy rule object """ rule_type = rule_cls.rule_type rule_data = rule_data[rule_type + '_rule'] with db_api.CONTEXT_WRITER.using(context): # Ensure we have access to the policy. policy = policy_object.QosPolicy.get_policy_obj(context, policy_id) # Ensure the rule belongs to the policy. checker.check_bandwidth_rule_conflict(policy, rule_data) rule = policy.get_rule_by_id(rule_id) rule.update_fields(rule_data, reset_changes=True) checker.check_rules_conflict(policy, rule) rule.update() policy.obj_load_attr('rules') self.validate_policy(context, policy) if rule.rule_type == qos_consts.RULE_TYPE_MINIMUM_BANDWIDTH: self.reject_min_bw_rule_updates(context, policy) self.driver_manager.call(qos_consts.UPDATE_POLICY_PRECOMMIT, context, policy) self.driver_manager.call(qos_consts.UPDATE_POLICY, context, policy) return rule def _get_policy_id(self, context, rule_cls, rule_id): with db_api.CONTEXT_READER.using(context): rule_object = rule_cls.get_object(context, id=rule_id) if not rule_object: raise qos_exc.QosRuleNotFound(policy_id="", rule_id=rule_id) return rule_object.qos_policy_id def update_rule(self, context, rule_cls, rule_id, rule_data): """Update a QoS policy rule alias. This method processes a QoS policy rule update, where the rule is an API first level resource instead of a subresource of a policy. :param context: neutron api request context :type context: neutron.context.Context :param rule_cls: the rule object class :type rule_cls: a class from the rule_object (qos.objects.rule) module :param rule_id: the id of the QoS policy rule to update :type rule_id: str uuid :param rule_data: the new rule data to update :type rule_data: dict :returns: a QoS policy rule object :raises: qos_exc.QosRuleNotFound """ policy_id = self._get_policy_id(context, rule_cls, rule_id) rule_data_name = rule_cls.rule_type + '_rule' alias_rule_data_name = 'alias_' + rule_data_name rule_data[rule_data_name] = rule_data.pop(alias_rule_data_name) return self.update_policy_rule(context, rule_cls, rule_id, policy_id, rule_data) def delete_policy_rule(self, context, rule_cls, rule_id, policy_id): """Delete a QoS policy rule. :param context: neutron api request context :type context: neutron.context.Context :param rule_cls: the rule object class :type rule_cls: a class from the rule_object (qos.objects.rule) module :param rule_id: the id of the QosPolicy Rule to delete :type rule_id: str uuid :param policy_id: the id of the rule's policy :type policy_id: str uuid :returns: None """ with db_api.CONTEXT_WRITER.using(context): # Ensure we have access to the policy. policy = policy_object.QosPolicy.get_policy_obj(context, policy_id) rule = policy.get_rule_by_id(rule_id) rule.delete() policy.obj_load_attr('rules') if rule.rule_type == qos_consts.RULE_TYPE_MINIMUM_BANDWIDTH: self.reject_min_bw_rule_updates(context, policy) self.driver_manager.call(qos_consts.UPDATE_POLICY_PRECOMMIT, context, policy) self.driver_manager.call(qos_consts.UPDATE_POLICY, context, policy) def delete_rule(self, context, rule_cls, rule_id): """Delete a QoS policy rule alias. This method processes a QoS policy rule delete, where the rule is an API first level resource instead of a subresource of a policy. :param context: neutron api request context :type context: neutron.context.Context :param rule_cls: the rule object class :type rule_cls: a class from the rule_object (qos.objects.rule) module :param rule_id: the id of the QosPolicy Rule to delete :type rule_id: str uuid :returns: None :raises: qos_exc.QosRuleNotFound """ policy_id = self._get_policy_id(context, rule_cls, rule_id) return self.delete_policy_rule(context, rule_cls, rule_id, policy_id) @db_base_plugin_common.filter_fields @db_base_plugin_common.convert_result_to_dict def get_policy_rule(self, context, rule_cls, rule_id, policy_id, fields=None): """Get a QoS policy rule. :param context: neutron api request context :type context: neutron.context.Context :param rule_cls: the rule object class :type rule_cls: a class from the rule_object (qos.objects.rule) module :param rule_id: the id of the QoS policy rule to get :type rule_id: str uuid :param policy_id: the id of the rule's policy :type policy_id: str uuid :returns: a QoS policy rule object :raises: qos_exc.QosRuleNotFound """ with db_api.CONTEXT_READER.using(context): # Ensure we have access to the policy. policy_object.QosPolicy.get_policy_obj(context, policy_id) rule = rule_cls.get_object(context, id=rule_id) if not rule: raise qos_exc.QosRuleNotFound(policy_id=policy_id, rule_id=rule_id) return rule def get_rule(self, context, rule_cls, rule_id, fields=None): """Get a QoS policy rule alias. This method processes a QoS policy rule get, where the rule is an API first level resource instead of a subresource of a policy :param context: neutron api request context :type context: neutron.context.Context :param rule_cls: the rule object class :type rule_cls: a class from the rule_object (qos.objects.rule) module :param rule_id: the id of the QoS policy rule to get :type rule_id: str uuid :returns: a QoS policy rule object :raises: qos_exc.QosRuleNotFound """ policy_id = self._get_policy_id(context, rule_cls, rule_id) return self.get_policy_rule(context, rule_cls, rule_id, policy_id) # TODO(QoS): enforce rule types when accessing rule objects @db_base_plugin_common.filter_fields @db_base_plugin_common.convert_result_to_dict def get_policy_rules(self, context, rule_cls, policy_id, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): """Get QoS policy rules. :param context: neutron api request context :type context: neutron.context.Context :param rule_cls: the rule object class :type rule_cls: a class from the rule_object (qos.objects.rule) module :param policy_id: the id of the QosPolicy for which to get rules :type policy_id: str uuid :returns: QoS policy rule objects meeting the search criteria """ with db_api.CONTEXT_READER.using(context): # Ensure we have access to the policy. policy_object.QosPolicy.get_policy_obj(context, policy_id) filters = filters or dict() filters[qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID] = policy_id pager = base_obj.Pager(sorts, limit, page_reverse, marker) return rule_cls.get_objects(context, _pager=pager, **filters)