# Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import abc import itertools import six from neutron.api import extensions from neutron.api.v2 import attributes as attr from neutron.api.v2 import base from neutron.api.v2 import resource_helper from neutron import manager from neutron.plugins.common import constants from neutron.services.qos import qos_consts from neutron.services import service_base QOS_PREFIX = "/qos" # Attribute Map QOS_RULE_COMMON_FIELDS = { 'id': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False, 'validate': {'type:uuid': None}, 'is_visible': True, 'primary_key': True}, 'tenant_id': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False, 'required_by_policy': True, 'is_visible': True}, } RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP = { 'policies': { 'id': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False, 'validate': {'type:uuid': None}, 'is_visible': True, 'primary_key': True}, 'name': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True, 'is_visible': True, 'default': '', 'validate': {'type:string': None}}, 'description': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True, 'is_visible': True, 'default': '', 'validate': {'type:string': None}}, 'shared': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True, 'is_visible': True, 'default': False, 'convert_to': attr.convert_to_boolean}, 'tenant_id': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False, 'required_by_policy': True, 'is_visible': True}, 'rules': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False, 'is_visible': True}, }, 'rule_types': { 'type': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False, 'is_visible': True} } } SUB_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP = { 'bandwidth_limit_rules': { 'parent': {'collection_name': 'policies', 'member_name': 'policy'}, 'parameters': dict(QOS_RULE_COMMON_FIELDS, **{'max_kbps': { 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True, 'is_visible': True, 'default': None, 'validate': {'type:non_negative': None}}, 'max_burst_kbps': { 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True, 'is_visible': True, 'default': 0, 'validate': {'type:non_negative': None}}}) } } EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_2_0 = { 'ports': {qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID: { 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True, 'is_visible': True, 'default': None, 'validate': {'type:uuid_or_none': None}}}, 'networks': {qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID: { 'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True, 'is_visible': True, 'default': None, 'validate': {'type:uuid_or_none': None}}}} class Qos(extensions.ExtensionDescriptor): """Quality of service API extension.""" @classmethod def get_name(cls): return "qos" @classmethod def get_alias(cls): return "qos" @classmethod def get_description(cls): return "The Quality of Service extension." @classmethod def get_updated(cls): return "2015-06-08T10:00:00-00:00" @classmethod def get_plugin_interface(cls): return QoSPluginBase @classmethod def get_resources(cls): """Returns Ext Resources.""" special_mappings = {'policies': 'policy'} plural_mappings = resource_helper.build_plural_mappings( special_mappings, itertools.chain(RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP, SUB_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP)) attr.PLURALS.update(plural_mappings) resources = resource_helper.build_resource_info( plural_mappings, RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP, constants.QOS, translate_name=True, allow_bulk=True) plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_service_plugins()[constants.QOS] for collection_name in SUB_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP: resource_name = collection_name[:-1] parent = SUB_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP[collection_name].get('parent') params = SUB_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP[collection_name].get( 'parameters') controller = base.create_resource(collection_name, resource_name, plugin, params, allow_bulk=True, parent=parent, allow_pagination=True, allow_sorting=True) resource = extensions.ResourceExtension( collection_name, controller, parent, path_prefix=QOS_PREFIX, attr_map=params) resources.append(resource) return resources def update_attributes_map(self, attributes, extension_attrs_map=None): super(Qos, self).update_attributes_map( attributes, extension_attrs_map=RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP) def get_extended_resources(self, version): if version == "2.0": return dict(list(EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_2_0.items()) + list(RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.items())) else: return {} @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class QoSPluginBase(service_base.ServicePluginBase): path_prefix = QOS_PREFIX def get_plugin_description(self): return "QoS Service Plugin for ports and networks" def get_plugin_type(self): return constants.QOS @abc.abstractmethod def get_policy(self, context, policy_id, fields=None): pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_policies(self, context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): pass @abc.abstractmethod def create_policy(self, context, policy): pass @abc.abstractmethod def update_policy(self, context, policy_id, policy): pass @abc.abstractmethod def delete_policy(self, context, policy_id): pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_policy_bandwidth_limit_rule(self, context, rule_id, policy_id, fields=None): pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_policy_bandwidth_limit_rules(self, context, policy_id, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): pass @abc.abstractmethod def create_policy_bandwidth_limit_rule(self, context, policy_id, bandwidth_limit_rule): pass @abc.abstractmethod def update_policy_bandwidth_limit_rule(self, context, rule_id, policy_id, bandwidth_limit_rule): pass @abc.abstractmethod def delete_policy_bandwidth_limit_rule(self, context, rule_id, policy_id): pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_rule_types(self, context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): pass