# Copyright (C) 2014,2015 VA Linux Systems Japan K.K. # Copyright (C) 2014,2015 YAMAMOTO Takashi # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import eventlet import netaddr from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import excutils from oslo_utils import timeutils import ryu.app.ofctl.api as ofctl_api import ryu.exception as ryu_exc from neutron._i18n import _, _LW LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class OpenFlowSwitchMixin(object): """Mixin to provide common convenient routines for an openflow switch. NOTE(yamamoto): super() points to ovs_lib.OVSBridge. See ovs_bridge.py how this class is actually used. """ @staticmethod def _cidr_to_ryu(ip): n = netaddr.IPNetwork(ip) if n.hostmask: return (str(n.ip), str(n.netmask)) return str(n.ip) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._app = kwargs.pop('ryu_app') super(OpenFlowSwitchMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _get_dp_by_dpid(self, dpid_int): """Get Ryu datapath object for the switch.""" timeout_sec = cfg.CONF.OVS.of_connect_timeout start_time = timeutils.now() while True: dp = ofctl_api.get_datapath(self._app, dpid_int) if dp is not None: break # The switch has not established a connection to us. # Wait for a little. if timeutils.now() > start_time + timeout_sec: m = _("Switch connection timeout") LOG.error(m) # NOTE(yamamoto): use RuntimeError for compat with ovs_lib raise RuntimeError(m) eventlet.sleep(1) return dp def _send_msg(self, msg, reply_cls=None, reply_multi=False): timeout_sec = cfg.CONF.OVS.of_request_timeout timeout = eventlet.timeout.Timeout(seconds=timeout_sec) try: result = ofctl_api.send_msg(self._app, msg, reply_cls, reply_multi) except ryu_exc.RyuException as e: m = _("ofctl request %(request)s error %(error)s") % { "request": msg, "error": e, } LOG.error(m) # NOTE(yamamoto): use RuntimeError for compat with ovs_lib raise RuntimeError(m) except eventlet.timeout.Timeout as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctx: if e is timeout: ctx.reraise = False m = _("ofctl request %(request)s timed out") % { "request": msg, } LOG.error(m) # NOTE(yamamoto): use RuntimeError for compat with ovs_lib raise RuntimeError(m) finally: timeout.cancel() LOG.debug("ofctl request %(request)s result %(result)s", {"request": msg, "result": result}) return result @staticmethod def _match(_ofp, ofpp, match, **match_kwargs): if match is not None: return match return ofpp.OFPMatch(**match_kwargs) def delete_flows(self, table_id=None, strict=False, priority=0, cookie=0, cookie_mask=0, match=None, **match_kwargs): (dp, ofp, ofpp) = self._get_dp() if table_id is None: table_id = ofp.OFPTT_ALL match = self._match(ofp, ofpp, match, **match_kwargs) if strict: cmd = ofp.OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT else: cmd = ofp.OFPFC_DELETE msg = ofpp.OFPFlowMod(dp, command=cmd, cookie=cookie, cookie_mask=cookie_mask, table_id=table_id, match=match, priority=priority, out_group=ofp.OFPG_ANY, out_port=ofp.OFPP_ANY) self._send_msg(msg) def dump_flows(self, table_id=None): (dp, ofp, ofpp) = self._get_dp() if table_id is None: table_id = ofp.OFPTT_ALL msg = ofpp.OFPFlowStatsRequest(dp, table_id=table_id) replies = self._send_msg(msg, reply_cls=ofpp.OFPFlowStatsReply, reply_multi=True) flows = [] for rep in replies: flows += rep.body return flows def cleanup_flows(self): cookies = set([f.cookie for f in self.dump_flows()]) - \ self.reserved_cookies for c in cookies: LOG.warning(_LW("Deleting flow with cookie 0x%(cookie)x"), {'cookie': c}) self.delete_flows(cookie=c, cookie_mask=((1 << 64) - 1)) def install_goto_next(self, table_id): self.install_goto(table_id=table_id, dest_table_id=table_id + 1) def install_output(self, port, table_id=0, priority=0, match=None, **match_kwargs): (_dp, ofp, ofpp) = self._get_dp() actions = [ofpp.OFPActionOutput(port, 0)] instructions = [ofpp.OFPInstructionActions( ofp.OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS, actions)] self.install_instructions(table_id=table_id, priority=priority, instructions=instructions, match=match, **match_kwargs) def install_normal(self, table_id=0, priority=0, match=None, **match_kwargs): (_dp, ofp, _ofpp) = self._get_dp() self.install_output(port=ofp.OFPP_NORMAL, table_id=table_id, priority=priority, match=match, **match_kwargs) def install_goto(self, dest_table_id, table_id=0, priority=0, match=None, **match_kwargs): (_dp, _ofp, ofpp) = self._get_dp() instructions = [ofpp.OFPInstructionGotoTable(table_id=dest_table_id)] self.install_instructions(table_id=table_id, priority=priority, instructions=instructions, match=match, **match_kwargs) def install_drop(self, table_id=0, priority=0, match=None, **match_kwargs): self.install_instructions(table_id=table_id, priority=priority, instructions=[], match=match, **match_kwargs) def install_instructions(self, instructions, table_id=0, priority=0, match=None, **match_kwargs): (dp, ofp, ofpp) = self._get_dp() match = self._match(ofp, ofpp, match, **match_kwargs) msg = ofpp.OFPFlowMod(dp, table_id=table_id, cookie=self.default_cookie, match=match, priority=priority, instructions=instructions) self._send_msg(msg) def install_apply_actions(self, actions, table_id=0, priority=0, match=None, **match_kwargs): (dp, ofp, ofpp) = self._get_dp() instructions = [ ofpp.OFPInstructionActions(ofp.OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS, actions), ] self.install_instructions(table_id=table_id, priority=priority, match=match, instructions=instructions, **match_kwargs)