# Copyright 2014 Mellanox Technologies, Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import collections import itertools import socket import sys import time from neutron_lib import constants as n_constants from neutron_lib.utils import helpers from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging import oslo_messaging from oslo_service import loopingcall from osprofiler import profiler import six from neutron._i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW from neutron.agent.l2 import l2_agent_extensions_manager as ext_manager from neutron.agent import rpc as agent_rpc from neutron.agent import securitygroups_rpc as agent_sg_rpc from neutron.api.rpc.callbacks import resources from neutron.api.rpc.handlers import securitygroups_rpc as sg_rpc from neutron.common import config as common_config from neutron.common import profiler as setup_profiler from neutron.common import topics from neutron import context from neutron.extensions import portbindings from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.mech_sriov.agent.common import config from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.mech_sriov.agent.common \ import exceptions as exc from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.mech_sriov.agent import eswitch_manager as esm LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SriovNicSwitchRpcCallbacks(sg_rpc.SecurityGroupAgentRpcCallbackMixin): # Set RPC API version to 1.0 by default. # history # 1.1 Support Security Group RPC (works with NoopFirewallDriver) # 1.2 Support DVR (Distributed Virtual Router) RPC (not supported) # 1.3 Added param devices_to_update to security_groups_provider_updated # (works with NoopFirewallDriver) # 1.4 Added support for network_update target = oslo_messaging.Target(version='1.4') def __init__(self, context, agent, sg_agent): super(SriovNicSwitchRpcCallbacks, self).__init__() self.context = context self.agent = agent self.sg_agent = sg_agent def port_update(self, context, **kwargs): LOG.debug("port_update received") port = kwargs.get('port') vnic_type = port.get(portbindings.VNIC_TYPE) if vnic_type and vnic_type == portbindings.VNIC_DIRECT_PHYSICAL: LOG.debug("The SR-IOV agent doesn't handle %s ports.", portbindings.VNIC_DIRECT_PHYSICAL) return # Put the port mac address in the updated_devices set. # Do not store port details, as if they're used for processing # notifications there is no guarantee the notifications are # processed in the same order as the relevant API requests. mac = port['mac_address'] pci_slot = None if port.get(portbindings.PROFILE): pci_slot = port[portbindings.PROFILE].get('pci_slot') if pci_slot: self.agent.updated_devices.add((mac, pci_slot)) LOG.debug("port_update RPC received for port: %(id)s with MAC " "%(mac)s and PCI slot %(pci_slot)s slot", {'id': port['id'], 'mac': mac, 'pci_slot': pci_slot}) else: LOG.debug("No PCI Slot for port %(id)s with MAC %(mac)s; " "skipping", {'id': port['id'], 'mac': mac, 'pci_slot': pci_slot}) def network_update(self, context, **kwargs): network_id = kwargs['network']['id'] LOG.debug("network_update message received for network " "%(network_id)s, with ports: %(ports)s", {'network_id': network_id, 'ports': self.agent.network_ports[network_id]}) for port_data in self.agent.network_ports[network_id]: self.agent.updated_devices.add(port_data['device']) @profiler.trace_cls("rpc") class SriovNicSwitchAgent(object): def __init__(self, physical_devices_mappings, exclude_devices, polling_interval): self.polling_interval = polling_interval self.network_ports = collections.defaultdict(list) self.conf = cfg.CONF self.device_mappings = physical_devices_mappings self.exclude_devices = exclude_devices self.setup_eswitch_mgr(physical_devices_mappings, exclude_devices) # Stores port update notifications for processing in the main loop self.updated_devices = set() self.context = context.get_admin_context_without_session() self.plugin_rpc = agent_rpc.PluginApi(topics.PLUGIN) self.sg_plugin_rpc = sg_rpc.SecurityGroupServerRpcApi(topics.PLUGIN) self.sg_agent = agent_sg_rpc.SecurityGroupAgentRpc(self.context, self.sg_plugin_rpc) self._setup_rpc() self.ext_manager = self._create_agent_extension_manager( self.connection) configurations = {'device_mappings': physical_devices_mappings, 'extensions': self.ext_manager.names()} #TODO(mangelajo): optimize resource_versions (see ovs agent) self.agent_state = { 'binary': 'neutron-sriov-nic-agent', 'host': self.conf.host, 'topic': n_constants.L2_AGENT_TOPIC, 'configurations': configurations, 'agent_type': n_constants.AGENT_TYPE_NIC_SWITCH, 'resource_versions': resources.LOCAL_RESOURCE_VERSIONS, 'start_flag': True} # The initialization is complete; we can start receiving messages self.connection.consume_in_threads() # Initialize iteration counter self.iter_num = 0 def _setup_rpc(self): self.agent_id = 'nic-switch-agent.%s' % socket.gethostname() LOG.info(_LI("RPC agent_id: %s"), self.agent_id) self.topic = topics.AGENT self.state_rpc = agent_rpc.PluginReportStateAPI(topics.REPORTS) # RPC network init # Handle updates from service self.endpoints = [SriovNicSwitchRpcCallbacks(self.context, self, self.sg_agent)] # Define the listening consumers for the agent consumers = [[topics.PORT, topics.UPDATE], [topics.NETWORK, topics.UPDATE], [topics.SECURITY_GROUP, topics.UPDATE]] self.connection = agent_rpc.create_consumers(self.endpoints, self.topic, consumers, start_listening=False) report_interval = cfg.CONF.AGENT.report_interval if report_interval: heartbeat = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall( self._report_state) heartbeat.start(interval=report_interval) def _report_state(self): try: self.state_rpc.report_state(self.context, self.agent_state) # we only want to update resource versions on startup self.agent_state.pop('resource_versions', None) self.agent_state.pop('start_flag', None) except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE("Failed reporting state!")) def _create_agent_extension_manager(self, connection): ext_manager.register_opts(self.conf) mgr = ext_manager.L2AgentExtensionsManager(self.conf) mgr.initialize(connection, 'sriov') return mgr def setup_eswitch_mgr(self, device_mappings, exclude_devices=None): exclude_devices = exclude_devices or {} self.eswitch_mgr = esm.ESwitchManager() self.eswitch_mgr.discover_devices(device_mappings, exclude_devices) def scan_devices(self, registered_devices, updated_devices): curr_devices = self.eswitch_mgr.get_assigned_devices_info() self.agent_state.get('configurations')['devices'] = len(curr_devices) device_info = {} device_info['current'] = curr_devices device_info['added'] = curr_devices - registered_devices # we need to clean up after devices are removed device_info['removed'] = registered_devices - curr_devices # we don't want to process updates for devices that don't exist device_info['updated'] = (updated_devices & curr_devices - device_info['removed']) return device_info def _device_info_has_changes(self, device_info): return (device_info.get('added') or device_info.get('updated') or device_info.get('removed')) def process_network_devices(self, device_info): resync_a = False resync_b = False self.sg_agent.prepare_devices_filter(device_info.get('added')) if device_info.get('updated'): self.sg_agent.refresh_firewall() # Updated devices are processed the same as new ones, as their # admin_state_up may have changed. The set union prevents duplicating # work when a device is new and updated in the same polling iteration. devices_added_updated = (set(device_info.get('added')) | set(device_info.get('updated'))) if devices_added_updated: resync_a = self.treat_devices_added_updated(devices_added_updated) if device_info.get('removed'): resync_b = self.treat_devices_removed(device_info['removed']) # If one of the above operations fails => resync with plugin return (resync_a | resync_b) def treat_device(self, device, pci_slot, admin_state_up, spoofcheck=True): if self.eswitch_mgr.device_exists(device, pci_slot): try: self.eswitch_mgr.set_device_spoofcheck(device, pci_slot, spoofcheck) except Exception: LOG.warning(_LW("Failed to set spoofcheck for device %s"), device) LOG.info(_LI("Device %(device)s spoofcheck %(spoofcheck)s"), {"device": device, "spoofcheck": spoofcheck}) try: self.eswitch_mgr.set_device_state(device, pci_slot, admin_state_up) except exc.IpCommandOperationNotSupportedError: LOG.warning(_LW("Device %s does not support state change"), device) except exc.SriovNicError: LOG.warning(_LW("Failed to set device %s state"), device) return if admin_state_up: # update plugin about port status self.plugin_rpc.update_device_up(self.context, device, self.agent_id, cfg.CONF.host) else: self.plugin_rpc.update_device_down(self.context, device, self.agent_id, cfg.CONF.host) else: LOG.info(_LI("No device with MAC %s defined on agent."), device) def _update_network_ports(self, network_id, port_id, mac_pci_slot): self._clean_network_ports(mac_pci_slot) self.network_ports[network_id].append({ "port_id": port_id, "device": mac_pci_slot}) def _clean_network_ports(self, mac_pci_slot): for netid, ports_list in six.iteritems(self.network_ports): for port_data in ports_list: if mac_pci_slot == port_data['device']: ports_list.remove(port_data) if ports_list == []: self.network_ports.pop(netid) return port_data['port_id'] def treat_devices_added_updated(self, devices_info): try: macs_list = set([device_info[0] for device_info in devices_info]) devices_details_list = self.plugin_rpc.get_devices_details_list( self.context, macs_list, self.agent_id) except Exception as e: LOG.debug("Unable to get port details for devices " "with MAC addresses %(devices)s: %(e)s", {'devices': macs_list, 'e': e}) # resync is needed return True for device_details in devices_details_list: device = device_details['device'] LOG.debug("Port with MAC address %s is added", device) if 'port_id' in device_details: LOG.info(_LI("Port %(device)s updated. Details: %(details)s"), {'device': device, 'details': device_details}) port_id = device_details['port_id'] profile = device_details['profile'] spoofcheck = device_details.get('port_security_enabled', True) self.treat_device(device, profile.get('pci_slot'), device_details['admin_state_up'], spoofcheck) self._update_network_ports(device_details['network_id'], port_id, (device, profile.get('pci_slot'))) self.ext_manager.handle_port(self.context, device_details) else: LOG.info(_LI("Device with MAC %s not defined on plugin"), device) return False def treat_devices_removed(self, devices): resync = False for device in devices: mac, pci_slot = device LOG.info(_LI("Removing device with MAC address %(mac)s and " "PCI slot %(pci_slot)s"), {'mac': mac, 'pci_slot': pci_slot}) try: port_id = self._clean_network_ports(device) if port_id: port = {'port_id': port_id, 'device': mac, 'profile': {'pci_slot': pci_slot}} self.ext_manager.delete_port(self.context, port) else: LOG.warning(_LW("port_id to device with MAC " "%s not found"), mac) dev_details = self.plugin_rpc.update_device_down(self.context, mac, self.agent_id, cfg.CONF.host) except Exception as e: LOG.debug("Removing port failed for device with MAC address " "%(mac)s and PCI slot %(pci_slot)s due to %(exc)s", {'mac': mac, 'pci_slot': pci_slot, 'exc': e}) resync = True continue if dev_details['exists']: LOG.info(_LI("Port with MAC %(mac)s and PCI slot " "%(pci_slot)s updated."), {'mac': mac, 'pci_slot': pci_slot}) else: LOG.debug("Device with MAC %(mac)s and PCI slot " "%(pci_slot)s not defined on plugin", {'mac': mac, 'pci_slot': pci_slot}) return resync def daemon_loop(self): sync = True devices = set() LOG.info(_LI("SRIOV NIC Agent RPC Daemon Started!")) while True: start = time.time() LOG.debug("Agent rpc_loop - iteration:%d started", self.iter_num) if sync: LOG.info(_LI("Agent out of sync with plugin!")) devices.clear() sync = False device_info = {} # Save updated devices dict to perform rollback in case # resync would be needed, and then clear self.updated_devices. # As the greenthread should not yield between these # two statements, this will should be thread-safe. updated_devices_copy = self.updated_devices self.updated_devices = set() try: self.eswitch_mgr.discover_devices(self.device_mappings, self.exclude_devices) device_info = self.scan_devices(devices, updated_devices_copy) if self._device_info_has_changes(device_info): LOG.debug("Agent loop found changes! %s", device_info) # If treat devices fails - indicates must resync with # plugin sync = self.process_network_devices(device_info) devices = device_info['current'] except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE("Error in agent loop. Devices info: %s"), device_info) sync = True # Restore devices that were removed from this set earlier # without overwriting ones that may have arrived since. self.updated_devices |= updated_devices_copy # sleep till end of polling interval elapsed = (time.time() - start) if (elapsed < self.polling_interval): time.sleep(self.polling_interval - elapsed) else: LOG.debug("Loop iteration exceeded interval " "(%(polling_interval)s vs. %(elapsed)s)!", {'polling_interval': self.polling_interval, 'elapsed': elapsed}) self.iter_num = self.iter_num + 1 class SriovNicAgentConfigParser(object): def __init__(self): self.device_mappings = {} self.exclude_devices = {} def parse(self): """Parses device_mappings and exclude_devices. Parse and validate the consistency in both mappings """ self.device_mappings = helpers.parse_mappings( cfg.CONF.SRIOV_NIC.physical_device_mappings, unique_keys=False) self.exclude_devices = config.parse_exclude_devices( cfg.CONF.SRIOV_NIC.exclude_devices) self._validate() def _validate(self): """Validate configuration. Validate that network_device in excluded_device exists in device mappings """ dev_net_set = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable( six.itervalues(self.device_mappings))) for dev_name in self.exclude_devices.keys(): if dev_name not in dev_net_set: raise ValueError(_("Device name %(dev_name)s is missing from " "physical_device_mappings") % {'dev_name': dev_name}) def main(): common_config.init(sys.argv[1:]) common_config.setup_logging() try: config_parser = SriovNicAgentConfigParser() config_parser.parse() device_mappings = config_parser.device_mappings exclude_devices = config_parser.exclude_devices except ValueError: LOG.exception(_LE("Failed on Agent configuration parse. " "Agent terminated!")) raise SystemExit(1) LOG.info(_LI("Physical Devices mappings: %s"), device_mappings) LOG.info(_LI("Exclude Devices: %s"), exclude_devices) polling_interval = cfg.CONF.AGENT.polling_interval try: agent = SriovNicSwitchAgent(device_mappings, exclude_devices, polling_interval) except exc.SriovNicError: LOG.exception(_LE("Agent Initialization Failed")) raise SystemExit(1) # Start everything. setup_profiler.setup("neutron-sriov-nic-agent", cfg.CONF.host) LOG.info(_LI("Agent initialized successfully, now running... ")) agent.daemon_loop()