# Copyright (c) 2017 Fujitsu Limited # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from neutron.agent.linux import utils as linux_utils from neutron.privileged.agent.linux import netlink_lib as nl_lib from neutron.tests.functional import base as functional_base class NetlinkLibTestCase(functional_base.BaseSudoTestCase): """Functional test for netlink_lib: List, delete, flush conntrack entries. For each function, first we add a specific namespace, then create real conntrack entries. netlink_lib function will do list, delete and flush these entries. This class will test this netlink_lib function work as expected. """ def _create_entries(self, zone): conntrack_cmds = ( ['conntrack', '-I', '-p', 'tcp', '-s', '', '-d', '', '--sport', '1', '--dport', '2', '--state', 'ESTABLISHED', '--timeout', '1234', '-w', zone], ['conntrack', '-I', '-p', 'udp', '-s', '', '-d', '', '--sport', '4', '--dport', '5', '--timeout', '1234', '-w', zone], ['conntrack', '-I', '-p', 'icmp', '-s', '', '-d', '', '--icmp-type', '8', '--icmp-code', '0', '--icmp-id', '3333', '--timeout', '1234', '-w', zone], ) for cmd in conntrack_cmds: try: linux_utils.execute(cmd, run_as_root=True, check_exit_code=True, extra_ok_codes=[1]) except RuntimeError: raise Exception('Error while creating entry') def _delete_entry(self, delete_entries, remain_entries, zone): nl_lib.delete_entries(entries=delete_entries) entries_list = nl_lib.list_entries(zone=zone) self.assertEqual(remain_entries, entries_list) @staticmethod def _find_unused_zone_id(start, end): """Find unused zone ID starting from a specified ID""" while start <= end: cmd = ['conntrack', '-L', '-w', start] try: current_entries = linux_utils.execute(cmd, run_as_root=True, check_exit_code=True, extra_ok_codes=[1]) except RuntimeError: raise Exception('Error while listing entries') if not current_entries: return start start += 1 raise Exception("Can not find usable zone_id") def test_list_entries(self): _zone = self._find_unused_zone_id(10, 30) self._create_entries(zone=_zone) expected = ( (4, 'icmp', 8, 0, '', '', 3333, _zone), (4, 'tcp', 1, 2, '', '', _zone), (4, 'udp', 4, 5, '', '', _zone) ) entries_list = nl_lib.list_entries(zone=_zone) self.assertEqual(expected, entries_list) def test_delete_icmp_entry(self): _zone = self._find_unused_zone_id(31, 50) self._create_entries(zone=_zone) icmp_entry = [(4, 'icmp', 8, 0, '', '', 3333, _zone)] remain_entries = ( (4, 'tcp', 1, 2, '', '', _zone), (4, 'udp', 4, 5, '', '', _zone), ) self._delete_entry(icmp_entry, remain_entries, _zone) def test_delete_tcp_entry(self): _zone = self._find_unused_zone_id(51, 70) self._create_entries(zone=_zone) tcp_entry = [(4, 'tcp', 1, 2, '', '', _zone)] remain_entries = ( (4, 'icmp', 8, 0, '', '', 3333, _zone), (4, 'udp', 4, 5, '', '', _zone) ) self._delete_entry(tcp_entry, remain_entries, _zone) def test_delete_udp_entry(self): _zone = self._find_unused_zone_id(71, 90) self._create_entries(zone=_zone) udp_entry = [(4, 'udp', 4, 5, '', '', _zone)] remain_entries = ( (4, 'icmp', 8, 0, '', '', 3333, _zone), (4, 'tcp', 1, 2, '', '', _zone) ) self._delete_entry(udp_entry, remain_entries, _zone) def test_delete_multiple_entries(self): _zone = self._find_unused_zone_id(91, 110) self._create_entries(zone=_zone) delete_entries = ( (4, 'icmp', 8, 0, '', '', 3333, _zone), (4, 'tcp', 1, 2, '', '', _zone), (4, 'udp', 4, 5, '', '', _zone) ) remain_entries = () self._delete_entry(delete_entries, remain_entries, _zone)