# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import mock from neutron_lib import context from neutron_lib.plugins import directory from neutron.objects import network from neutron.objects import securitygroup from neutron.objects import subnet from neutron.plugins.ml2 import ovo_rpc from neutron.tests.unit.plugins.ml2 import test_plugin class OVOServerRpcInterfaceTestCase(test_plugin.Ml2PluginV2TestCase): def setUp(self): super(OVOServerRpcInterfaceTestCase, self).setUp() self.plugin = directory.get_plugin() self.ctx = context.get_admin_context() self.received = [] receive = lambda s, ctx, obs, evt: self.received.append((obs[0], evt)) mock.patch('neutron.api.rpc.handlers.resources_rpc.' 'ResourcesPushRpcApi.push', new=receive).start() # base case blocks the handler self.ovo_push_interface_p.stop() self.plugin.ovo_notifier = ovo_rpc.OVOServerRpcInterface() def _assert_object_received(self, ovotype, oid=None, event=None): self.plugin.ovo_notifier.wait() for obj, evt in self.received: if isinstance(obj, ovotype): if (obj.id == oid or not oid) and (not event or event == evt): return obj self.fail("Could not find OVO %s with ID %s in %s" % (ovotype, oid, self.received)) def test_network_lifecycle(self): with self.network() as n: self._assert_object_received(network.Network, n['network']['id'], 'updated') self.plugin.delete_network(self.ctx, n['network']['id']) self._assert_object_received(network.Network, n['network']['id'], 'deleted') def test_subnet_lifecycle(self): with self.subnet() as s: self._assert_object_received(subnet.Subnet, s['subnet']['id'], 'updated') self.plugin.delete_subnet(self.ctx, s['subnet']['id']) self._assert_object_received(subnet.Subnet, s['subnet']['id'], 'deleted') def test_securitygroup_and_rule_lifecycle(self): # making a network makes a default security group with self.network() as n: sg = self._assert_object_received(securitygroup.SecurityGroup, event='updated') self.assertEqual(sg.tenant_id, n['network']['tenant_id']) sgr = self.plugin.create_security_group_rule(self.ctx, {'security_group_rule': {'security_group_id': sg.id, 'tenant_id': sg.tenant_id, 'port_range_min': None, 'port_range_max': None, 'remote_ip_prefix': None, 'remote_group_id': None, 'protocol': None, 'direction': None, 'ethertype': 'IPv4'}}) self._assert_object_received( securitygroup.SecurityGroupRule, sgr['id'], 'updated') self.plugin.delete_security_group_rule(self.ctx, sgr['id']) self._assert_object_received( securitygroup.SecurityGroupRule, sgr['id'], 'deleted') self.plugin.delete_security_group(self.ctx, sg.id) self._assert_object_received(securitygroup.SecurityGroup, sg.id, 'deleted') def test_transaction_state_error_doesnt_notify(self): # running in a transaction should cause it to skip notification since # fresh reads aren't possible. with self.ctx.session.begin(): self.plugin.create_security_group( self.ctx, {'security_group': {'tenant_id': 'test', 'description': 'desc', 'name': 'test'}}) self.assertEqual([], self.received)