# Copyright 2011, VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Borrowed from nova code base, more utilities will be added/borrowed as and # when needed. """Utilities and helper functions.""" import functools import importlib import os import os.path import random import re import signal import sys import threading import time import uuid import eventlet from eventlet.green import subprocess import netaddr from neutron_lib.api.definitions import portbindings_extended as pb_ext from neutron_lib import constants as n_const from neutron_lib.utils import helpers from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_db import exception as db_exc from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import excutils import six import neutron from neutron._i18n import _ from neutron.api import api_common from neutron.common import exceptions from neutron.db import api as db_api TIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_THROTTLER_VALUE = 2 _SEPARATOR_REGEX = re.compile(r'[/\\]+') class WaitTimeout(Exception): """Default exception coming from wait_until_true() function.""" class LockWithTimer(object): def __init__(self, threshold): self._threshold = threshold self.timestamp = 0 self._lock = threading.Lock() def acquire(self): return self._lock.acquire(False) def release(self): return self._lock.release() def time_to_wait(self): return self.timestamp - time.time() + self._threshold # REVISIT(jlibosva): Some parts of throttler may be similar to what # neutron.notifiers.batch_notifier.BatchNotifier does. They # could be refactored and unified. def throttler(threshold=DEFAULT_THROTTLER_VALUE): """Throttle number of calls to a function to only once per 'threshold'. """ def decorator(f): lock_with_timer = LockWithTimer(threshold) @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if lock_with_timer.acquire(): try: fname = f.__name__ time_to_wait = lock_with_timer.time_to_wait() if time_to_wait > 0: LOG.debug("Call of function %s scheduled, sleeping " "%.1f seconds", fname, time_to_wait) # Decorated function has been called recently, wait. eventlet.sleep(time_to_wait) lock_with_timer.timestamp = time.time() finally: lock_with_timer.release() LOG.debug("Calling throttled function %s", fname) return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator def _subprocess_setup(): # Python installs a SIGPIPE handler by default. This is usually not what # non-Python subprocesses expect. signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL) def subprocess_popen(args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, shell=False, env=None, preexec_fn=_subprocess_setup, close_fds=True): return subprocess.Popen(args, shell=shell, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, preexec_fn=preexec_fn, close_fds=close_fds, env=env) def get_first_host_ip(net, ip_version): return str(netaddr.IPAddress(net.first + 1, ip_version)) def log_opt_values(log): cfg.CONF.log_opt_values(log, logging.DEBUG) def get_dhcp_agent_device_id(network_id, host): # Split host so as to always use only the hostname and # not the domain name. This will guarantee consistency # whether a local hostname or an fqdn is passed in. local_hostname = host.split('.')[0] host_uuid = uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, str(local_hostname)) return 'dhcp%s-%s' % (host_uuid, network_id) class exception_logger(object): """Wrap a function and log raised exception :param logger: the logger to log the exception default is LOG.exception :returns: origin value if no exception raised; re-raise the exception if any occurred """ def __init__(self, logger=None): self.logger = logger def __call__(self, func): if self.logger is None: LOG = logging.getLogger(func.__module__) self.logger = LOG.exception def call(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): self.logger(e) return call def get_other_dvr_serviced_device_owners(): """Return device_owner names for ports that should be serviced by DVR This doesn't return DEVICE_OWNER_COMPUTE_PREFIX since it is a prefix, not a complete device_owner name, so should be handled separately (see is_dvr_serviced() below) """ return [n_const.DEVICE_OWNER_LOADBALANCER, n_const.DEVICE_OWNER_LOADBALANCERV2, n_const.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP] def get_dvr_allowed_address_pair_device_owners(): """Return device_owner names for allowed_addr_pair ports serviced by DVR This just returns the device owners that are used by the allowed_address_pair ports. Right now only the device_owners shown below are used by the allowed_address_pair ports. Later if other device owners are used for allowed_address_pairs those device_owners should be added to the list below. """ # TODO(Swami): Convert these methods to constants. # Add the constants variable to the neutron-lib return [n_const.DEVICE_OWNER_LOADBALANCER, n_const.DEVICE_OWNER_LOADBALANCERV2] def is_dvr_serviced(device_owner): """Check if the port need to be serviced by DVR Helper function to check the device owners of the ports in the compute and service node to make sure if they are required for DVR or any service directly or indirectly associated with DVR. """ return (device_owner.startswith(n_const.DEVICE_OWNER_COMPUTE_PREFIX) or device_owner in get_other_dvr_serviced_device_owners()) def is_fip_serviced(device_owner): """Check if the port can be assigned a floating IP Helper function to check the device owner of a port can be assigned a floating IP. """ return device_owner != n_const.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP def ip_to_cidr(ip, prefix=None): """Convert an ip with no prefix to cidr notation :param ip: An ipv4 or ipv6 address. Convertable to netaddr.IPNetwork. :param prefix: Optional prefix. If None, the default 32 will be used for ipv4 and 128 for ipv6. """ net = netaddr.IPNetwork(ip) if prefix is not None: # Can't pass ip and prefix separately. Must concatenate strings. net = netaddr.IPNetwork(str(net.ip) + '/' + str(prefix)) return str(net) def cidr_to_ip(ip_cidr): """Strip the cidr notation from an ip cidr or ip :param ip_cidr: An ipv4 or ipv6 address, with or without cidr notation """ net = netaddr.IPNetwork(ip_cidr) return str(net.ip) def fixed_ip_cidrs(fixed_ips): """Create a list of a port's fixed IPs in cidr notation. :param fixed_ips: A neutron port's fixed_ips dictionary """ return [ip_to_cidr(fixed_ip['ip_address'], fixed_ip.get('prefixlen')) for fixed_ip in fixed_ips] def is_cidr_host(cidr): """Determines if the cidr passed in represents a single host network :param cidr: Either an ipv4 or ipv6 cidr. :returns: True if the cidr is /32 for ipv4 or /128 for ipv6. :raises ValueError: raises if cidr does not contain a '/'. This disallows plain IP addresses specifically to avoid ambiguity. """ if '/' not in str(cidr): raise ValueError(_("cidr doesn't contain a '/'")) net = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr) if net.version == 4: return net.prefixlen == n_const.IPv4_BITS return net.prefixlen == n_const.IPv6_BITS def get_ip_version(ip_or_cidr): return netaddr.IPNetwork(ip_or_cidr).version def ip_version_from_int(ip_version_int): if ip_version_int == 4: return n_const.IPv4 if ip_version_int == 6: return n_const.IPv6 raise ValueError(_('Illegal IP version number')) class DelayedStringRenderer(object): """Takes a callable and its args and calls when __str__ is called Useful for when an argument to a logging statement is expensive to create. This will prevent the callable from being called if it's never converted to a string. """ def __init__(self, function, *args, **kwargs): self.function = function self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def __str__(self): return str(self.function(*self.args, **self.kwargs)) def _hex_format(port, mask=0): def hex_str(num): return format(num, '#06x') if mask > 0: return "%s/%s" % (hex_str(port), hex_str(0xffff & ~mask)) return hex_str(port) def _gen_rules_port_min(port_min, top_bit): """ Encode a port range range(port_min, (port_min | (top_bit - 1)) + 1) into a set of bit value/masks. """ # Processing starts with setting up mask and top_bit variables to their # maximum. Top_bit has the form (1000000) with '1' pointing to the register # being processed, while mask has the form (0111111) with '1' showing # possible range to be covered. # With each rule generation cycle, mask and top_bit are bit shifted to the # right. When top_bit reaches 0 it means that last register was processed. # Let port_min be n bits long, top_bit = 1 << k, 0<=k<=n-1. # Each cycle step checks the following conditions: # 1). port & mask == 0 # This means that remaining bits k..1 are equal to '0' and can be # covered by a single port/mask rule. # If condition 1 doesn't fit, then both top_bit and mask are bit # shifted to the right and condition 2 is checked: # 2). port & top_bit == 0 # This means that kth port bit is equal to '0'. By setting it to '1' # and masking other (k-1) bits all ports in range # [P, P + 2^(k-1)-1] are guaranteed to be covered. # Let p_k be equal to port first (n-k) bits with rest set to 0. # Then P = p_k | top_bit. # Correctness proof: # The remaining range to be encoded in a cycle is calculated as follows: # R = [port_min, port_min | mask]. # If condition 1 holds, then a rule that covers R is generated and the job # is done. # If condition 2 holds, then the rule emitted will cover 2^(k-1) values # from the range. Remaining range R will shrink by 2^(k-1). # If condition 2 doesn't hold, then even after top_bit/mask shift in next # iteration the value of R won't change. # Full cycle example for range [40, 64): # port=0101000, top_bit=1000000, k=6 # * step 1, k=6, R=[40, 63] # top_bit=1000000, mask=0111111 -> condition 1 doesn't hold, shifting # mask/top_bit # top_bit=0100000, mask=0011111 -> condition 2 doesn't hold # * step 2, k=5, R=[40, 63] # top_bit=0100000, mask=0011111 -> condition 1 doesn't hold, shifting # mask/top_bit # top_bit=0010000, mask=0001111 -> condition 2 holds -> 011xxxx or # 0x0030/fff0 # * step 3, k=4, R=[40, 47] # top_bit=0010000, mask=0001111 -> condition 1 doesn't hold, shifting # mask/top_bit # top_bit=0001000, mask=0000111 -> condition 2 doesn't hold # * step 4, k=3, R=[40, 47] # top_bit=0001000, mask=0000111 -> condition 1 holds -> 0101xxx or # 0x0028/fff8 # rules=[0x0030/fff0, 0x0028/fff8] rules = [] mask = top_bit - 1 while True: if (port_min & mask) == 0: # greedy matched a streak of '0' in port_min rules.append(_hex_format(port_min, mask)) break top_bit >>= 1 mask >>= 1 if (port_min & top_bit) == 0: # matched next '0' in port_min to substitute for '1' in resulting # rule rules.append(_hex_format(port_min & ~mask | top_bit, mask)) return rules def _gen_rules_port_max(port_max, top_bit): """ Encode a port range range(port_max & ~(top_bit - 1), port_max + 1) into a set of bit value/masks. """ # Processing starts with setting up mask and top_bit variables to their # maximum. Top_bit has the form (1000000) with '1' pointing to the register # being processed, while mask has the form (0111111) with '1' showing # possible range to be covered. # With each rule generation cycle, mask and top_bit are bit shifted to the # right. When top_bit reaches 0 it means that last register was processed. # Let port_max be n bits long, top_bit = 1 << k, 0<=k<=n-1. # Each cycle step checks the following conditions: # 1). port & mask == mask # This means that remaining bits k..1 are equal to '1' and can be # covered by a single port/mask rule. # If condition 1 doesn't fit, then both top_bit and mask are bit # shifted to the right and condition 2 is checked: # 2). port & top_bit == top_bit # This means that kth port bit is equal to '1'. By setting it to '0' # and masking other (k-1) bits all ports in range # [P, P + 2^(k-1)-1] are guaranteed to be covered. # Let p_k be equal to port first (n-k) bits with rest set to 0. # Then P = p_k | ~top_bit. # Correctness proof: # The remaining range to be encoded in a cycle is calculated as follows: # R = [port_max & ~mask, port_max]. # If condition 1 holds, then a rule that covers R is generated and the job # is done. # If condition 2 holds, then the rule emitted will cover 2^(k-1) values # from the range. Remaining range R will shrink by 2^(k-1). # If condition 2 doesn't hold, then even after top_bit/mask shift in next # iteration the value of R won't change. # Full cycle example for range [64, 105]: # port=1101001, top_bit=1000000, k=6 # * step 1, k=6, R=[64, 105] # top_bit=1000000, mask=0111111 -> condition 1 doesn't hold, shifting # mask/top_bit # top_bit=0100000, mask=0011111 -> condition 2 holds -> 10xxxxx or # 0x0040/ffe0 # * step 2, k=5, R=[96, 105] # top_bit=0100000, mask=0011111 -> condition 1 doesn't hold, shifting # mask/top_bit # top_bit=0010000, mask=0001111 -> condition 2 doesn't hold # * step 3, k=4, R=[96, 105] # top_bit=0010000, mask=0001111 -> condition 1 doesn't hold, shifting # mask/top_bit # top_bit=0001000, mask=0000111 -> condition 2 holds -> 1100xxx or # 0x0060/fff8 # * step 4, k=3, R=[104, 105] # top_bit=0001000, mask=0000111 -> condition 1 doesn't hold, shifting # mask/top_bit # top_bit=0000100, mask=0000011 -> condition 2 doesn't hold # * step 5, k=2, R=[104, 105] # top_bit=0000100, mask=0000011 -> condition 1 doesn't hold, shifting # mask/top_bit # top_bit=0000010, mask=0000001 -> condition 2 doesn't hold # * step 6, k=1, R=[104, 105] # top_bit=0000010, mask=0000001 -> condition 1 holds -> 1101001 or # 0x0068 # rules=[0x0040/ffe0, 0x0060/fff8, 0x0068] rules = [] mask = top_bit - 1 while True: if (port_max & mask) == mask: # greedy matched a streak of '1' in port_max rules.append(_hex_format(port_max & ~mask, mask)) break top_bit >>= 1 mask >>= 1 if (port_max & top_bit) == top_bit: # matched next '1' in port_max to substitute for '0' in resulting # rule rules.append(_hex_format(port_max & ~mask & ~top_bit, mask)) return rules def port_rule_masking(port_min, port_max): """Translate a range [port_min, port_max] into a set of bitwise matches. Each match has the form 'port/mask'. The port and mask are 16-bit numbers written in hexadecimal prefixed by 0x. Each 1-bit in mask requires that the corresponding bit in port must match. Each 0-bit in mask causes the corresponding bit to be ignored. """ # Let binary representation of port_min and port_max be n bits long and # have first m bits in common, 0 <= m <= n. # If remaining (n - m) bits of given ports define 2^(n-m) values, then # [port_min, port_max] range is covered by a single rule. # For example: # n = 6 # port_min = 16 (binary 010000) # port_max = 23 (binary 010111) # Ports have m=3 bits in common with the remaining (n-m)=3 bits # covering range [0, 2^3), which equals to a single 010xxx rule. The algo # will return [0x0010/fff8]. # Else [port_min, port_max] range will be split into 2: range [port_min, T) # and [T, port_max]. Let p_m be the common part of port_min and port_max # with other (n-m) bits set to 0. Then T = p_m | 1 << (n-m-1). # For example: # n = 7 # port_min = 40 (binary 0101000) # port_max = 105 (binary 1101001) # Ports have m=0 bits in common, p_m=000000. Then T=1000000 and the # initial range [40, 105] is divided into [40, 64) and [64, 105]. # Each of the ranges will be processed separately, then the generated rules # will be merged. # Check port_max >= port_min. if port_max < port_min: raise ValueError(_("'port_max' is smaller than 'port_min'")) bitdiff = port_min ^ port_max if bitdiff == 0: # port_min == port_max return [_hex_format(port_min)] # for python3.x, bit_length could be used here top_bit = 1 while top_bit <= bitdiff: top_bit <<= 1 if (port_min & (top_bit - 1) == 0 and port_max & (top_bit - 1) == top_bit - 1): # special case, range of 2^k ports is covered return [_hex_format(port_min, top_bit - 1)] top_bit >>= 1 rules = [] rules.extend(_gen_rules_port_min(port_min, top_bit)) rules.extend(_gen_rules_port_max(port_max, top_bit)) return rules def create_object_with_dependency(creator, dep_getter, dep_creator, dep_id_attr, dep_deleter): """Creates an object that binds to a dependency while handling races. creator is a function that expected to take the result of either dep_getter or dep_creator. The result of dep_getter and dep_creator must have an attribute of dep_id_attr be used to determine if the dependency changed during object creation. dep_deleter will be called with a the result of dep_creator if the creator function fails due to a non-dependency reason or the retries are exceeded. dep_getter should return None if the dependency does not exist. dep_creator can raise a DBDuplicateEntry to indicate that a concurrent create of the dependency occurred and the process will restart to get the concurrently created one. This function will return both the created object and the dependency it used/created. This function protects against all of the cases where the dependency can be concurrently removed by catching exceptions and restarting the process of creating the dependency if one no longer exists. It will give up after neutron.db.api.MAX_RETRIES and raise the exception it encounters after that. """ result, dependency, dep_id, made_locally = None, None, None, False for attempts in range(1, db_api.MAX_RETRIES + 1): # we go to max + 1 here so the exception handlers can raise their # errors at the end try: dependency = dep_getter() if not dependency: dependency = dep_creator() made_locally = True dep_id = getattr(dependency, dep_id_attr) except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry: # dependency was concurrently created. with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctx: if attempts < db_api.MAX_RETRIES: # sleep for a random time between 0 and 1 second to # make sure a concurrent worker doesn't retry again # at exactly the same time time.sleep(random.uniform(0, 1)) ctx.reraise = False continue try: result = creator(dependency) break except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctx: # check if dependency we tried to use was removed during # object creation if attempts < db_api.MAX_RETRIES: dependency = dep_getter() if not dependency or dep_id != getattr(dependency, dep_id_attr): ctx.reraise = False continue # we have exceeded retries or have encountered a non-dependency # related failure so we try to clean up the dependency if we # created it before re-raising if made_locally and dependency: try: dep_deleter(dependency) except Exception: LOG.exception("Failed cleaning up dependency %s", dep_id) return result, dependency def transaction_guard(f): """Ensures that the context passed in is not in a transaction. Various Neutron methods modifying resources have assumptions that they will not be called inside of a transaction because they perform operations that expect all data to be committed to the database (e.g. ML2 postcommit calls) and/or they have side effects on external systems. So calling them in a transaction can lead to consistency errors on failures since the side effect will not be reverted on a DB rollback. If you receive this error, you must alter your code to handle the fact that the thing you are calling can have side effects so using transactions to undo on failures is not possible. """ @functools.wraps(f) def inner(self, context, *args, **kwargs): # FIXME(kevinbenton): get rid of all uses of this flag if (context.session.is_active and getattr(context, 'GUARD_TRANSACTION', True)): raise RuntimeError(_("Method %s cannot be called within a " "transaction.") % f) return f(self, context, *args, **kwargs) return inner def wait_until_true(predicate, timeout=60, sleep=1, exception=None): """ Wait until callable predicate is evaluated as True :param predicate: Callable deciding whether waiting should continue. Best practice is to instantiate predicate with functools.partial() :param timeout: Timeout in seconds how long should function wait. :param sleep: Polling interval for results in seconds. :param exception: Exception instance to raise on timeout. If None is passed (default) then WaitTimeout exception is raised. """ try: with eventlet.Timeout(timeout): while not predicate(): eventlet.sleep(sleep) except eventlet.Timeout: if exception is not None: # pylint: disable=raising-bad-type raise exception raise WaitTimeout("Timed out after %d seconds" % timeout) class _AuthenticBase(object): def __init__(self, addr, **kwargs): super(_AuthenticBase, self).__init__(addr, **kwargs) self._initial_value = addr def __str__(self): if isinstance(self._initial_value, six.string_types): return self._initial_value return super(_AuthenticBase, self).__str__() # NOTE(ihrachys): override deepcopy because netaddr.* classes are # slot-based and hence would not copy _initial_value def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return self.__class__(self._initial_value) class AuthenticEUI(_AuthenticBase, netaddr.EUI): ''' This class retains the format of the MAC address string passed during initialization. This is useful when we want to make sure that we retain the format passed by a user through API. ''' class AuthenticIPNetwork(_AuthenticBase, netaddr.IPNetwork): ''' This class retains the format of the IP network string passed during initialization. This is useful when we want to make sure that we retain the format passed by a user through API. ''' class classproperty(object): def __init__(self, f): self.func = f def __get__(self, obj, owner): return self.func(owner) _NO_ARGS_MARKER = object() def attach_exc_details(e, msg, args=_NO_ARGS_MARKER): e._error_context_msg = msg e._error_context_args = args def extract_exc_details(e): for attr in ('_error_context_msg', '_error_context_args'): if not hasattr(e, attr): return u'No details.' details = e._error_context_msg args = e._error_context_args if args is _NO_ARGS_MARKER: return details return details % args def import_modules_recursively(topdir): '''Import and return all modules below the topdir directory.''' topdir = _SEPARATOR_REGEX.sub('/', topdir) modules = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(topdir): for file_ in files: if file_[-3:] != '.py': continue module = file_[:-3] if module == '__init__': continue import_base = _SEPARATOR_REGEX.sub('.', root) # NOTE(ihrachys): in Python3, or when we are not located in the # directory containing neutron code, __file__ is absolute, so we # should truncate it to exclude PYTHONPATH prefix prefixlen = len(os.path.dirname(neutron.__file__)) import_base = 'neutron' + import_base[prefixlen:] module = '.'.join([import_base, module]) if module not in sys.modules: importlib.import_module(module) modules.append(module) return modules def get_rand_name(max_length=None, prefix='test'): """Return a random string. The string will start with 'prefix' and will be exactly 'max_length'. If 'max_length' is None, then exactly 8 random characters, each hexadecimal, will be added. In case len(prefix) <= len(max_length), ValueError will be raised to indicate the problem. """ return get_related_rand_names([prefix], max_length)[0] def get_rand_device_name(prefix='test'): return get_rand_name( max_length=n_const.DEVICE_NAME_MAX_LEN, prefix=prefix) def get_related_rand_names(prefixes, max_length=None): """Returns a list of the prefixes with the same random characters appended :param prefixes: A list of prefix strings :param max_length: The maximum length of each returned string :returns: A list with each prefix appended with the same random characters """ if max_length: length = max_length - max(len(p) for p in prefixes) if length <= 0: raise ValueError( _("'max_length' must be longer than all prefixes")) else: length = 8 rndchrs = helpers.get_random_string(length) return [p + rndchrs for p in prefixes] def get_related_rand_device_names(prefixes): return get_related_rand_names(prefixes, max_length=n_const.DEVICE_NAME_MAX_LEN) def bytes_to_bits(value): return value * 8 def bits_to_kilobits(value, base): # NOTE(slaweq): round up that even 1 bit will give 1 kbit as a result return int((value + (base - 1)) / base) def get_port_binding_by_status_and_host(bindings, status, host='', raise_if_not_found=False, port_id=None): """Returns from an iterable the binding with the specified status and host. The input iterable can contain zero or one binding in status ACTIVE and zero or many bindings in status INACTIVE. As a consequence, to unequivocally retrieve an inactive binding, the caller must specify a non empty value for host. If host is the empty string, the first binding satisfying the specified status will be returned. If no binding is found with the specified status and host, None is returned or PortBindingNotFound is raised if raise_if_not_found is True :param bindings: An iterable containing port bindings :param status: The status of the port binding to return. Possible values are ACTIVE or INACTIVE as defined in :file:`neutron_lib/constants.py`. :param host: str representing the host of the binding to return. :param raise_if_not_found: If a binding is not found and this parameter is True, a PortBindingNotFound exception is raised :param port_id: The id of the binding's port :returns: The searched for port binding or None if it is not found :raises: PortBindingNotFound if the binding is not found and raise_if_not_found is True """ for binding in bindings: if binding[pb_ext.STATUS] == status: if not host or binding[pb_ext.HOST] == host: return binding if raise_if_not_found: raise exceptions.PortBindingNotFound(port_id=port_id, host=host) def disable_extension_by_service_plugin(core_plugin, service_plugin): if ('filter-validation' in core_plugin.supported_extension_aliases and not api_common.is_filter_validation_supported(service_plugin)): core_plugin.supported_extension_aliases.remove('filter-validation') LOG.info('Disable filter validation extension by service plugin ' '%s.', service_plugin.__class__.__name__)